JETS B.E.S.T. Notebook 2002-3
Here's a sampling of our JETS notebook, my pride and joy. It's probably going to be slightly illegible due to image compression, but of course, the real thing is twice this size, with a mighty resolution and perfectly crisp compression.
00 - Cover: This was bound in a severely battered, black, 1", 3-ring binder. Lots of sandpaper, scissor, charcoal, and kicking-down-the-stairs abuse. The image itself was dampened at the edges and gently torn. All to a highly effective result. The spine was bound in equally abused duct-tape, with the words "Hockaday 2002" scrawled in smudging black Marks-A-Lot.
01 - Table of Contents: These are the images that made me want to redesign the JETS website in this fashion. Put it on the mile-long "To-Do" list.
02 -- Project I.D.: Hey, Sagari has two faces! I'm so pleased that I figured out how to get Sabbatier effects out of Photoshop. After looking through the RENT book for inspiration, this was one of the effects I most wanted to emulate.
03 -- Who are We?: Oh look! It's me, working on Notebook graphics that never ended up going in the final version. Say "hi" to Jimmy. I love how 2/3 of those listed as being a part of the club only showed up once, if that.
04 -- Weeks 1-3: The lovely sketch at the bottom is by Mackenzie. Be amused at the TIE-fighter/Hubble wheel orientation design.
05 -- Weeks 4-6: Yay for dramatic photographic angles.
06 -- Wheel Challenge: These "challenge" pages were essentially meant for taking up space. Go me. And that inverted color think at the bottom makes me happy.
07 -- Base and Wheel Design: I'm rather fond of that outlined-and-blown-out-color picture of Marcelina's hands and the base construction. This was the one instance where I was permitted to use vertical red lines, as Loh claimed it looked like blood.
08 -- Bumble Ball Challenge: I love how Mackenzie and the gang managed to invalidate the entirety of the Bumble Ball and Arm section in under two hours. I really wish we hadn't had to turn this notebook in a week before the competition.
09 -- Bumble Ball Design: Ditto. This seemed to be the BEST judge's favourite graphic on her first glance.
10 -- Arm Challenge: We ended up going for the rings, rather than the tennis balls. How convenient. And yay for illegibility!
11 -- First Arm Design: This picture is probably my favourite in the notebook. Day-um, say I.
12 -- Second Arm Design: Featuring the one page in the notebook that doesn't use the "Astonished" font.
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