- Confirmed by JK Rowling
- Very confident in its accuracy
- Moderately confident in its accuracy
- Not very confident
- Confirmed false, but I felt like posting it anyway.
Obliviate - Memory charm
- "Oblivio" is Latin for "forgetfulness". Oblivious can mean "lacking all memory".
Occlumency - the method of blocking Legilimency.
- From Latin occludo (to close off) and mens (the mind).
Oliphant, Gondoline - Famous for studies of life and habits of trolls. Clubbed to death in the Cotswolds while sketching. JKR's "Wizard of the Month" for April 2005. (HPL)
- The Oliphaunt was an enormous, elephantlike creature from Tolkien's Lord of the Rings.
Oliver Wood - See "Wood, Oliver"
Olympe (Madame) Maxime - See "Maxime, Madam Olympe"
Oppugno - causes birds to fly out of Hermione's wand and attack Ron
- Latin for "to fight against, attack, assault".
Ornithomancy - a form of divination taught in 5th year
- The divinatory practice of fortelling the future through the flight paths of birds.
Orchideous - Spell to create a bunch of flowers at the wandtip.
- "Orchid" is the common name for a family comprising one of the largest groups of flowering plants.
Ou est Madame Maxime? Nous l'avons perdue. - overheard at the Quidditch World Cup during the Death Eaters' attack
- Translates from French to mean "Where is Madame Maxime? We've lost her."
O.W.L.s - "Ordinary Wizarding Levels", exam for wizards in their 5th year.
- Equivalent to the British O-levels.
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