Ginny Weasley (Fiction Alley)
Date Completed: August 14, 2001
Media: Photoshop 5.5
Comments: I got to collaborate with Starling again on the front page graphic of Fiction Alley. It featured Draco, Harry, Cho, Justin, and eventually Ginny as well. Because I didn't want to have a huge file on my hands, I present them individually. Sometimes I tease Starling about being allergic to ribcages, and this is one example why. Sometimes the characters can get a bit skinny, to say the least. I still love this picture, though. I adore the bright orange hair! I would have put her in different colored robes, but we had to use either orange or purple for the color scheme. Bah. Still, I think the purple looks good.
Copyright 2000-1 Priscilla Spencer