The Cult of Lincoln

Thursday, May 03, 2001

Booyeah! I must say that we had an absolutely fabulous performance tonight. I can't wait until Friday when I get to be Smitty again. Tonight and Saturday night I get to be a nameless secretary (Though I dubbed myself Derek Wasabi Spockmonkey III). I thought we were all going to die, because some of the cast and crew members managed to say the name of The Scottish Play five times! Since then, I started counting how many minor disasters occurred.
  1. Right before the play started, one of the flats backstage fell on Bern, one of the lead characters (Bud Frump). He was fine, though.
  2. During a scene change, John (Mr. Twimble) and Joe (lots of random roles) ran into each other. John got a bloody nose. It might be broken.
  3. Casey (a secretary) got to talk to herself for a while because Haley (a secretary; my double) forgot to come on stage. For the fifth time in a row. AAARG!
  4. The slide show was hell. I had to redo the slides that morning because they were too dark, but whoever loaded the projector was a moron. None of the slides were in order. I felt so sorry for Joe, who was trying to run the projector.
  5. I forgot that I was supposed to forget my coat. I was ready at the top of the stairs for my cue, but I realized that I was wearing my green coat, which was supposed to be backstage. I had to run all the way around the theatre, throw it downstairs, run back, and return about half a second before I was supposed to go on. I think I hit Nathan with my coat. Of corse, Casey and Rita were panicking, because Haley wasn't there for Casey to talk to, and I wasn't there for Rita to talk to. Right in the.. TA DA! Nick of time.

However, the play had it's high moments. After rehearsing for 3 1/2 months, I forgot that Coffee Break and Paris Original were funny. :) It was so much fun. Also, Christine and Mackenzie were there, so that was nifty. Also, Steven (my kiwi history tutor) and Larissa (his girlfriend) came. Mrs. Marcus actually left early from a luncheon with Laura Bush in the White House to see me perform. Ye-Gods. I had no idea! Also, my voice teacher, Mrs. Glaros; head of the fine arts, Mr. Long; and his fiancee, Ms. Booker; and my Biology teacher, Dr. Fishel; and her son. I first saw Dr. Fishel and her son during Paris Original, right before I said my line. I didn't want to say "dammit" in front of a kid! Oy. Oh well, I suppose that compared to saying my nymphomaniac line in front of my father, that was nothing.

"Cinderella Darling" was fabulous. All the girls agreed that this performance was the best we had ever done this song. I felt such a high when we finished that song! ::squeals:: Usually, I flub up the "don't rewrite your story" line, and the Monday before the performance was the first time I actually nailed the song. At this performance, we went beyond nailing the song. All I can say is "wow". "Been a Long Day" and "Coffee Break" were great, too. ::sigh:: I love musical theatre. I wonder if this entry has any coherence at all.

Priscilla said at 11:50 AM

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Title cartoon by Bruce Eric Kaplan, used without permission.

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