The Cult of Lincoln

Thursday, July 05, 2001

::laughs nonstop for about 15 years:: Somehow, Gavin (one of the H2$ guys) found my website. Don't ask me how. Anyway, he told me that I had a really nifty website (not his exact words, of course) ... Why don't I just post his message?
Haha, hey, it's Gavin.. you know, Tackaberry, from H2S =) A friend of mine found your website on the net and found those pictures from the play.. that's really cool! I didn't know you had your own website and stuff.. it looks like you're doing a great job! I just wanted to see how you were doing, and wanted to extend my compliments on your web work.
So... he actually saw my website? As in "not just the H2$ stuff"? As in "the whole bloody tnm.n empire"? I wonder what stuff he saw. The HP site, possibly? So now he does about my bizarre etymology fixation. Great. Or the Quotes Archive? More likely. I'm sure he would have been amused. My weblog? Crud. I really doubt if he'd get all the inside jokes about me marrying Tanja. And the first post he would have seen would have been that poem about Malfoy! Gah! I think I've learned the lesson Tanja learned a few months ago: never post what you don't want your friends to see. I just hope he didn't read any of my complaints about Haley. I mean, she was a great Smitty! It's all in the ego, eh? We're the centers to our own universe! I'm sure that she thought she was much better than I was. No biggie. ::sigh:: What tangled webs we weave...

Priscilla said at 5:08 PM

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Title cartoon by Bruce Eric Kaplan, used without permission.

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