The Cult of Lincoln

Tuesday, July 31, 2001

The WOFSers are rebelling. Here are a bunch of quotes I've gathered that will hopefully keep them satisfied for the next few minutes. They're mainly quotes I've collected at Cambridge, plus a few random quotes that happened to be in my notebook and sketchbook. Bah.

It's like the ancient Greek gods. They punish us by giving us what we want. It was "I wish she was strangled" and she gets strangled. Of course, we're glad that she gets strangled, because she was a bitch. --Mark Patterson, the Hitchcock teacher, referring to "Strangers on a Train"

If they hadn't had a cup of tea, perhaps Cambridge would be credited for discovering Neptune. --James Lancashire, the astronomy lecturer

It's obviously unfortunate that we don't have three equivalent female stereotypes. --The British history lecturer

You're expected to sit complacently with your head in the sand while politicians make decisions for you. --On "What makes someone an American"

"When you want the true American flavour..." --Cigarette ad in "Buddy Holly"

Grace Kelly in "Rear Window": I want you to tell me everything you saw, and what you think it means.
Mark Patterson: (stopping the film) Alright, I want you to tell me everything you saw, and what you think it means.

Sometimes, mothers have good intentions but not much sense. --my mom

Kellie: I don't know if I'd want to use handmade cosmetics.
Random Man walking by: YOU need a telescope!

Everybody's got something to hide except for me and my monkey. --A lyric on the "White Album" by the Beatles

It had lots of great action. Lots of people blew up. I was happy. --My sister

You've never lived until you've had a nutella crepe. --My sister

Is that Harry Potter turning into a woman? --Waiter at Chili's, regarding my picture of Trelawney

Swift: My name is Swift.
Me: Why thank you!
Swift: No, I meant "What is your name?"
Me: My name is "why thank you"
Swift: So what's up, Why Thank You? --from the Chili's conversation

I've got blisters on my feet, yes! --Lyric from the White Album; now a thought bubble on a rather frightening picture of Gilderoy Lockhart in my sketchbook

Today is my 2/3 birthday. I need a life. --Random scribbling in my sketchbook

Priscilla said at 6:55 AM

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All content © 2000-2005 Priscilla Spencer unless otherwise noted.
Title cartoon by Bruce Eric Kaplan, used without permission.

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