The Cult of Lincoln

Tuesday, August 21, 2001

Idea stolen from Rebecca's blog, which in turn was stolen from Lisa. For shame.

One of these statements is a lie! Take your best shot!
1. I have read "The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy" in its entirety four times.
2. I have a small duck pencil topper on my stereo antenna. His name waffles between Ducky Bob and Maurice.
3. I'm attempting to overcome my mortal fear of parrots
4. I can't stand pulpy orange juice
5. I once had to get minor plastic surgery when I tripped and gashed my bottom lip open on the edge of a glass table. I was 4 years old.
6. My name is Priscilla
7. When my hair started going dark, I tried using an incredibly low-concentrated peroxide solution on my hair to get it blonde again. This was partly because I wanted to look more like Rachel from Animorphs than any of my friends did. Of course, it didn't work.
8. I completely made up the story about having really long hair. It's actually just beyond shoulder length.
9. I stole part of the "How to Succeed" set during the strike. It's a big "World Wide Wickets" sign that is now hanging on my wall, balanced on the wall beside it and a convenient nail.
10. I originally planned to do a JETS comic strip, then scrapped the idea when I realized that I couldn't draw.

Now go vote!

Priscilla said at 8:17 AM

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All content © 2000-2005 Priscilla Spencer unless otherwise noted.
Title cartoon by Bruce Eric Kaplan, used without permission.

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