The Cult of Lincoln

Thursday, February 07, 2002

Renata asked about the plot of "The Pajama Game". I sumarize...

New boy comes to town and lies his way into a job as superintendent of a pajama factory. Pajama Factory Workers want a raise. Boy turns out to be a jerk. Boy meets Girl. Girl's friends sing about Boy's hotness. Boy hits on Girl. Girl turns Boy away. Boy and Girl go to company picnic. Boy and Girl randomly kiss. Boy and Girl suddenly in love for no particular reason. Boy and Girl go home together and look at Girl's Dad's stamp collection. Pajama Factory Workers become restless. Pajama Factory Workers start a "slow down" strike. Girl deliberately destroys company property. Boy fires Girl. End of Act I.

Union President, Random Employee, and Girl's Faithful Sidekicks meet at Girl's House. Girl's Faithful Sidekick smitten with lecherous Union President. Union President smitten with everyone except Girl's Faithful Sidekick. Meeting breaks up. After all go home, Boy comes to Girl's house. Girl still mad at Boy, as Boy is a complete git. Meanwhile, in Pajama Factory, Pajama Factory Workers deliberately sew on buttons poorly, resulting in tons of orders being cancelled. Boy determined to help Worker Union get their raise in order to get back in Girl's Pants. Boy talks to Boss' Secretary to get financial records. Boss' Secretary refuses to give Boy financial records. Boy takes Boss' Secretary out to a nightclub to get drunk so that Boy can steal Boss' Secretary's key. Boy's plan succeeds. Unfortunately, Boss' Secretary's Boyfriend sees Boy and Boss' Secretary together. Boss' Secretary's Boyfriend drunkenly chases Boy with knife. Boy talks with Boss about potential raise. Boy discovers that raise has already been figured into the budget, meaning that Factory has been making lots of money illegally. Meanwhile, Union has a rally. Boy arrives at rally. Boy saves the day. Pajama Factory Workers get their raise. Everyone happy, even though Girl is still fired and Boy will most likely be sacked for spying on Factory ledger. The End. Reasons for calling musical "The Pajama Game" left unresolved.

Priscilla said at 4:11 PM

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All content © 2000-2005 Priscilla Spencer unless otherwise noted.
Title cartoon by Bruce Eric Kaplan, used without permission.

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