The Cult of Lincoln

Wednesday, October 23, 2002

The Day's Non-Sequitors:

Well, my "to do" list is slowly being accomplished, with the exception of website updation. I did the JETS t-shirt designs yesterday between school and Dido and Aeneas rehearsals (2 hours), which really wasn't enough time, but they look cool enough anyway, so I'm not letting it bother me. I'll post the graphics later in my LJ.

Also found my "Yellow Submarine" CD this morning! Happiness!

DSL still down, which means I'm stuck using HAL until we figure out why *my* computer isn't working, but the rest of the computers in the hous *are*. ::pats Jimmy despondently:: HAL's keyboard is ultra-evil, and I have to absolutely hammer down on the keys if I want any output. Blegh. Any resultant typoes are therefore not my fault.

I took my breastplate to school yesterday to see if Mrs. McCullough would let me work on it in class (no, as expected), and I found that it has the potential to be an excellent snack bowl. Grungification of the JETS notebook has given me ideas for how to grunge up the breastplate, as well. Of course, then I remembered that because Angua's is... er... "custom made", it probably wouldn't be as worn and beaten up as, say, Nobby's. Drat.

Priscilla said at 7:04 AM

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All content © 2000-2005 Priscilla Spencer unless otherwise noted.
Title cartoon by Bruce Eric Kaplan, used without permission.

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