The Cult of Lincoln

Wednesday, February 05, 2003

Good gravy on a stick, I'm exhausted. Not only is school tiring in itself (with a hefty dose of senioritis in the mix), but from school (4:00), I immediately go to Jesuit for MoLM rehearsals, then at 5:30, leave early in order to make the call at Hockaday. RW&S generally ends at 10, whereupon we're given nearly an hour's worth of Notes. Then I can go home and start my homework. Arg. I'll be so happy when RW&S is over! Fortunately, tonight it's raining, and the low is 19, so Mr. Blaydes let us go without reading notes tonight. Hurrah, home early!

Meanwhile, MoLM rehearsals are beyond fun. Today, we choreographed (among other things) "It's All the Same", where I get to dance on a table and belt angrily at a bunch of raucous Muleteers. As this is our first time through the scenes, for the music, Mrs. Felice is just playing a recording for the songs. No one expected me to sing along. I've had the song memorized for months, but this was the first time I'd really sung it outside my car. To my surprise, I sang quite a bit better than I imagined I would. As I belted the last note, the cast gave me an ovation. XD Gravy, I love Jesuit theatre.

I'd write more, as I can think of plenty of things to write about, but I think I'll wash off my makeup and go to sleep. That sounds good. ::falls asleep at the keyboard::

Let's pray for a snow day, ne?

Priscilla said at 10:51 PM

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All content © 2000-2005 Priscilla Spencer unless otherwise noted.
Title cartoon by Bruce Eric Kaplan, used without permission.

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