The Cult of Lincoln

Saturday, February 18, 2006

Blogger ate this entry, so I'm reposting:

A hilarious comparison of the romantic exploits of Veronica Mars and Buffy Summers.

Unrelated, but HAHAHAHA, Riley's Mary Sue of a wife is going to be a Bond Girl! There's something so deliciously *right* about that.

And speaking of Joss things, I have a severe case of Region 4 envy. All those delicious 2-disk Serenity extras, available in Central America, the Caribbean, Mexico, Oceania, South America, but not available to me. When are we going to get the shiny Browncoat edition we all yearn for? One where the split-second "Mal touches one of Wash's dinosaurs when he asks 'So, you gonna ride shotgun with me, help me fly?'" clip is reinstated?

And in the "laughed 'til I cried" category, If Joss Wrote For Peanuts.

Meanwhile, Barbara Fusar Poli and Maurizio Margaglio. Were their costumes designed by a blind woman that HATED them?

Priscilla said at 7:19 PM

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Title cartoon by Bruce Eric Kaplan, used without permission.

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