The Cult of Lincoln

Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Haha, so awesome! From engadget: Volvo S80 detects intruders' heartbeats.
Perhaps the nicest thing about living in a city with great public transportation is that we've almost forgotten the gripping panic that used to overcome us each time we went out to the car alone at night, terrified that the proverbial "man-with-the-hook" was secreted away in the backseat somewhere. Well it seems that the engineers at Volvo also know our fear, and have incorporated a heartbeat sensor inside the new S80 sedan that alerts your wireless key fob if there's a criminal-type lying in wait for you as you approach. Although this tech would do a bit to alleviate our irrational fear, the logical side of us realizes that if a ne'er-do-well could crack the rest of Volvo's tight security features to break into our ride unnoticed, he could probably disable this heartbeat sensor as well. Like we said, it's probably best that we stick to public transportation.
So who would be affected by such a device?

On the plus side, Veronica Mars gets to avoid being threatened by a psychopathic murderer, deliberately crashing her car, and being trapped inside a burning refridgerator.

On the negative side, Marty McFly has to find an alternative way of stealing back Biff's sports almanac.

Verdict: WIN!

Priscilla said at 10:13 AM

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Title cartoon by Bruce Eric Kaplan, used without permission.

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