The Cult of Lincoln

Tuesday, April 11, 2006


Your film "Zeyen and Nazia" has been chosen as an Official Screening Selection of the 2006 Greater Philadelphia Student Film Festival and is in competition for the BEST UNDERGRADUATE FILM prize.

This should come as a great honor as this year we received 65 films totaling in 9 hours of footage from 5 different schools.

The screening and announcement of winners will occur on April 13th at Cine at Penn at 7PM. Cine at Penn is the former CineMagic theater and is located at 3925 Walnut Street in Philadelphia (just off Penn's Campus).

Also, there will be an after party located nearby (exact location to be determined) which you will also be invited to attend.

Congratulations again and we hope to see you in attendance at our event.

Brian Walsh and Sara Axelrod
Co-Founders and Directors
Greater Philadelphia Student Film Festival
We didn't win at the Ivy Film Festival, but that was to be expected. We did win 3rd place at the Upenn College House Festival, but that hardly sounds prestigious. :D

At the screening, I'll talk to Josh and see if we can't arrange some kind of online version, so that you guys can see it, should you so desire.

Priscilla said at 12:24 AM

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All content © 2000-2005 Priscilla Spencer unless otherwise noted.
Title cartoon by Bruce Eric Kaplan, used without permission.

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