The Cult of Lincoln

Saturday, April 22, 2006

Truly, no good deed goes unpunished! On my way back from Bryn Mawr (Marcelina = SO MUCH COOLER THAN EVERYONE ALIVE AND/OR DEAD), I spent 20 minutes helping a blind man exit the subway station, go into a bar so he could use the restroom, and then get on the #40 bus. Now I reek of cigarette smoke from waiting for him in the bar, and when I was flagging down the bus so it wouldn't leave without the guy, I forgot that my copy of Proven Guilty was sandwiched between my arm and my purse, and it fell into an inch-deep puddle of water. Booooooooo, causality! Proof karma is a pack of lies.

Now I'm going to watch Giles be all fangy and grrr. Gotta love Doctor Who.

Priscilla said at 10:06 PM

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Title cartoon by Bruce Eric Kaplan, used without permission.

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