The Cult of Lincoln

Thursday, November 09, 2006

Latin-savvy folks: I'm working on a short film pitch for my Siggraph group, and I'm looking for pretentious-sounding term for "the study of rock, paper, and scissors." The best I could come up with is the Dog-Latinate "petriforficmembranology" or "petriscissicmembranology." Can anyone suggest a term that might be a little more obvious-sounding? Is there a better word than "membrana" for paper/parchment? I want this film to be smart, but not necessarily that smart. :D

Priscilla said at 3:48 PM

What about something related to its other name, roshambo (or sometimes, roshambot)? Actually, on their website they list several alternative names, including "ching chong chow".
Parchment may be okay - might make it just obvious enough. Have you seen "Look Around You"? I've been watching them on YouTube, for a project, and they're hilarious. Might get some further inspiration there.
Try the World Rock-Paper-Scissors Society homepage ?
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Title cartoon by Bruce Eric Kaplan, used without permission.

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