The Cult of Lincoln

Saturday, November 18, 2006

Veronica Mars has been picked up for a total of 20 episodes. The prospect of a fourth season is still up in the air.

Stranger than Fiction, Starring Harry Potter. Ganked from Peg. HILARIOUS!

Deliciously high-res OotP trailer screencaps. And seeing those exploding proclamations... After the movie comes out, the first person to make a Fred and George/V for Vendetta fanvid will win the internet. Or "Another Brick in the Wall." I'm not choosy.

And finally, a cam version of the OotP teaser!

For those that didn't feel like sitting through the full 30-minute John Hodgman and Jonathan Coulton, I've uploaded Benjamin Franklin's Six Oaths of the Virtuous Child

Bill Maher: A Farewell to Douchebags

A brilliant student film: Unicorn vs. Narwhal

Freaking sweet: Office Building Tetris

Priscilla said at 11:59 AM

Office building Tetris is THE BEST THING EVER.
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All content © 2000-2005 Priscilla Spencer unless otherwise noted.
Title cartoon by Bruce Eric Kaplan, used without permission.

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