The Cult of Lincoln

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Aaaand I'm now writing my Psych paper on Buffy. I believe this nicely rounds out my Fandom in Academia series:

Freshman Year:
  • Visual Communications -- Lord of the Rings. Comparative visual analysis of equivalent scenes in two film versions of "Return of the King."
  • Digital Design Foundations -- Sandman. Reinterpretation of The Endless in my "Sandman Series." In this class, I also did designs inspired by Monty Python's Ministry of Silly Walks and Ender's Game.
Sophomore Year:
  • Copyright and Culture -- Harry Potter. Discussion of legal implications for different types of fan art (focusing on the Harry Potter fandom)
  • 3D Computer Modeling -- The Nightmare Before Christmas and Star Wars. I modeled an environment from TNMBC and an Imperial walker from Star Wars. Also a creature based on the Jabberwock, but I'm not exactly in the Lewis Carroll fandom.
  • Networked Life -- Buffy, sort of. We were supposed to create a network of absolutely anything, so created a network of Buffy guest actors, linked based on if they'd appeared in an episode together. I ended up discussing the arc structure of Buffy a bit in my analysis of the shape of the graph, but it wasn't really about Buffy itself.
Junior Year:
  • Film History -- Star Wars. The impact of the original Star Wars trilogy on the special effects industry.
  • Virtual World Design -- Neil Gaiman and Dave McKean. Created a video game set in an environment based on an image from The Wolves in the Walls.
Senior Year:
  • Feminist Fairy Tales -- Terry Pratchett. Theories of Revision in Tepper’s Beauty and Pratchett’s Witches Abroad. (We read the book in class, mind you!)
  • Film Analysis and Methods -- Firefly/Serenity. Comparison of themes of "otherness" in Serenity and The Searchers
  • Science and Literature -- Doctor Who. Senior Year, Empathy with aliens in War of the Worlds, Ender's Game, and DW 1x06 "Dalek."
  • And now: Psychology of Judgments and Decisions -- Buffy the Vampire Slayer. The indirectness bias in "The Gift" and other episodes.
Why yes, I am awesome. I accept your love and I return it.

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Priscilla said at 12:06 PM

You are AWESOME for doing fandom stuff in your college studies. :D I wish I could, but I'm doing my Associates in Criminal Justice right now ;_; Maybe when I do my Bachelor's in Pre-Law?

Mmm... Buffy, Star Wars, Doctor Who (Only just getting into that one...)... Firefly! No Dresden, though, I notice >.> I'd love to do a report on that.

...I'm rambling. Have fun with your Psych paper! :D
You are totally, absolutely, unequivocably, and thoroughly awesome! But even if you weren't, I would still love you very, very much.
Oh man, you make me seriously consider my lifeplan to be a teacher of philosophy through comic books.
i dunno. i'm kinda disturbed that you got away with all of that in college...whilst i was reading about "wheels in the head" and consciousness-raising.
I believe this deserves a standing ovation. Twice.
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Title cartoon by Bruce Eric Kaplan, used without permission.

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