The Cult of Lincoln

Monday, February 18, 2008

Woohoo, Dresden Files Ficathon! Doo eeeeet.

And AAAAAAAARGH. I just ripped my SECOND pair of jeans in TEN DAYS. Sure, these were very old jeans, but they were my favourites. Also, poor timing, universe! If this had to happen, why couldn't it have happened yesterday? I could have gone shopping today and taken advantage of all those lovely Presidents' Day sales.


Oh Firefly marathon, will you make it better? Of course you will! You're a Firefly marathon! You make everything better!

Maybe my ripped jeans are a sign from God that I should dress up as Delirium for Comic Con.

(This moodswing is brought to you by the chromosomes XX and the color Red.)

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Priscilla said at 7:08 PM

Can you have a tailor sew on a cute patch? Do you know where there is a fabric store? Sorry...
Can you have a tailor sew on a cute patch? Do you know where there is a fabric store? Sorry...
hee. that's not really fair to X chromosome is it? that's all you have!
you should *totally* go as delirum!
Hm... I think maybe your LJ RSS feed is being weird? Because... I have not seen a post from your blog on my f-list in a few days and yet... here are posts that have happened since I last saw one!
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Title cartoon by Bruce Eric Kaplan, used without permission.

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