Wednesday, October 08, 2008
I need to get back to actual blogging. Twitter has made me complacent! Unfortunately, this is not an actual blog entry, but instead a 1AM conversation over IM. I went to sleep soon afterward, no doubt to face wacky, delightful dreams.
Gypsy: *leeeeeeeeeans* Priscellie: *snugs* Gypsy: Middleman/Pushing Daisies fic - does it exist? And if not, WHY NOT? Priscellie: OH MY GOD WHERE IS IT Gypsy: THESE ARE MY TWO GUARANTEED HAPPY SHOWS. THEY MUST BAND TOGETHER TO FORM A CONGLOMERATE OF AWESOME. Priscellie: Okay, I just conceived of Emerson/Ida grumpyawesomeness. By rule 34, it must exist. Therefore, Middleman/Pushing Daisies fic must exist! Gypsy: ... OMG YES. Gypsy: UNIVERSE. IF YOU LOVE ME EVEN THE SLIGHTEST BIT YOU WILL HAVE SOMEONE WRITE THIS. Priscellie: OMG OMG OMG Priscellie: Emerson can knit her a Baby Heydar cozy. Gypsy: X3 Gypsy: Chuck and Lacey would bond... Olive and Wendy could swap stories about their bosses... Priscellie: The Middleman could take Aunts Lily and Vivian to see old-timey movies. Somehow, they would end up in a 3D feature, and Lily would have a red-glass monocle and a blue-colored eyepatch. Gypsy: Brilliant! Gypsy: DUDE, they both take place in unspecified vaguely fantastical locations. Gypsy: (Unless they don't. Did they ever say where The Middleman took place?) Priscellie: other than an illegal sublet, shared by two photogenic young artists? Not that I recall. Gypsy: hee Priscellie: and Ned's power... totally crossoverable. Gypsy: Soooooo totally. Priscellie: We are lunatics. But only the best kind. Gypsy: You know you love me. Priscellie: *hugs your brain* Priscellie: I love mah Becky! Labels: fandom crack, middleman, pushing daisies Priscilla said at 12:55 AM Comments: Post a Comment Title cartoon by Bruce Eric Kaplan, used without permission. |