The Cult of Lincoln

Sunday, February 28, 2010

  • 00:07:08: RT @travelingheidi: Three airplanes named Harry, Ron, and Hermione are off to Haiti b/c of @TheHPalliance and $123,754 donated: http://b ...
  • 00:09:25: RT @WhiteCollarUSA: Jeff says there is a chance that Neal and June could sing together in Season Two. // I love this show!
  • 00:57:55: RT @adambarken: This needs be to be RT'd. A LOT.
  • 00:58:46: RT @ebertchicago: Free-Movie-Friday at Indie Movies Online. Legal.
  • 01:07:01: RT @bryansafi: NEW That's Gay! On Johnny Weir!
  • 01:19:11: RT @nprnews: Commentary: Behind The Spangles, @JohnnyGWeir Is A Man In Full
  • 01:31:25: RT @wilw: io9 has one of those "I wish I'd written it" posts about why we hate the whole Midichlorian thing so much:
  • 01:32:56: @ravenofoctober "Quick, while Cedric is playing opossum! GRAB A STAKE!"
  • 02:00:09: RT @ChayaChilde: Your child will never be this cool. // Fair warning to potential husbands: Yes, mine will.
  • 10:49:57: @SheckyX What tweet is that in response to? You need to learn proper use of the "Reply" button, so the tweet is linked. :D
  • 10:58:12: Dreamed that I had lunch at a Comic Con with Jim Butcher (@longshotauthor) and Javier Grillo-Marxuach (@OKBJGM). Fangirl nirvana!
  • 12:08:24: @SheckyX Ahhhhh! It all makes sense now. Criticism withdrawn.
  • 12:13:24: @longshotauthor Speaking of adorable kids, did you see Pat Rothfuss' n00blet chilling with the book 2 manuscript?
  • 12:33:19: TextEdit autocorrects "favourite" to "favorite." Bloody Colonials.
  • 12:34:13: I guess it's a sign I should wean myself off "favourite," as it and "grey" are the only British spellings I use.
  • 12:34:42: Still, you can have my "grey" when you pry it from my cold, dead, grey fingers.
  • 12:36:48: @NeilMSchwartz I most certainly did not, American swine!
  • 13:25:37: @boymonster Please tell me you made those up. XD
  • 13:27:54: @boymonster I dig portmanteau names. My villain is Lord Snugglebiscuit Sugarpants Hopewaffles of the Dread Empire Singandplay.
  • 13:28:10: @boymonster His consort is Lady Muffin Candysauce Hopewaffles of Clan Hugnsmile, cementing the indomitable Singandplay/Hugnsmile alliance.
  • 13:43:07: @fredhicks Maybe your GM will allow you to add Middle of the Night Baby Skills to your list of Stunts on the next refresh.
  • 13:59:14: My god. Just learned about the Chilean earthquake. 2010, you're fired.
  • 13:59:51: RT @sarahreesbrenna: Great post up @booksmugglers about whitewashing covers :
  • 14:11:13: Woah! That girl must've been BOOKING it! My dry cleaning was delivered in under SIX MINUTES. I love these people.
  • 14:18:13: @SheckyX The pink one, certainly. Though I can't help but wonder how long his wife's labor was compared to the time it took to print that.
  • 14:23:25: RT @beatonna: haha yesss dance moves RT @puffinparty: olympic magic causes fans to spontaneously break out into dance? i am jealous. htt ...
  • 14:31:23: @OKBJGM Welcome. :D The internet digs your new icon!
  • 15:52:16: RT @fredhicks: And if you want to read the whole @dresdenfiles #RPG Q&A series, you can find it here:
  • 16:28:54: @jimmyaquino Welcome back!
  • 16:29:52: @leverus So... is Harriet Klausner a servant-construct of the Beast?
  • 16:32:20: @lisawalkscom Sweet! Think you can get a book signed as well for the PTB's Geek Lit subset?
  • 16:35:18: @spodalicious Please do! I've never read his stuff, but his work sounds hilarious! Definitely going to have to check him out.
  • 16:38:41: Time to shower and dress and acknowledge there is life outside my apartment! Lazy Saturdays are magnificent, but I start feeling useless. :D
  • 17:35:07: @lisawalkscom That's so COOL! Yay for PTB!
  • 17:40:55: @fredhicks "This porridge is too hot!This porridge is too cold!" "I'll show you how to warm it to the perfect temperature." "I don't wanna!"
  • 18:34:54: Heh. Jim alternately refers to Thomas' eyes as grey, blue, and blue-grey, plus bonus silver-white they he gets vampity. Color-changing eyes!
  • 18:35:07: Further proof Twilight vampires are an embarrassing by-blow of the White Court no one likes talking about. Now where are the crossovers?
  • 18:56:25: Yay, made an appointment to get my neck taken care of (*ominous pause*) tomorrow afternoon. Ah, what relief awaits me!
  • 19:05:38: @SheckyX It's been stiff and sore, and I've had a few headaches, which are super-rare for me. Gotta get back into alignment!
  • 19:09:47: RT @fourteenacross: I just got a e-mail reminder that Tyrannosaurus Sex is reairing tomorrow and it thought I'd be interes ...
  • 19:10:01: @fourteenacross *TiVOS*
  • 19:11:34: @beckyh2112 I don't know who that is, but yes.
  • 19:29:32: The fabulous @TomAndLorenzo rip the figure skating costumes! Part 1: The Men --
  • 20:02:13: RT @JHOCHE: RT @GeekTyrant "Watch the First 103-year-old ALICE IN WONDERLAND Movie"
  • 20:30:05: @beachkid Yes, yes, and YES.
  • 20:37:04: Okay, I've dawdled enough. Beta time! *flexes fingers and gets to work*
  • 21:02:54: @Dark_Puck Oh, they love our Johnny Weir! They hold him up as a model of what figure skaters SHOULD wear!
  • 21:03:10: @Dark_Puck Granted, they refer to his first costume as "FrankenBarbie on Ice," though that just convinces me Molly is a fan, too. :D
  • 21:12:56: @utilitygeek Maybe you've been eating too much spice.
  • 22:39:11: WHERE HAS THIS SONG BEEN ALL MY LIFE? Thank you, Ko, for Veggie Tales' "Barbara Manatee"!
  • 22:43:13: "I must go off into the world and do noble deeds for the good of all, and you can't come because you don't speak French!"
  • 23:18:23: @SheckyX A friend in high school played the hairbrush song for us at every opportunity. Whenever I've misplaced mine, I sing it in my head.
  • 23:26:16: @SheckyX Okay, the Cheeseburger song may be my favourite of the ones I watched tonight!

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