The Cult of Lincoln

Monday, March 01, 2010

  • 00:04:21: @mental_floss Don't forget "an murder of crows"!
  • 00:04:51: RT @txvoodoo: List of the missing in Chile - RT plz RT @cerati: LISTA DE DESAPARECIDOS! FAVOR DIFUNDIR
  • 13:46:34: RT @ksmccarthy24: FG folks who are not @priscellie, check the boards, please. @priscellie, <3.
  • 13:47:18: @OKBJGM Congratulations! Don't spend all that time in one place!
  • 13:48:27: @Uilos *hugs*
  • 13:51:53: RT @whedonesque: [ Post ] Netflix subscribers can now watch Dr. Horrible instantly.
  • 20:47:07: @mightykatemusic I'm thrilled at how prolific you've been lately! I can't wait to hear these new songs.
  • 21:45:03: Eee! I'm in the process of cleaning the floor of my closet and installing a shoe rack, and I found my cute little brown thrift store dress!
  • 21:45:30: I got it when my road trip buddies and I made a surprise detour to Vegas, and my uncle got us tickets to Cirque du Soleil.
  • 21:46:15: The functional camping clothing we wore to explore the National Parks of the Southwest wasn't going to cut it for a night on the town!
  • 21:47:04: Tried it on, and it's even cuter now! WIN! Clearly, the karma gods love tidiness.
  • 21:47:44: OOH! I can pair it with my kickass comic book Wendy Watson boots! Winter needs to END so I can wear this outside!
  • 22:22:07: RT @BillCorbett: [knocks on Canada's door] Hey... look, great game. Sorry for the trash talk. Um. Say, can I borrow a cup of health care?
  • 22:22:35: @fourteenacross I squeaked. I think that makes me a dork.
  • 22:27:42: @beckyh2112 *makes note to read this book so I can ship them in my head*
  • 23:46:19: - Cleaning pt 1: If you gaze long into the abyss, the abyss will gaze into you.
  • 23:47:23: - Cleaning pt 2: who knew I owned this many shoes?!?
  • 23:48:09: - Cleaning pt 3: Mission Accomplished!

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Priscilla said at 2:07 AM

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Title cartoon by Bruce Eric Kaplan, used without permission.

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