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Friday, August 31, 2001
![]() I reorganized the "Other Bloggy Goodness" thing on the menu bar. Much cleaner. Yay!
Priscilla said at 7:41 PM ![]() Kell is the devil. She somehow psychically stole my Roy Lichenstien-ripoff idea for a website. Bah. ::kicks Bad Candy; injures foot::
Priscilla said at 7:29 PM ![]() I'm getting a new scanner for use in photography and such! JOY! ::does a groovy dance:: We go to the computer store this afternoon.
Priscilla said at 2:05 PM ![]() Inside my locker: Sailor Soyuz; Cram School for the Emperor; all my 1/2 birthday gifts; Kell's Harry-vs-the-Dragon; art by Tealin, Starling, LMRourke, and Laura Freeman. And some random other stuff. I love my locker!
Priscilla said at 2:01 PM ![]() I am happppeeeeeeeeeeee! I got my schedule (say: shed-yewl) adjusted! Now I'm no longer in EvelMath, which is geared to second graders, and I've been moved to Applied Calculus, with the froodiest teacher in the universe: Mr. Dubsky! Yayayayay! ::does a groovy dance:: I think I might end up with a free period, too. ::squeals::
Priscilla said at 1:44 PM ![]() Vote in the New Poll! Come on, you know you want to.
Priscilla said at 1:41 PM ![]() My math teacher's granddaughter's name is Gracyn. I just thought I'd share that.
Priscilla said at 9:46 AM ![]() WOFS3 is so amusing. Kell edited the censorship options, so whenever anyone types "God" it comes out "Percy". That never fails to amuse me.
Priscilla said at 7:52 AM ![]() That MSNBC article *really* annoyed me. Has slash suddenly become interchangable with porn? How irritating. Looking through the stories on ff.n, it occurs to me that there are more NC-17 het fics than you could shake a stick at, but does MSNBC care? Obviously not. They blatantly attack Rhysenn and IP, citing information from her website and one of the sexier scenes from her story. While some may find her fics offensive (I personally can't go within 5 miles of some of her stories), it's clear that there are plenty of people that like to read them. She and Cassie have a rather significant fan base on eGroups.
Also, why are they automatically assuming that slash = porn? I recently read the third fic in A'jes' Blue's "Catharsis" trilogy, and it was very tastefully done. More tasteful than you find in the average non-slash novel you find in your local library. (And to think that the "Clan of the Cave Bear" series was on my 7th grade reading list!) It really irritates me when companies make uninformed, sweeping decisions like this. Bah. I hope they print a retraction, but I highly doubt they would. Priscilla said at 7:09 AM
Thursday, August 30, 2001
![]() ::squeals:: Positively Percy is back! And it's LUVVERLY!
Priscilla said at 11:33 PM ![]() This silly HP doujinshi had my laughing hysterically. Go read.
Priscilla said at 10:49 PM ![]() Chris Rankin is not a gallery elf. The link has been fixed.
Priscilla said at 10:38 PM ![]() The Chris Rankin website has arrived.
Priscilla said at 8:11 PM
Wednesday, August 29, 2001
![]() My bestest friend Chungy is sitting beside me in the computer lab, ranting about how she had to read 27 pages for AP U.S. History last night. HA, HA! ::laughs at Chungy:: Poor girl. I'm trying to convince her to start a weblog. I think she's going to start one. Everyone, tell Chungy (through the comments on my log) how much you'd like to see a Chungylog. Yay.
Priscilla said at 12:09 PM ![]() Hurrah! English class is going to be so nifty! I got Mr. Dumaine, who is the ultimate nifty English teacher. All my Upper School English teachers have been groovy. Of course, Math couldn't be worse. I have Mr. Weinstein, who is amazingly cool (he also teaches C++), but the class is so easy it's painful. Some of the seniors in my class were struggling with information I had mastered in 7th grade. My hand was in the air almost constantly; volunteering for answers. 30 minutes into the class, Mr. Weinstein refused to call on me. I felt like Hermione, only less annoying. Bah. Why on Earth didn't I take Honors Pre-Cal? ::flails::
I hope this is only a rumor, but Sarah Stuart told me that Photography class is going to be hell this year. She spoke of a 10-page research paper on a photographer of our choice. WHAT THE?!? I don't write 10-page papers for academic classes, much less Fine Arts! I'm considering switching to the digital imaging course. You never know, I might be able to get some CG time in. ::frowls:: I wonder how tiresome it would be to tote my Wacom tablet to and from school. Priscilla said at 12:00 PM
Tuesday, August 28, 2001
![]() I know how Sannali feels! I had to spend just under 500 bucks for textbooks this year. Percy, when are they going to come up with textbooks on CD-ROM or summat? Laptops for everybody! It would save a fruitload of trees, ink, and printing costs. And no papercuts, too. And cheap.
Priscilla said at 9:26 PM ![]() Today's Rumination:
I'd love to see a Quake spinoff called "Quack". It could have huge, murderous, mutated duck-beasts wreaking havoc on modern society. I'd buy it. Priscilla said at 2:14 PM ![]() I was let out late from my P.E. class. Score! Now I'm in the computer lab, hanging out while waiting for my C++ class to start. Joy!
Priscilla said at 2:03 PM ![]() Yay! Tanja started a Sketchblog, too! Yayfun! It's a sketchblog revolution!
Priscilla said at 1:56 PM
Monday, August 27, 2001
![]() What happened to my comment count? ::pouts at Reblogger::
Priscilla said at 11:34 PM ![]() Boys are kinko finko.
(this message has been brought to you by the lovely people of WOFS. Have a nice day.) Priscilla said at 11:03 PM ![]() I'm sure it wasn't intended to be funny, but I find Flatland absolutely hilarious. I guess I just have a really twisted sense of humor.
Priscilla said at 10:16 PM ![]() ::gasp:: Rebecca got a sketchblog! And she's using Blogger instead of LiveJournal! How quaint! ::giggles:: I must update the "If you didn't like this blog..." sidebar thing.
Priscilla said at 9:14 PM ![]() Blogger isn't posting. Yarwood.org is down. God help me, I may actually have to do some schoolwork tonight! ::gasp::
Priscilla said at 9:06 PM ![]() Someone commented that they wanted to see Jeff Hordley as Sirius. I posted it quite a while ago in my blog. Here we are:
![]() Of course, this is taking into account complete skeletal reconstruction and the loss of quite a great deal of weight. Bah. And if you liked my other digital makeovers, here's Hugh Grant as Lockhart. This still gives me nightmares. ![]() And because Alicy is groovy, here's Ronan with grey eyes: ![]() Priscilla said at 8:39 PM ![]() Priscilla said at 7:26 PM ![]() Woah! When did Nasubionna's HP Tribute Page get its huge update? Gah, I've got to check there more often. I love Laura's art! She definitely ranks among my favourites. ::continues looking through all the gorgeous pictures::
Priscilla said at 5:07 PM
Sunday, August 26, 2001
![]() I saw Moulin Rouge again with my mom and sister. I love that movie! ::sighs happily::
Priscilla said at 11:39 PM ![]() Why is my blog not working? ::kicks Blogger::
Priscilla said at 4:24 PM ![]() Did you guys know about what happened to Aaliyah? I found out this morning on WOFS. She died in a plane crash! Why do I get the urge to start singing "American Pie"?
Priscilla said at 4:21 PM ![]() Bah humbug. Friendly rival Rudolph Hein has published a book on HP Name Etymology. Let's hope it doesn't get to the states, ne? And let's hope he doesn't get ambitious and attempt an English version! That way, I might have a chance! I wonder when the publishers are going to return my letter. It's been nearly 6 weeks...
Priscilla said at 1:11 PM ![]() ::giggles:: Wow, I never knew this could be considered news!
Top 50 Books Inspired by Harry - 8.20.2001I wonder if that's the reason I've been getting so many hits from iHarryPotter.net recently... Priscilla said at 12:02 PM
Saturday, August 25, 2001
![]() Take the Disney survey!
Fav Disney Movie: Close call between Emperor's New Groove and Mulan Least Fav Movie: Snow White and the 7 Dwarves. Or maybe The Pagemaster. Fav Heroine: Mulan. She rocks. Least Fav Heroine: Cinderella, Snow White, and Wendy. They're so useless. Fav Hero: Kuzko, from ENG. He's just so delightfully pompous and egotistical. He reminds me of me. If you don't consider Kuzko a hero, then I pick Milo Thatch (Atlantis) because he reminds me of Percy. Least Fav Hero: Snow White's prince, for the same reason Kell stated: "He had a hard job, let me tell you." (Other) Fav Character: Mushu, from Mulan, or Abu, from Aladdin. (Other) Least Fav Character: pass. I guess Cogsworth (B&tB) if you make me choose. Oh! No! The gargoyles from "Hunchback". Those were irritating. Fav Villain: Gaton, from Beauty and the Beast. He's so amusing. Least Fav Villain: The evil stepmother/stepsisters from Cinderella. They ruined my childhood, because I thought I was named after an evil stepsister. Later, I found out her name was Drusilla, but still, it was soul-scarring. Other villains I disliked were Scar (Lion King) and the guy from Hunchback. Fav Song: I rather liked "It's Great to be a God" on principle from "El Dorado", but I also love the music from "The Lion King". Least Fav Song: "Kiss the Girl" from The Little Mermaid. Fav Animal Character: Mushu (Mulan) with Abu (Aladdin) as a close second. Least Fav Animal Characters: Footstool, from Beauty and the Beast. He was annoying. First Disney Movie You Saw: Cinderella, I believe. I can't remember. Last Disney Movie You Saw: In the theatre, Atlantis. At home, Mulan. Priscilla said at 4:46 PM ![]() This is so amusing. Renata sent it to me. Solve the puzzles by saying them out loud, over and over, faster and faster, repeating the phrase, until you "hear" the answer. It's fun!
Example: LAWN SAND JEALOUS (place) Answer: Los Angeles 1. SHOCK CUSSED TOE (person) 2. SAND TACKLE LAWS (fictional character) 3. MY GULCH HOARD UN (person) 4. MOW BEAD HICK (a book) 5. TALL MISCHIEF HER SUN (person) 6. CHICK HE TUB AN AN US (product) 7. THOUGH TIGHT AN HICK (thing) 8. AISLE OH VIEW (phrase) 9. TUB RAID HEAP HUNCH (old TV show) 10. CARESS TROUGHER CLUMP US (person) 11. DOCKED HEARSE WHOSE (person) 12. THUMB ILL KEY WAKE OWL LICKS HE (place) 13. AGE ANT HUB BLOWS HEAVEN (fictional character) 14. THESE HOUND DOVE MOO SICK (movie) 15. BUCK SPUN HE (fictional character) If you're as cool as I am, you may get them all. If you're not as cool, post the numbers of the ones you don't get in the "Comment" thing and I'll give you the answers. Priscilla said at 11:52 AM ![]() My pirate name: Mad Grace Kidd
Every pirate is a little bit crazy. You, though, are more than just a little bit. Even though you're not always the traditional swaggering gallant, your steadiness and planning make you a fine, reliable pirate. Arr! Priscilla said at 10:36 AM ![]() Woah! Sluggy Freelance turns 4 today! ::grooves around to Secret Cranky Office Temp song in celebration::
Priscilla said at 10:19 AM ![]() I had such an odd dream last night. I dreamed that Mrs. Felice just randomly called me one day and told me that we were indeed doing "Mort" and that I had gotten the role of Princess Keli. Of course, I was incredibly confused, because I hadn't auditioned yet. I met five other students (2 girls, 3 boys), all of whom I had never seen before in my life. These were the other actors for the play. One of the girls explained to me that they had unknowingly auditioned when Mrs. Felice asked them to read out loud passages from "The Dictionary of Amorphous Solids". Then I woke up.
Priscilla said at 9:58 AM ![]() Vote in the new poll. You know you want to.
Priscilla said at 1:00 AM ![]() My masterpiece:
![]() Priscilla said at 12:24 AM
Friday, August 24, 2001
![]() The Daily Sketch was finally updated again. Quite frightening, as well.
Priscilla said at 10:20 PM ![]() Ouchies. I went to the dermatologist today and got one of those wonky skin layer peel things, and now it hurts when I stretch my face a great deal. This annoys me, because I can't properly sing along with "Roxanne" on my Moulin Rouge CD. Curses! Foiled again.
Priscilla said at 9:37 PM ![]() Do my eyed decieve me? They most certainly do not! Draco Veritas chapter 1 has been posted! ::scurries off to read::
Priscilla said at 7:29 PM ![]() Ugh, how many times can I stick my foot in my mouth at once? A few days ago, I posted an entry supporting Kell upon the creation of the Hogsmeade Adoption Center, which allows you to adopt Harry Potter sprites, similar to Kell's sprite adoption centre on Astronomy Domine. It turns out that the HAC is run by Taylor. Ye gods, how stupid can I get? ::kicks self::
Priscilla said at 7:06 PM ![]() NO WAY! ::flails:: My Moulin Rouge CD got scratched somehow! Now there's a really evil skip in the middle of Complainte de la Butte, which was one of my favourite songs. ::simmers in her irritation:: Thank god for Kazaa. I'm sure someone will have it available. I've got to burn my "Meilleure du Moulin" CD sometime soon. How about tonight? Sounds great, self.
Priscilla said at 6:58 PM ![]() Elfwood updated my gallery. The new Malfoy picture is there. Yay!
Priscilla said at 6:56 PM ![]() Today I met with Mr. Dubsky, the Math chair at my school, to try to switch from regular Pre-Cal to Honors Pre-Cal. I think it went really well. Unfortunately, my schedule wouldn't allow me to switch, but instead Mr. Dubsky is going to give me a math independent study! Yay! Mr. Dubsky is so cool; I wish I had him in 9th grade for AAA Geometry. ::does a groovy dance:: Also, when I was cleaning out one of my desk drawers, I found my Mucha note card thingies. I'd been looking for those since Spring Break! All in all, a good day.
Priscilla said at 6:53 PM ![]() I'm working on a new blog layout. So far, it looks fabulous. And I haven't decided that I hate it yet, which is always a good sign.
Priscilla said at 6:49 PM ![]() My mom and I decided to be impulsive last night. She came into my room with a newspaper, saying "You wanted to see Jurassic Park 3, right?" I nodded affirmatively. "Well there's a showing at the Cinemark in five minutes. Shall we?" she asked. I grinned. Fifteen minutes later, we were in our seats, waiting for the silly previews to be over. We got there just in time! All in all, it was a highly amusing film. The CG was excellent and the plot was amusing. I particularly loved Alan's comment at the end of the movie: "God bless you, Ellie". My alterego especially enjoyed it. Now I've just got to go back and watch the other two!
Priscilla said at 11:41 AM ![]() Oy. I've got some fires to put out. Yesterday, I posted that terrible rant about how fed up I was with Fiction Alley without considering the repercussions. I said things I shouldn't have said and called them names behind their back. Stupid decision. It turns out Phil reads my blog. Now I feel awful, because it turns out that the graphics Taylor made were only temporary placeholders. No one was trying to usurp my position; Phil just needed graphics with the correct size/shape/composition/etc. to put in place when finalizing the AA layout. Ugh, I feel like such a heel. Even worse, I attacked Taylor when she hadn't done anything wrong! She obviously put an enormous amount of work into those graphics, just so she could help Phil in my absence. Ugh, I should never post anything in my weblog before I know the whole story. I should have emailed the other FAMods from the start, calmly stating my stance on the matter, to give them a chance to explain the full story. So if any of you guys are reading this, please consider this a full apology for my actions yesterday. Chalk it up to my crazy teenage judgement.
Priscilla said at 11:02 AM
Thursday, August 23, 2001
![]() Woo! I forgot! Yesterday, I wore my Percy Is God and Boba Fett shirt to registration and everyone loved it! Just about everyone I saw came up to me at one point and asked (1) That shirt is so cool! (2) I want one! How did you get it? or (3) What the hell does that mean? I was amused. Expect a lot of business in the future, Tanja. And I think there's a big market for a shirt that says "Hoopy Frood" on it.
Also yesterday, some of the Jets (Nancy, me, Mackenzie, and Chungy) got together to see a movie. It was quite an adventure! Here's the story: After picking up our schedules and school books, we sat around, waiting for Nancy to pick us up. When we saw her, it completely blew my mind. She had spent the last 9 weeks at fat camp (bah), but she lost over 30 pounds. However, she looked fantastic. She's so thin! Yowza. Anyway, we had to stop by Jesuit first so that I could lend my copy of Mort (in play version) to Mrs. Felice for consideration for the Spring play. Chungy came with me. Because we didn't have much time, we ran through the school, catching the attention of dozens of Jesuit guys sitting pointlessly in the hallway. One pack of them whistled. Chungy and I were amused. We left the book outside her office, then ran back. The same group of guys said "Hey, you want to come back here?" in a rather pathetic voice, making Chungy and I laugh hysterically. We were still giggling when we piled back into the Nancymobile. Next, we went to Fun Fest for Lazertag. Of course, it never occured to us that we would be the only ones there. We ended up in a game of 2-on-2 (me and Chungy vs. Nancy and Mackenzie), which was highly amusing, as we spent the game chasing each other in the same order. I chased Nancy, who chased Chungy, who chased Mackenzie. In the first part of the game, my gun wasn't working so I had to go back into the equiptment room and switch vests. The sad thing was, at the end of the game, when we retrieved our scores, Chungy had hit Mackenzie so many times that Mackenzie's score was worse than the score of my original vest. I had just been hit; I hadn't hit anyone. And Mack's score was lower. Poor girl! ::hugs Mack:: Anyway, Chungy creamed us all, which stands to reason as she was the only one who had never played Lazertag before. Beginner's luck. Anyway, after that, it was off to the movies! The movie of choice was Rush Hour 2. On the way over, we stopped for slushies at 7-11 (Chungy insisted on taking pictures wherever we went), then waited in the video arcade at the theatre until the movie started. There were only three other people in the entire theatre, and we were in one of the huge screening rooms. Score! Anyway, Chungy and I spent a great deal of time debating over who was cooler: Jackie Chan or Chris Tucker. I was firmly in favor of Jackie Chan. Oh well. The movie was hilarious (I reccomend whole-heartedly), so you should definitely go see it. My favourite moment was probably when Li and the girl kissed. This is because anything remotely romantic sends Chungy into spaz mode. She was cowering in her seat, covering her face with her hands. "Nothing wrong with kissing", Nancy said. I expressed my agreement and kissed the top of her head, which sent her to further degrees of spazzing. We all laughed and mocked her a great deal. I can't wait until I show her my RENT boot! And so that's my story. Rather ineloquent, but it will do. What's yours? Priscilla said at 9:15 PM ![]() Ooh! Blogger turned two! How cute! ::schnoogles Blogger:: Also, Sannali started her blog today! How cute that Blogger and Tuppence have the same birthday. ::canned audience "Awww"::
Priscilla said at 4:15 PM ![]() Nancy leaves for college tomorrow. Chad, too. I need a hug.
Priscilla said at 2:15 PM ![]() I think I'm going to give up attempting to work on graphics for Fiction Alley and Artistic Alley. I'm so fed up with the organization! I spent ages working on graphics for Phil, only to have Taylor waltz in out of the blue and take over my job. Now Artistic Alley is going to have her work, even though the job was officially supposed to be mine. I had talked on-list with Heidi and Phil, and they all agreed that the graphics for the Artistic Alley pages would be under my charge. Then, I leave from my computer for most of the day, and when I come back, Taylor's graphics are there instead of mine. If Taylor had been working on the graphics as well, why didn't she tell me? It would have saved a whole lot of work for all concerned. What confuses me even more is Phil's manner of dealing with the situation. Phil knew how much effort I was putting into the graphics. He knew that I was waiting for him to finish the new layout for Artistic Alley so that I could know the dimensions and stuff for my new images. He knew I was waiting for the other Fiction Alley mods to vote on their favourite version of my graphic before I posted anything final. Was Phil communicating off-list with Taylor? Why wouldn't he have contacted me and told me that Taylor was going to make the images and I didn't need to bother? There are a lot of other things I could be doing with my time, I hope they realize. I was trying to HELP. The jerks.
What's even worse is that I don't feel like I have the right to complain, as Taylor's graphic looks much better than mine. Of course, I was under the impression that I had to use the same format as the graphics Flourish made for the four Fiction Alley houses, so I didn't allow myself to get creative. My complaint is that I don't think Taylor should have the ability to go over my head like that. Aarg. It's agonizing! So I'm not going to be their doormat anymore. I'm not volunteering for anything until Artistic Alley is up and running, when I get to work as an Art Chaser for Artistic Alley. No one will be able to step on me from there. Now, I'm off to work on stuff that's worth my time, such as planning out new formats for WIAN and tnm.n and Jets or studying SAT stuff or CGing or reading or cleaning my room. I have enough on my plate already without the Fiction Alley nazis treating me like scum. Priscilla said at 2:04 PM
Wednesday, August 22, 2001
![]() tsk, tsk, tsk. I would have thought you guys would have known be better by now! Here's the results of the Lie Detector game!
::trumpet fanfare:: Number 8. Cookie points to the two people that figured it out! Such silliness. Now it's time for expanantions! 1. The first time I read it was in 7th grade, I believe. Then I read it again over the summer, again the summer after that, and again, slowly, over my 10th grade year. Huzzah! 2. ::holds up Maurice to the computer:: See him? Ain't he cute! ::hugs Maurice:: He was named after my counsellor at Sail Caribbean, who named his belly "Maurice". Then "Ducky Bob" is the name of a party rental place in Dallas. 3. When I was I, I was bitten on the thumb by my friend Brittany's pet parrot, Sinbad. Since then, I've hated and feared all birds that size. 4. Ugh! Pulpy orange juice is the bane of my existance! Must be "no pulp". 5. Yes, this happened. Everyone thought I would have a scar, but it healed perfectly. Yay! 6. Not too much to this question. That's my real name. Anyone that sent me mail at Cambridge knows this. 7. ::laughs:: Yes, this happened as well. ::snickers:: It was my mom's idea. I didn't want my blonde hair to go! Fortunately, really, it didn't work. 8. Ah, the one lie. Do you really think I would be this supportive of the LHFCXDE club and so mocking of the groupies if I really had short hair? Certainly not! It's just about waist length at the moment and it's probably getting longer. 9. I'll take a picture of it, if you like. It's really a quite amusing addition to my room. Actually, I think I might have mentioned this theft in my blog... ::looks:: Okay, I didn't. Bah. Oh well. 10. If there's one think I can't do, it's draw real people. And draw things small. Two strikes against the comic! Then, of course, I probably wouldn't be able to come up with enough funny ideas to keep it going all year. Three strikes. Bah. Well, I hope you've been enlightened, or summat like that. Yeah... Priscilla said at 8:30 AM ![]() ::snickers:: It's so amusing to see what people believe is true and what people believe is false. I giggle whenever I look at the poll results. I'll post the answer tomorrow! Mark your calendars! ::snickets::
Priscilla said at 12:35 AM ![]() ::nibbles at Cassie's "Draco Veritas" cookies:: Yummy!
I really need to start reading more fanfic. I'm just too lazy. Bah. Priscilla said at 12:31 AM ![]() Pain... yesterday, when I went to the dermatologist, my mom brought up the matter of my wart. It's just a teensy little thing on my index finger, you'd never see it if I didn't specifically point it out to you. I've had it for years, and it hasn't bothered me a bit. Well, Dr. Cather told me that she could either freeze it off or burn it off with acid. Erm.... no thanks. Of course, she maintained that the acid didn't hurt a bit and she used it on kids all the time. Even though I didn't want to get it removed, my mom insisted on the acid. That day. This assistant nurse lady who had been hovering in the background globbed this massive amount of goop on my finger, which looked like it should have hurt like heck, even though I couldn't feel anything. Unfortunately, I started feeling it later that evening. Not like a severed limb; more like a serious papercut. And it kept hurting. While I was trying to type, no less. Of course, I assumed it would be fine by the morning. Dr. Cather had said that it should look just like a small blister by the morning, then be gone in about a day and a half. Because of the evil myopic nurse lady, this has not been the case for me. My index finger now has this huge, nasty, 1-cm diameter thing. I don't even want to go into detail on how gross it looks. I'm going to ask Dr. Cather about it when I see her again tomorrow. ::mutters about her evil mother scheduling facials and other similar forms of torture when she isn't even broken out::
Of course, Dr. Cather isn't all that bad. She's really friendly and fairly young. And anyone that perscribes anything manufactured by Sirius Laboratories is okay in my book! Priscilla said at 12:12 AM
Tuesday, August 21, 2001
![]() Red Windmill? That's what it means? What kind of a name is Red Windmill! --Chad, after I told him what "Moulin Rouge" meant
Priscilla said at 8:51 PM ![]() No, this is just plain Mulan. You have to wait until Mao Zedhong gains power for it to become 'Mulan' Rouge. --me, explaining my choice in movie rentals to my sister
Priscilla said at 8:50 PM ![]() ::flails:: Don't tell me Elfwood is down AGAIN?!? Gah! ::is sad::
In the meantime, go tell Kell that her sprites are cooler than this person's. Muah. Priscilla said at 4:50 PM ![]() Ann is back! ::dances::
Priscilla said at 10:14 AM ![]() I'm about to be really depressed. Look at what the Official Site has to say about Ron. "His likes are Chess, sweets and the Chutney Chasers Quidditch team." Ye gods...
Priscilla said at 8:40 AM ![]() Idea stolen from Rebecca's blog, which in turn was stolen from Lisa. For shame.
One of these statements is a lie! Take your best shot! 1. I have read "The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy" in its entirety four times. 2. I have a small duck pencil topper on my stereo antenna. His name waffles between Ducky Bob and Maurice. 3. I'm attempting to overcome my mortal fear of parrots 4. I can't stand pulpy orange juice 5. I once had to get minor plastic surgery when I tripped and gashed my bottom lip open on the edge of a glass table. I was 4 years old. 6. My name is Priscilla 7. When my hair started going dark, I tried using an incredibly low-concentrated peroxide solution on my hair to get it blonde again. This was partly because I wanted to look more like Rachel from Animorphs than any of my friends did. Of course, it didn't work. 8. I completely made up the story about having really long hair. It's actually just beyond shoulder length. 9. I stole part of the "How to Succeed" set during the strike. It's a big "World Wide Wickets" sign that is now hanging on my wall, balanced on the wall beside it and a convenient nail. 10. I originally planned to do a JETS comic strip, then scrapped the idea when I realized that I couldn't draw. Now go vote! Priscilla said at 8:17 AM ![]() ::is torn between being really ticked off and really, really amused::
Someone on Ebony Keep thought my picture of Malfoy was a girl. ::snickets:: I shall grant forgiveness, though, because (s)he gave me helpful insight into more stuff that's wrong with the picture. Yay! Priscilla said at 12:47 AM
Monday, August 20, 2001
![]() Why this rash of really, really long posts on WOFS recently? No idea.
Priscilla said at 11:45 PM ![]() Posting art on the Ebony Keep boards is so depressing! So far, about 50 people have viewed my CG, yet only one person has commented. ::frowls::
Priscilla said at 11:35 PM ![]() Elfwood is back! YAAY! Everyone go worship Linda Bergkvist!
Priscilla said at 3:11 PM ![]() ::dances:: HEIDI LIKES ME! ::actually leaps about her room in joy::
"10 points to whatever house priscilla is in -for cleverness & being a talented know-it-all (in a VERY good way)" Does this mean people will stop ignoring my graphic contributions? We shall wait and see! Priscilla said at 8:10 AM ![]() One of the interesting initiatives we've taken in Washington, D.C., is we've got these vampire-busting devices. A vampire is a -- a cell deal you can plug in the wall to charge your cell phone." -- George W. Bush, Denver, Aug. 14, 2001
Priscilla said at 12:10 AM ![]() My daddy fixed my necklace! ::jumps for joy::
Priscilla said at 12:08 AM
Sunday, August 19, 2001
![]() ::hugs herself and rereads all the comments on WOFS 50 billion times::
::feels the EllieLove:: ::prances:: Priscilla said at 11:07 PM ![]() I talked to Nancy today! All was joyful! She told me that the latest Star Wars: NJO book was out ("Rebirth", I believe). Must find bookstore.
Priscilla said at 10:42 PM ![]() Responses to various comments:
Cairnsy - I'd love to show you guys, but because we may end up using a similar layout, it's top secret and all. ::frowls:: Kell - has anyone talked to you? Email Monica and tell her to add you to the Chasers list. All concerned - Artistic Alley opens September 1st, barring any total catastrophes. Priscilla said at 10:22 PM ![]() Spontaneous flail session! ::flail flail flail::
Priscilla said at 9:18 PM ![]() This sucks. As I complained earlier, Flourish has usurped my position on the FictionAlley.org layout, rendering hours of my time meaningless. I tried to offer my version of the front page graphic to the other Mods, but everyone is ignoring me! Am I invisible? Ye-gods. To make matters worse, Flourish is nowhere to be found. Why can't the group just go on with my layout? It was finished! We wouldn't have to wait for her to get back to her computer and throw something else together. I have all the high-res files on my hard drive, too! The picture of the mascots would look more crisp coming from my computer. Bah. My layout looked really awesome, too. ::goes off to sulk::
Priscilla said at 9:14 PM ![]() Schnoogle is down. FF.n is down. Elfwood is down. How the flaming orange weasel am I supposed to entertain myself!?!
Priscilla said at 9:04 PM ![]() Joy! New art! (copied from a post on WOFS)
Since discovering a fantastic Elfwood artist whose skills in CG make me want to die, I've been on a photorealism kick. Here's the first fruit of my labor. Of course, keep in mind that this is still very much a work in progress. Soon he's getting shoulders and more hair. Yay. THE PICTURE (of doom) My favourite aspects: The eye and the ear (the ear alone took roughly an hour and a half) Least favourite aspects: The mouth Joy! Crits/Comments welcome. In fact, if you don't post either a crit or a comment, I will assume you don't love me, climb to the top of my sister's tallest platform shoes, and throw myself to my death. Muah. Priscilla said at 8:52 PM ![]() ::panics:: Please say it's only my computer being evil! Where the fruitmonkey is Elfwood? ::crouches in a corner and hums quietly::
Priscilla said at 10:19 AM
Saturday, August 18, 2001
![]() Holy cow. I was looking through a family history book my parents helped me put together when I was in 5th grade. It turns out that I'm related to Winston Churchill! Score!
Priscilla said at 10:46 AM ![]() Yay, the Daily Sketch is daily again!
Priscilla said at 10:13 AM ![]() The other poll was annoying. Bob won. Thanks to Kell for inspiring the new one! Don't worry, I'm not changing Cult of Lincoln's name. I was just bored.
Priscilla said at 10:11 AM
Friday, August 17, 2001
![]() Star Wars: Attack of the Rejects
by Nick Nadel, Neil Pasricha and Alexander Zalben "I'm going to call it 'Attack Of The Clones,'" George Lucas announced casually, while pouring hot oil from a giant vat onto the throngs of fans who had surrounded his castle. Yes, Star Wars fans are mightily upset by the title for "Episode II," though they should take some consolation in these other titles which were dutifully considered and rejected by Lord Lucas himself. Episode II: Attack of the Scones Episode II: Attack of the Drones Episode II: Attack of Sam Malone Episode II: Attack of the Clones? (A Mystery) Episode II: Attacked? By a Clone? No Thanks! (A Sitcom) Episode II: Bigger and Sexier Episode II: Send in the Clones Episode II: Anakin, You So Crazy! Episode II: Attack of the Star Wars Holiday Special Episode II: Attack of the Hack Humor Pieces Priscilla said at 9:57 PM ![]() Daily Sketch. Yep.
Priscilla said at 9:45 PM ![]() Thanks to Meril and Britney, who told me about how to download Silkscreen. Well, it turns out that Silkscreen was the font that I made from scratch. I assumed that Silkscreen was the nifty scripted font. It turns out that was Apple Chancery. ::wrinkles nose:: Oh well. At least I know for the future.
Priscilla said at 8:52 PM ![]() WIAN was updated. 6 new fanarts. Of course, if you've been attentive here, you should have seen them all. Oh well. ::shrugs::
Priscilla said at 4:40 PM ![]() I bet you didn't see this coming. Brown University's All-Pirate A Cappella Group. Arrr.
Priscilla said at 2:33 PM ![]() Sluggy's back! ::dances:: And Kell's daily sketch is so cute that I could die on the spot! ::glomps Percy and Kyte::
Priscilla said at 1:16 PM ![]() And we're back to lows again. I've been working quite a long time the past two days on the main page layout for FictionAlley.org, as Heidi told me to put the final together. Then of course, Flourish (who was originally supposed to be in charge) bursts in and assumes all responsibility again. All my work has been in vain. I've spent ages searching font websites for PC-friendly versions of Silkscreen and Apple Chancery, the Mac-only fonts Flourish used in the original design. When my search is fruitless, I searched the net for a font converter that could make Mac fonts into PC fonts. The cheapest one was about $30. Forget it. So, I eventually found a font that vuagely resembled Silkscreen, which I used, then I reconstructed Apple Chancery pixel by pixel from scratch. God help me. Then I spent most of this morning on the new design (which looks great), only to have the entire thing taken away from me. Sometimes I really hate being a part of group projects. I'm honored to be on the staff of Fiction Alley and Artistic Alley, but I feel almost like a pawn. Arg. I wonder if Flourish has Photoshop. I could send her what I've done so far. ::frowls and stalks off::
Priscilla said at 11:44 AM ![]() ::breathes sigh of relief:: Just after I finish moving Cult of Lincoln onto Blogspot for the time being tnm.n comes back up. Yarg.
Priscilla said at 10:05 AM ![]() ::flails:: Is anyone else getting a 502 for my website? Gah, today must be "highs and lows" day. What the heck happened to the your-site servers? ::curses the .5% downtime of the 99.5% uptime guarantee::
Priscilla said at 9:59 AM ![]() Joy! Kell says that she's finished my Percy bookmark! ::squeals:: I can't wait until it arrives! ::does a joyous dance::
Priscilla said at 9:56 AM ![]() I am so ticked off at my mom at this point. I think the irony gods must be laughing their heads off. As you may remember from a previous blog entry, our house had developed a leak. As luck would have it, it's in my room. Well, it started raining at about 4 in the morning, so naturally my mom wakes *me* up to tell her where the leak is. I explain in an incredibly clear manner: "look for where there's a huge ugly white gash in the ceiling and splitting wood. You can't miss it." Of course, this was more than I had gotten, because I was the one who found the leak in the first place. This means I had to crouch around in our hazardous, creepy attic, where one wrong step will leave you quite suddenly in the room below. Not to mention, all I had at the time was a flashlight, and I had to actually *find* the stupid thing. Since then, we've replaced the light bulb so that people can actually see. Anyway, back to the story. I woke up around 9:15 to the sound of dripping water. Hell. I look blearily over to the area of my room where the leak lets out and see to my horror that I had left one of my drawers in my closet open. Well, guess where the leak was? Spilling water directly onto my clothes. Even more luckily, I had left the previous days' clothes on the top of the drawer, as the jeans weren't dirty and the shirt had special washing instructions. Well, my beloved Percy shirt has had its first wash. I can only hope it can be rescued. My favourite jeans are pretty much fine, I believe, and they stopped most of the water from getting through to my other clothes, so they should be okay.
So why am I mad at my mom? Well, after dealing with my clothes and putting my trash can in the proper place to catch the remaining leaks, I went up to the attic to find out why on earth water was still coming through if my mom had stopped the leak. I envisioned an overflowing bowl. I never would have imagined that she would put the bucket about a foot away from where it was supposed to be! I rectified the problem, then went back to my room to care to my poor Percy shirt. It didn't really smell funny, it was just really, really wet. Fortunately, it was just a big semicircle of water encroaching on the right side, and it didn't get to the lettering. I don't think it will be ruined, unless of course the water leaves a stain. Arg. Calling me irritated would be the understatement of the year. Priscilla said at 9:45 AM ![]() Why does no one think Saul Bass is cool? ::cries::
Priscilla said at 12:40 AM ![]() I'd forgotten just how cute Petit Pois is. You get the "Gotta glomp 'em all!" mentality. Go check it out (HP stuff is in the "junk" section) and oogle at the joyous Percy front page graphic.
Priscilla said at 12:33 AM ![]() For a moment I wondered what on earth Tanja was doing awake right now, as it's 7:30 AM in Sweden. Then I remembered that she's in school now. ::resists urge to snicker:: Have a good day, Tanja! Don't let the Italian muggles get you down!
Priscilla said at 12:32 AM
Thursday, August 16, 2001
![]() ::squeals madly:: This was the first year that my school calendar used student work, and out of just 14 pictures, three of them were mine! ::does a joyous dance:: December, June, and the back cover. ::grooves::
Priscilla said at 11:48 PM ![]() Today's amusing memory: A French project from last year. A filk of Bohemian Rhapsody. Written about a goat. Oh yeah. Check it out, it's worth it.
Priscilla said at 10:08 PM ![]() I went to see Planet of the Apes with Chad. I wore my awesome Percy is God and Boba Fett shirt. Surprisingly, Chad didn't ask what on Hoth it meant. Oh well. Anyway, while not the greatest film in history, PotA was at least entertaining. Of course, there was the occasional plot hole so big you could pilot the Oberon through. And predictable. Ye gods. But the special effects were groovy, at least. The makeup was fabulous. I just wish the characters were more believeable. Tim Roth's character (Thad or Thame or summat) wasn't frightening, he was obnoxious. And the girl (did she even have a name?) was downright irritating. Evidently the writers didn't want an ape to get the guy. ::wrinkles nose:: Oh well. It was fun to get to hang out with Chad. We talked a bit about Harry Potter -- I especially loved the classic reference to "Hermany" (like Germany, but with an H). It's always so amusing to find out how people pronounce Hermione's name. I thought it was HER-mee-own.
Is that all I have to say? I think so. ::blinks:: I'm tired. I'm waiting for a pizza to arrive, as I'm too lazy to go out and get some food and I didn't eat before we left. Well, I ate massive quantities of cantaloupe, but I don't think that counts. Bah. Priscilla said at 10:00 PM ![]() That Zedo Ad Remote thing on the ezboards REALLY needs to die. That's more obnoxious than the Olsen Twins.
Priscilla said at 5:04 PM ![]() Well, I've ordered my Percy bookmark. Joy of all joys! I suppose it's time for a different poll, now! ::cackles::
Priscilla said at 4:58 PM ![]() ::sings at the top of her lungs in the car::
If I had a monkey! In the ape man's world! Priscilla said at 2:58 PM ![]() I got my Tanja shirt today! YAY! ::hugs Tanja:: It's so perfect and pretty and joyous! Hurrah! Oy, I'm really glad I got a medium and not a small. I wouldn't have been able to wear it!
Priscilla said at 2:00 PM
Wednesday, August 15, 2001
![]() Tanja would do well to remember this.
Priscilla said at 9:43 PM ![]() Priscilla said at 9:33 PM ![]() Chad finally finished HP1. He loved it. Muahaha!!! ::adds tally to her sheet of People She's Gotten To Read HP:: Also, I've finally convinced my sister to read them, which is quite nifty, as Melissa isn't really a reader. ::cackles evilly::
Priscilla said at 9:26 PM ![]() ::snickers:: My Dad emailed me from Cambridge, Massechucetts (copycat), where he and my sister attended a church service and sang a hymn by "Percy Granger". I'm really, really amused. I guess today is the day of "People Named Percy That Have Potter-Related Last Names".
Priscilla said at 9:18 PM ![]() An amusing find of Tanja's. Beware, it comes from a porn comic thing. ::raises eyebrow at Tanja:: However, this particular image isn't that bad. Compared to Britney Spears, at least.
Priscilla said at 8:56 PM ![]() I'm so amused. My SAT tutor is named Nancy Rosenthal. My dad keeps cracking jokes that she and my alterego are related.
Priscilla said at 2:04 PM
Tuesday, August 14, 2001
![]() Holy cow... I was unscrewing a light bulb because I thought it had gone out, when suddenly there was this loud noise, sparks, and a puff of smoke. The bulb nearly exploded. That's something to liven up your evening, eh?
Priscilla said at 11:44 PM ![]() New fodder for my quotes page: "You never know when you'll need a cactus." --my mom
Priscilla said at 11:39 PM ![]() ::snickets:: My mom is copying one of my friends' tapes for me -- Christine Lavin (the Republican song lady) -- anyway, she's using a speed dub, so her bedroom is full of the sound of chipmunkized music. It's absolutely hilarious! ::amused:: I love singing along with chipmunkized music. With amusing hand motions and such. Hehe. Anyway, in other music news, I'm burning a CD of my favourite Moulin Rouge songs, as the official CD doesn't have "Spectacular Spectacular", "The Show Must Go On", or "Like A Virgin". I'm calling it "Meilleur du Moulin" (Best of the Moulin -- okay, best of the windmill. So sue me). I got this groovy magazine thing that talks all about the digital technology used in some of the summer movies -- Moulin Rouge, Final Fantasy, Pearl Harbor, Evolution, and Driven -- and so it has all these groovy Moulin Rouge photos. I'm making a CD jacket cover and such for my own amusement. My mom is on my case about cleaning my room, so I must devise every possible plan to get out of it.
This thought progression reminds me a whole lot of this lecture thing I attended at MIT about alternative thinkers or summat. The motto for disjunct thinkers was "We may not make sense, but we really like pizza". I live by this motto. Priscilla said at 11:27 PM ![]() My mom was listening to the ABBA CD in the car this evening, and I thought the "Money" song was really "Monkey". I was amused. I think I'll write a filk.
Priscilla said at 9:45 PM ![]() I had two really weird dreams last night. Both involved Miss Felice, the groovy H2$ director. I think it's my subconcious' way of telling me to call her and tell her about Mort. I also dreamed that I got a copy of HP5 while I was in Britain. Of course, I remember none of it. ::wrinkles nose::
Priscilla said at 9:07 PM ![]() Stolen viciously from Kell's blog. Muah.
Wallet: Red and navy. It flips weird ways. And a duct tape wallet, enlarged to fit that annoying British currency. Hairbrush: green. Big. Toothbrush: ordinary. Oral-B. White with purple stripey things. Jewelry worn daily: just my trusty watch, now that my poor necklace broke. I've got to fix it sometime... Socks: none at the moment Pillow cover: blue niftyness Duvet: ::blinks:: I knew what that word meant at one point in my life, but I'm lost now. Sunglasses: groovy polarized blue ones. yay! Underwear: huge, dark blue, Victoria's Secret. Hell. Shoes: Birkenstock sandals, size 43. Muah. Nail polish: none. I hate nail polish. Handbag: Bah! Keychain: a silly British bobby Favourite shirt: Aberquaffle and Snitch Favourite pants: these groovy jeans I'm wearing right now. They're really comfortable and they fit well. Soap: Irish Spring Perfume/Cologne: Nada CD in stereo right now: "Moulin Rouge" is in the stereo, but I'm currently listening to "Spectacular Spectacular", downloaded from KaZaA. Car: Well, technically it's my sister's, but I get to use it occasionally. Jeep Grand Cherokee. Silver. I can't add any unique customizations because it's not mine. Bah. Tattoos: Nope. Never will. Piercings: Not really. My ears used to be pierced, but they've grown back. Physical: huh? Priscilla said at 9:03 PM ![]() Hell. My Palm Pilot Wannabe broke somehow. Don't ask, because I don't know. ::is really irritated::
Priscilla said at 6:19 PM ![]() Joy! Thanks to KaZaA, I was able to download "Spectacular Spectacular", "The Show Must Go On", and "Like A Virgin" from Moulin Rouge! Yay! Thank God for bootleggers!
Priscilla said at 12:44 PM
Monday, August 13, 2001
![]() Woah! This website is awesome! Check it out! ::snerk::
Priscilla said at 9:24 PM ![]() Someone found my blog searching Google for starling + mythology + pagan. I wonder what they were looking for! Also "naked Sarah Jessica Parker gallery". Have I ever even mentioned Sarah Jessica Parker in my weblog? Huh. I guess I have now!
Priscilla said at 6:20 PM ![]() ::pokes Rebecca and Ann's blogs:: Is Livejournal dead? Oy, this is why I use blogger hosted on my own server!
I seem to have gotten back in the habit of posting absurd quantities of entries in my blog each day. Gah. Priscilla said at 6:10 PM ![]() Red Dwarf fans should be amused to know that my mom offered me cottage cheese with pineapples in it this afternoon.
Priscilla said at 6:01 PM ![]() Five to seven days. That's how long it's going to take for my new card to arrive. ::frowls:: I want to order a bookmark! I'm fairly sure I'm going to go with Percy, but I'm still considering Bob and Procent. ::sigh:: I guess that's what polls are for!
Priscilla said at 5:16 PM ![]() I reread Sundowner this afternoon. God, I love that comic. ::amused::
Priscilla said at 4:25 PM ![]() Kell got my postcard! Joy! And Tanja, too, except she got hers a few days ago. And I think Renata got hers. All is good. I only sent out 16...
Priscilla said at 3:12 PM ![]() Woah! For assistant teaching for two days in Kendall's painting course, I got $50! Yo! Now I feel justified from ordering one of the Tanja shirts and eventually ordering one of Kell's bookmarks. I'm not spending my parents' money! ::does a groovy dance::
Priscilla said at 2:57 PM ![]() Is it just me or is my blog loading really slowly for everybody? ::kicks her computer::
Priscilla said at 1:59 PM ![]() Elmo sent this to me. I was amused. You should be amused, too. Here's how.
Priscilla said at 1:46 PM ![]() Why can't I get into WOFS? ::kills ezboard::
Priscilla said at 1:22 PM ![]() The Daily Sketch is back! Joy!
Priscilla said at 1:20 PM ![]() I'm seriously amused here. I was just buying a book for my mom off Amazon.com when I looked at my credit card and realized that they spelled my name wrong. Sorry, but I don't know anyone named Pricilla N Spencer. I just hope that my t-shirt order with Paypal went through ok! That would have been embarrassing. I hope my mom gets home soon... she'll know how to sort this out.
Priscilla said at 1:18 PM ![]() Alicey is my hero. Click here to see why.
Priscilla said at 7:58 AM
Sunday, August 12, 2001
![]() I saw "Divided We Fall" this evening. It's a fabulous Italian movie about a couple that hides a Jew in their home during the Holocaust. It was fantastically done! Go see it if possible!
Priscilla said at 10:17 PM ![]() Go here, young children. You *will* be amused.
Priscilla said at 9:25 PM ![]() Elfwood seriously needs to get its behind into action regarding the searches and categories and such. Bah. But I won't complain, because I'm just glad Elfwood is back to begin with! ::glomps Elfwood:: Ooh! And check out Kell's daily sketch! T'is Percy, doncha know. ::glomps Percy as well::
Priscilla said at 9:22 PM ![]() YES! Discworld fanart *DOES* exist! ::is suddenly a great deal happier::
Priscilla said at 8:54 PM ![]() I want to get one of Kell's groovy bookmarks, helping her pay for Sundowner 1 and her joyous cospay exploits. Help me decide what to choose by voting in my lovely new poll. "No ref" means that I'll have to find a reference somewhere (wish me luck!).
Priscilla said at 8:46 PM ![]() Priscilla said at 8:45 PM ![]() My friend Chelle sent this to me. I thought you'd appreciate it.
Homosexual Agenda Finally Exposed I know that many of you have heard Pat Robertson, Jerry Fallwell and others speak of the 'Homosexual Agenda,' but no one has ever seen a copy of it. Well, I have finally obtained a copy directly from the Head Homosexual. It is: 6:00 am Gym 8:00 am Breakfast (oatmeal and egg whites) 9:00 am Hair appointment 10:00 am Shopping 12:00 PM Brunch 2:00 PM 1) Assume complete control of the U.S. Federal, State and Local Governments as well as all other national governments, 2) Recruit all straight youngsters to our debauched lifestyle, 3) Destroy all healthy heterosexual marriages, 4) Replace all school counselors in grades K-12 with agents of Colombian and Jamaican drug cartels, 5) Establish planetary chain of 'homo breeding gulags where over-medicated imprisoned straight women are turned into artificially impregnated baby factories to produce prepubescent love slaves for our devotedly pederastic gay leadership, 6) bulldoze all houses of worship, and 7) Secure total control of the INTERNET and all mass media for the exclusive use of child pornographers. 2:30 PM Get forty winks of beauty rest to prevent facial wrinkles from stress of world conquest 4:00 PM Cocktails 6:00 PM Light Dinner (soup, salad, with Chardonnay) 8:00 PM Theater 11:00 PM Bed (du jour) Priscilla said at 8:17 PM ![]() Her name was McGill
And she called herself Lil But everyone knew her as Nancy Priscilla said at 8:10 PM ![]() WIAN got rejected by Harcourt! Yo! ::does groovy rejection dance:: Now when is my stupid Ballantine letter coming? ::is impatient::
Wondering why I'm cheering over a rejection? Well, I knew I was going to get rejected from Harcourt, as they only accept manuscripts from authors with a literary agent. However, my mom made me submit a query anyway. Oh well. From there, it's Discworld logic. Someone somewhere probably has a statistic for how often first-time writers are rejected by publishers, but for the sake of sanity, let's say 9 out of 10 times. That means, if I sent out ten query letters, I would be accepted by only one of them. Well, so far I've sent out two query letters, and since one has been rejected, that slightly increases my chance of getting accepted by the other 8 queries I may eventually send out. Yes, I know that things don't work like that. It's Discworld logic, as I said before. But everyone's entitled to their own delusions, aren't they? And plus, why get upset about something you knew was going to happen anyway? Priscilla said at 4:16 PM ![]() NOOOOO!!!!! My beloved necklace just broke! I've worn this every day for a year! I got it with my really good friend from camp, Liz. Sadness. ::has a moment of silence for her dearly departed necklace::
Priscilla said at 4:07 PM ![]() I had such a weird dream last night. It was a production of Mort, one of the Discworld books that is available in play form, except it was a musical. And everyone had a wearable form of transportation: Death wore rollerblades and Ysabelle rode a unicycle. I remember an amusing scene in which Death and Ysabelle had this emotion-filled song, much in the style of "Elaborate Lives" from Aida or possibly "Come What May" from Moulin Rouge. I only wish I could have remembered more!
Priscilla said at 3:32 PM ![]() The only thing worse than having no ideas for a new website layout is having a lot that don't work.
Priscilla said at 11:35 AM ![]() I find this dangerously amusing. Percy is God and Boba Fett. I love vocoders.
Priscilla said at 8:27 AM ![]() Listless. That's how I feel. Listless! Thanks for the inspiration, Renata. I feel like I need to do something, but I'm too lazy to actually do it. I think I'll go work on WIAN's new look or the first version of tnm.n or summat. And there's always the Starling collaboration to work on. ::wrinkles nose:: Now I feel isolated. I want to blast my Beatles music, but my mom is asleep and my sister "borrowed" my earphones for her trip to Boston. I want to talk to someone online, but AOL is the devil and Tanja's current computer doesn't have ICQ. Bah.
Don't worry, dear readers. I'll get out of my blue funk eventually. You can get back to reading more amusing posts soon. Priscilla said at 7:37 AM ![]() I miss Tanja! ::cries:: We haven't talked on ICQ for ages. We must discuss the script for our amusing Flash movie parody of "All your base". ::cackles evilly:: We're supposed to meet at about 1:30-2 this afternoon. ::sighs:: Bah.
Priscilla said at 7:02 AM
Saturday, August 11, 2001
![]() Ah, more pleasant reminders why I never go on AOL anymore. ::whimpers as zillions of annoying people IM her when she's trying to get actual work done::
And Tanja - when are you going to get online! We have BigPlans to discuss! Priscilla said at 10:26 PM ![]() I talked to Nancy today! ::does a happy dance:: She's at evil fat camp in New York. She's been there 8 weeks! Gah! Fortunately, she gets home a week from today, so we'll be able to hang out and do cool stuff and such. Hurrah!
Priscilla said at 7:32 PM ![]() Item #237,226 that is *really* not fun: leaky roofs. I told my dad we needed to get my ceiling fixed!
Priscilla said at 5:50 PM
Friday, August 10, 2001
![]() Why am I in such a bad mood? I need my orange juice. And people have to start commenting in my blog, darnit! I feel so useless when no one comments.
Priscilla said at 9:34 PM ![]() I updated the Quotes Archive. Appreciate me. ::wrinkes nose at Tanja::
Priscilla said at 9:14 PM ![]() ::sigh:: I think I should update the quotes archive on a monthly basis. That way, I wouldn't have so many bloody things to format in each update. This is insane.
Priscilla said at 5:33 PM ![]() Kell updated Sundowner! Yayfun! It looks oh-so-lovely! ::scampers off to look at stuff::
Priscilla said at 3:40 PM ![]() Kell won Claudia's auction. My mom made me run errands and I wasn't able to bid. ::kicks stuff::
Priscilla said at 3:39 PM ![]() I think that this is the most interesting blog layout I've seen in quite some time. Slightly illegible, but it looks really awesome. I like this layout. It's so nice and happy and clean-looking. If you can't tell, I'm itching to revamp stuff (WIAN will definitely be getting a revamp soon) so I've been searching for inspiration. Hopefully, I'll be inspired enough to finally make a design for tnm.n. I have a bunch of design ideas, but I'm not sure if any of them would work. Bah.
Priscilla said at 1:56 PM ![]() I joined yet another blog ring. God help me.
Priscilla said at 1:53 PM ![]() ::cackles:: Someone just got to Cult of Lincoln searching for "Olsen Twins Skinny Dipping". ::is really, really amused:: Also "Haley Joel Osment shirtless", which is classic in itsself.
Priscilla said at 9:36 AM ![]() Am I working on my quotes page? Heck no! ::cackles as she merrily CGs the Starling collaboration::
Priscilla said at 8:50 AM ![]() Tanja got my postcard! Yayfun! Now it's only a matter of time before the RMLers get theirs! Joy!
Priscilla said at 8:44 AM
Thursday, August 09, 2001
![]() ::flails:: Why did people have to start betting in Claudia's auction? I was hoping to hold off until the last minute and winning for a rather low price! ::mutters darkly:: I don't know if I'd pay $26... I'm a complete tightwad, I know. ::throws a fit:: Claudia is just too talented. ::wrinkles nose::
Priscilla said at 11:26 PM ![]() Oh, yeah. I forgot to mention that Elfwood updated my galleries! Loth, Fanart. Comment if you love me. Otherwise I will assume that I don't have any friends and be sad.
And Tanja, you have to give me a link to your gallery. I was looking for it, as I was hoping to provide links to my friends' galleries, and the search thing was yelling at me. Priscilla said at 11:15 PM ![]() ::nose wrinkle:: I should take out the "All of the Above" selection in the new poll. It makes everything more boring. I think I'll change it. ::mwashes::
Priscilla said at 5:49 PM ![]() Someone in Starling's Elfwood gallery thinks that Azurite and I are the same person. I'm not sure if I should feel flattered or insulted. I adore Azurite's work, but I thought that I had made myself known slightly more than this. ::frowls:: Just like last night, when a girl emailed me, asking me to put her in contact with the person who does the fanart for my website. Am I really that subtle? I thought "My Fan Art" would be obvious enough. ::fneers::* Identity is obnoxious.
* A "fneer" is a combination of a frown, a nose wrinkle, and a sneer. Priscilla said at 5:04 PM ![]() Tanja says: Update the quotes archive or the wrath of Ptah and/or Khan shall fall upon thee and break all your small bones!
Yes, ma'am! ::starts on it right away:: Priscilla said at 1:42 PM ![]() This is SO not funny. The "Attack of the Clones" title is official. ::is SERIOUSLY miffed::
Priscilla said at 1:01 PM ![]() Evidently you all miss me like a fat man misses hamburgers. I'm honored! Now go vote in the new poll.
Priscilla said at 12:56 PM
Wednesday, August 08, 2001
![]() Is it true that Episode II of Star Wars is titled "Attack of the Clones"? ::demands an explanation::
Priscilla said at 11:05 PM ![]() ::blinks:: ::waves:: I'm back from England! ::blinks again:: Yeah...
I'm going to sleep now. See you in the morning. Or not. Yeah. Don't mind me, I've had only 3 hours of sleep in the past 2 days. Priscilla said at 11:04 PM ![]() I dare any of you to get a cooler postcard than this. I nearly died when I saw it. And it's real. ::is silent for a few seconds:: ::spazzes completely:: ::blinks::
Priscilla said at 10:57 PM
Tuesday, August 07, 2001
![]() I take great pleasure in secretly pronouncing Sci-Fi "skiffy".
Priscilla said at 12:46 PM ![]() We went to London again yesterday! Quite nifty! Because we were again confined to a small area that we had already explored, I sat down with two friends and played with the Shakespearean magnetic poetry on the table at Starbucks as they waited for their henna tattoos to dry (a natural skin dye that lasts 3 weeks. It doesn't appeal to me, though). Very amusing. Then we walked around for a bit, (I tried to gather a group to go to Westminster Abbey so that we could take the Abbey Road picture, but no luck) then went to Planet Hollywood for dinner. Afterwards, we met the group and headed to the theatre for Peggy Sue Got Married, which was quite nifty. There was this incredibly amusing science nerd guy, who instantly became a hero to some of the geekier girls, myself included. He sang this hilarious song about the love lives of a bunch of famous scientists. I thought it was quite amusing. Lots of physics jokes.
This morning, I got to go on an adventure with three other girls when the bus for Scientific Discoveries left without us. We talked to the counsellors in T2, and they told us that we should wait to see if the bus came back (fat chance -- it's always leaving people). We bumped into Philip, the assistant-teacher, who made fun of us and suggested that we just have free time instead. However, today was the day to visit the Sanger Centre, the Genome research labratories, and I didn't want to pass up that opportunity. One of the girls flagged down a taxi and we took a trip to the centre in style! We ended up only being about 10 minutes late into the lecture, so we didn't miss the tour. I was disappointed that I didn't get to hear the entire lecture, though. Oh well. We got our grades, and I got a B. I looked around and saw that most people around me got a B-, so I felt pretty good about myself. During the evil morning meeting, Anna (our group leader) gave me an oddly-shaped, bulky envelope. I completely spazzed out when I saw that it was from Tanja. Inside was a glorious, joyous letter, including a picture of Bob the G-E-V and Procent H-V, our original characters. She also gave me this odd spray-candy stuff. Quite nifty. In Hitchcock, we watched snippets of The Birds, Marnie, The Man Who Knew Too Much, The Lodger, and even a bit of Grease, to cleanse our minds of "Peggy Sue Got Married", which Mr. Patterson didn't particularly like. Quite enjoyable! And I got an A+ in the course, too. Muahaha. This afternoon, I picked up two more Discworld books for my various forms of transportation tomorrow. Yuck. Also, I updated my Elfwood gallery and started a Fanart gallery. ::mwashes:: Of course, it will be a while before the updates take place, but keep an eye out. I think that's it. Neer. ::blinks:: Yo. Priscilla said at 12:36 PM ![]() I'm ordering my shirts from Swussian Capitalist! Yayfun!
Priscilla said at 11:17 AM ![]() Woo! Vote in the book 5 cover contest on hpgalleries! I wonder if Starling is aware that a kid in group 2 poached her artwork. She should be flattered. Also, I'm amused, because in group 8, there are two next to each other by people named Elinor and Priscila. ::cackles:: I voted for Priscila on principle.
Priscilla said at 10:48 AM ![]() Fie upon this girl. She says Percy makes her gag.
Priscilla said at 7:06 AM
Sunday, August 05, 2001
![]() YEEEESSSSSS! I get to CG the guide for Artistic Alley as well! ::does a happy dance of joy::
Priscilla said at 12:45 PM ![]() ::envious of Monica:: How come Starling gets her own Fan Art section on Elfwood? They're not letting anyone in right now! ::frowls:: Oh well. Still, happy Elfwood things are afoot. Nicole Elizabeth Benoist has included me among her favourite Elfwood artists -- next to HP artistic greats such as Starling, Laura Freeman, and Edward Juan. Woo-hoo! ::does a groovy dance::
Priscilla said at 11:29 AM ![]() We are the true Americans, we are in the right.
God loves the Republicans, especially those who are rich and white. We don't approve of homosexuals or a woman's right to choose. Only we know what a family is; only we know what is right for you. So join with Arnold Schwartzenegger and the fun-loving NRA: Perfect role models for kids today Yes, we are the true Americans. Everybody else is wrong. If you're not with us, we have to hate you, But that's okay because hatred makes us strong! Hatred makes us so darn strong! --"We are the true Americans" by Christine Lavin (go buy her CDs!) Priscilla said at 7:53 AM ![]() I want to give WIAN a new look. That dark blue background is ugly. And I don't like the blue/orange combination anymore. Bah. ::frowls::
Priscilla said at 7:39 AM ![]() Holy cow! I just realized that I haven't added the Valentine collaborations to the WIAN fanart section! ::adds to list of things she must do upon getting home::
Priscilla said at 7:38 AM ![]() I hate checking my AOL email. Out of 33 new emails, 27 of them were junk. Bah.
Priscilla said at 7:32 AM ![]() ::frowls:: The downside of being in England is that no one is ever online when I am! ::flails:: Stupid 6-hour time difference...
Priscilla said at 7:08 AM ![]() Someone commented in my poll "U miss Invader Zim?"
The answer is yes. I repetively miss it, as I always forget when it comes on. It's a different kind of "miss", silly. I was joking. Priscilla said at 6:26 AM ![]() You know you've been in England too long when you start dreaming about a Harry Potter/Twelfth Night crossover. That was disturbing...
I was Harry, counterpart of Cesario, and I was head over heels in love with Cho (Olivia). Because Fred and George had graduated and only Katie, Angelina, and Alicia were left (yes, I know that violates canon. Deal with it) we had an entire new Quidditch team, and I was captain (how cliche). Cho became captain of the Ravenclaw team, now that Roger Davies had gone. Various stuff happens (I don't remember -- I rarely remember a great deal about my dreams), and my Priscilla (Viola) conciousness starts to dawn. I realize that I am Harry and Priscilla at the same time, and both are in love with Cho. Then I wake up. I'm sure that's not all there was to the dream. I seem to remember some Malvolio/Malfoy stuff going on, and some painful ceramics puns on Harry's last name (ouch). Maybe I'll remember more later. Priscilla said at 5:36 AM ![]() I'm happy, because I've finally gotten to like the White Album. Originally, I didn't like it as much, simply because the songs were so different from other Beatles songs. Now I'm getting "My guitar gently weeps" and "Obladi oblada" stuck in my head. Joy! ::does a groovy dance to "everybody's got something to hide except for me and my monkey"::
Priscilla said at 4:59 AM ![]() ::laughs uproariously:: Tanja's fanfic has me crying with mirth! I can't wait until she publishes it for the whole world to see! ::laughs and cries some more:: Thank god the Phoenix lab is nearly empty. Otherwise I would be getting a lot of funny looks.
Priscilla said at 4:53 AM
Friday, August 03, 2001
![]() Another solution to Rebecca's haiku annoyances:
Yesterday was the Birthday of Harry Potter And a Beatles song Priscilla said at 12:06 PM ![]() Rebecca changed the format of her blog. Visit. 'Tis pretty.
Priscilla said at 12:03 PM ![]() ::snickets:: I don't know why, but this is my favourite Elfwood review at the moment.
it sucks --okeeFor some reason, I find it so adoreably cute. If you'd like to witness this adoreable comment for yourself, it's on the D/G kiss pic collaboration in Starling's gallery. ::giggles:: Okee, if you're out there, you rock. Priscilla said at 11:48 AM ![]() Yay! Swussian Capitalist is open! Go give Tanja money!
Priscilla said at 11:19 AM ![]() Claudia's back! ::dances::
Priscilla said at 7:20 AM ![]() I get such a feeling of power from being a part of the super-top-secret club thing on WOFS. I wonder if it's healthy.
Priscilla said at 7:02 AM ![]() Guess who got to hang out in Steven Hawking's office this morning? Well, not quite hang out. More like "stand on the outside of and marvel at its contents within". Still, I think it's incredibly cool. I just wish I'd gotten to meet him!
Priscilla said at 6:58 AM ![]() ::giggles:: The Personality Disorder Test! (thanks to Tanja for the link)
Paranoid: High Schizoid: Very High Schizotypal: High Antisocial: Low Borderline: Low Histrionic: Moderate Narcissistic: Moderate Avoidant: Very High Dependent: Moderate Obsessive-Compulsive: Moderate Priscilla said at 6:12 AM ![]() Tanja was complaining that I didn't go online yesterday. It wasn't my fault! I was visiting Stonehenge and Bath! ::flails:: It was amazingly cool, though. Of course, most of the group didn't appreciate it (miserable worms). I got lots of froody pictures, which will probably go into the photography section of tnm.n when I finally get it online. Hurrah!
In other news, today I got a deluge of mail! It was mostly from my mom, who must have been sending postcards every five minutes. Crazyness. Of course, the most prized treasures in the batch were from two WOFSers: Kell and Rydia. Dogs from miles around must have been whimpering in pain from the sound of my excited squeals of joy. Kell gave me an absolutely GORGEOUS drawing of Harry, Ron, and Hermione travelling, with Piper and Indy in one corner and one of those adoreably cute tiger sketchies that she used to have as her icon. I shall treasure it forever! ::squeals more:: Which reminds me, because I have to get my postcards in the mail! Silly Scillia... Priscilla said at 5:53 AM
Wednesday, August 01, 2001
![]() WOO HOO! The other three sections of FictionAlley are up for the Public Beta Test! Yo! Check it out, and drool over my lovely Starling collaboration while you're there. ::squeals::
Priscilla said at 1:15 PM ![]() ::snickets:: (yes, that's a word now) Confusing people in my Elfwood gallery are demanding Harry and Ron bookmarks. Silly people. They're right in front of your nose!
Priscilla said at 1:08 PM ![]() ::cackles:: Check this out. I forgot where I got it, but it's the most amusing thing I've read since Sannali's Boba Fett comic strip. Let's see... I know it was a weblog somewhere. Probably Tanja. ::checks:: Drat. Rebecca? No. Ooh! It was Ann! Yay! ::hugs Ann:: Ann rocks. I'm amused.
Priscilla said at 12:26 PM ![]() The archives are back! ::does a happy dance::
Priscilla said at 9:41 AM ![]() ::sigh:: Finished. After 5 hours of writing and 3 1/2 hours of revising, I finally finished my Hitchcock paper. I can't believe I spent that much time on it! Most people just spent about an hour or an hour and a half! Originally, I was just going to finalize my "pregnant girl" sequence from the first class, but the idea fell through because it refused to be written. Then, suddenly, I got a brilliant idea. Revelling in my newfound love for "Chamber of Secrets", I decided that I would do a scene out of the book. Originally, I thought I could do the scene with Harry and Tom and Unconcious!Ginny in the actual chamber, but I dismissed it for the sequence immediately preceeding that, with Harry, Ron, Lockhart, and Myrtle finding the entrance. I have a great deal more respect for directors and scriptwriters now! Sticking to the text is incredibly difficult. In the end, the script and camera direction amounted to 8 1/2 pages, handwritten, while the original text was only about 2 1/2 pages. Ye gods. ::collapses:: Oh well. I enjoyed myself.
Of course, I remind myself of a quote from Psycho: "A hobby is supposed to pass the time, not fill it." ::sigh:: Priscilla said at 9:38 AM Title cartoon by Bruce Eric Kaplan, used without permission. ![]() |
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