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Friday, March 31, 2006
![]() Wednesday's Lost. Was that Nadia?
And dude, when did this show start being awesome again? Priscilla said at 2:45 PM
Thursday, March 30, 2006
![]() Tonight I went to a free screening of Antonio Banderas' new movie, Take the Lead. Lots of fun and lots of great dancing!
As for Smallville, lots of James scenes means minimal fast forward-age. And in the last scene? Four Jameses! Oh, it does this fangirl's heart good. This would be twice as fun as those scenes with TheFirst!Spike if only the dialogue wasn't so bad! And I've replayed his last line several times, but I keep hearing him say "We need more salmons." I can't fathom what he actually is supposed to be saying. Aside: Is James being typecast as a guy that likes shoving metal spikes through people's heads? I'm amazed that this show is still on the air. I can't help feeling that we've seen this exact plot at least two dozen times. And Clark and Lana appear to be in the same place as they were years ago. I'd hope that maybe Clark can now move on to someone not Lana who's also not evil, but I somehow doubt that will ever happen on this show. Ah well! Umm, happy 41st birthday to Juliet Landau, and happy belated 35th birthday (March 27th) to Nathan Fillion! Priscilla said at 9:47 PM ![]() Answers to the First Line Meme:
Priscilla said at 11:43 AM ![]() *laughs* Oh, continuity! My heart beats! Sam reports that in addition to Blackadder and New Yankee Workshop, House TiVos Monster Truck Jam, The O.C., and Spongebob. Monster Trucks and The O.C. we knew about beforehand, but Spongebob? Looks like there's more than one ambiguously gay duo about, because Tuesday's episode was like a treeful of monkeys on nitrous oxide. If House/Wilson was an HP ship, it would have some dorky nickname that somehow references macadamia nut pancakes.
Priscilla said at 11:10 AM ![]() *laughs* On my Amazon wishlist, instead of "highest" priority, certain items have instead been classified as "Muss ich haben". Everything else is still in English. A glitch? A funny one.
Priscilla said at 8:28 AM ![]() Helen Davies, medical songwriter. Deep, one of my ex-roommates, is taking her class next semester. :D
Priscilla said at 7:51 AM ![]() James Marsters is back on Smallville tonight! 8/7c on the WB.
Priscilla said at 7:06 AM ![]() Veronica Mars! I don't know if I was just really giggly tonight or if the episode was funnier than average, but I was laughing out loud almost constantly. Veronica in the wig shop, "Ice Man" in the same episode as Shawn Ashmore's twin brother, every moment of every scene that featured Cliff, every moment of every scene that featured Dick, and Lamb's new campaign slogan.
I'm still feeling about Logan in the same way I feel about Charlie on Lost: we want to like them, but they're making stupid, stupid decisions, so we're angry at them, and it's going to take a major turnaround for us to forgive them. At least Logan was honest tonight. And he gets some sympathy points, because MAN does he have bad luck with girlfriends, but he's still a jerk in major need of intensive therapy. Gotta love Rob Thomas and his ambiguous characters! It'll be interesting to see how VM treats college, how many of the original cast also end up at Hearst, and how many people compare it to Buffy. Do we know if VM has been renewed for Season 3, or is that still up in the air with the whole CW jumble? Priscilla said at 12:38 AM
Wednesday, March 29, 2006
![]() Google Maps the census. Lifehacker: "This Google Maps mashup from AnalGIS and SRC adds census information from the 2000 census to the Google Maps interface we already know and love. Just put in your address and you can quickly see the population, income, and housing statistics for your area in a 1, 3, and 5 mile radius of your home."
Priscilla said at 7:42 PM ![]() I took a four-hour nap. That was nice.
Priscilla said at 5:52 PM ![]() You go, girl!
"The President of the Oglala Sioux Tribe on the Pine Ridge Reservation, Cecilia Fire Thunder, was incensed. A former nurse and healthcare giver she was very angry that a state body made up mostly of white males, would make such a stupid law against women. "To me, it is now a question of sovereignty," she said to me last week. "I will personally establish a Planned Parenthood clinic on my own land which is within the boundaries of the Pine Ridge Reservation where the State of South Dakota has absolutely no jurisdiction."(continued at Indybay) Priscilla said at 8:29 AM
Tuesday, March 28, 2006
![]() Priscilla said at 11:47 PM ![]() A must-read: Harry Potter and the Eagle of Truthiness, a crossover between HP and The Colbert Report. So brilliant!
Character memes for Veronica Mars, Lord of the Rings, and Firefly. Priscilla said at 11:03 PM ![]() to my parents! Priscilla said at 10:47 PM ![]() ...does House have Blackadder on his TiVo? Ah, Hugh Laurie!
And I sympathize with him re: stuffed pepper. Ko loves it, and my room is connected to the kitchen, so the smell lingers. Blegh. But she made me a delicious pasta dinner to thank me for the backrubs I gave her during performance week (she calls it "guilt pasta" or "blood pasta"), so all is forgiven. Mmm, pasta a la Ko. *drools at the memory* Innards, rejoice! Vegetables, nutrients, and vitamins other than C! Priscilla said at 8:22 PM
Sunday, March 26, 2006
![]() Yay weekend! Friday night, I saw Ko's dance show, which was awesome, then last night, I went to Upper Darby for a housewarming party for Courtney and Ryan, a couple I met at the PA shindigs. Also in attendance were Kristin and her brother Paul, hosts of the Shindigs, and the fannish family of Suze, Bob, and Sami. We almost outnumbered Courtney's relatives!
Today, I'm going to work my hiney off on my Algorithms homework, then go see "Joyeux Noel". And later this evening, I'll finally be able to see the episode of Veronica Mars I missed! Hurrah! Priscilla said at 12:34 PM
Friday, March 24, 2006
![]() TV meme, ganked from Indy! List 6 of your favorite television shows, then answer the questions.
1. Firefly 2. Buffy 3. Veronica Mars 4. House 5. The Daily Show 6. Lost I wish I could have included Wonderfalls, but I wanted to limit myself to only one show that lasted half a season. Frankly, I like Wonderfalls a heck of a lot more than I like Lost, but for some reason it felt forgiveable for my to exclude it, and it felt wrong for me to exclude Lost. Go figure. Um... go rent Wonderfalls. 1. Who is your favorite character from #2? (Buffy) Spike, duh. :D 2. Who is your least favorite character from #4? (House) House has such a small core cast that it's hard to find someone to dislike. Cameron can be annoying at times, but maybe that's a result of the viewers being immersed in the Gregory House Morality Zone too long. I didn't care for Stacy much, I guess. 3. What would a crossover between #1 and #5 include? (Firefly + The Daily Show) Oh, wow. Now I'm imagining a 500-year-old robot/hologram Jon Stewart covering the story of Miranda and The Signal. The title of this segment will be "Reaver Madness." And then when the Alliance realizes holo!Stephen Colbert is actually making fun of them as opposed to supporting their regime, he is promptly disposed of by the Hands of Blue. YoSaffBridge pulls a scam on Samantha Bee and Jason Jones' great-great-great x15 grandson. John Hodgman's cyborg clone attacks Badger, thinking him a space hobo. 4. Who is your favorite ship from #6? (Lost) Jin/Sun. There are no words. In addition, I'm fed up with Charlie/Claire, which had so much cuteness potential, only for Charlie to turn into a gutless weasel, so now I ship Hurley/Blonde Chick (Lyddie? Oh, Libby!) and Sayid/Me. 5. If you were to set one person from #3 and one person from #6 on a blind date, who would they be? (Veronica Mars and Lost) Kate and Clarence Weidman. I think the outcome would prove most satisfactory. 6. If you could meet one person from #4 and spend the day with them, who would it be, and what would you do? (House) I'm coming up blank. House himself would just make fun of me, and I don't feel I have enough in common with Cuddy or Wilson or the Ducklings that would lead to us hit off as buddies. Plus, it would mean I'd be hanging around the hospital, and hospitals have blood in them, on the outside of people's bodies. I strongly believe that blood should not be on the outside of people's bodies. 7. If you could change one thing about #2's plotline, what would you change? (Buffy) I would get rid of that idiotic OMG MAGIC IS TEH CRACK!!! plotline in Season 6, and have the characters realize that it's Willow's personality that's causing the problem. Intensive therapy would be involved. Then I would make Season 7's villain not suck. 8. Explain a relationship between two people (not necessarily romantic) from show #5, and why you like the relationship between them. (The Daily Show) This conveys all I want to say. :D 9. If the lead title characters (first name in the credits) from #1 and #3 were both drowning, and you could only save one, who would it be? (Firefly + Veronica Mars) Gah! Veronica would be more likely to sceme some brilliant way of getting out alive and Mal is the kind of hero that could drown, mostly because I'm not sure he knows what water is. On one hand, Mal would be heavy and I would be more likely to drown with him, but on the other hand, there would be gratitude. *grins* 10. If you could change the title characters' order in the credits for #4, what order would you choose? (House) Fine by me as-is. 11. If you were able to add a new character, any kind of character you wanted, to the storyline for #6, what would the character be like and what would their role be? (Lost) Someone to arrive on the island in a puff of Mary Sue glitter, then smack all the characters upside the head for being stupid. Then she would shake Ana-Lucia's hand for snuffing Shannon. 12. What happens in your favorite episode of show #2? (Buffy) EVERYONE BURSTS INTO SONG. No, seriously. 13. If you could kill off one of the characters of #1, who would it be and how would you do it? (Firefly) Dude, we've lost enough characters, thankyouverymuch. Instead, I'd bring back Wash as a zombie. Space zombies would be awesome. 14. If you got the chance to visit the set for either show #3 or show #5, which would you choose? (Veronica Mars + The Daily Show) I've already visited the set of The Daily Show, so I'd definitely visit the set of Veronica Mars. 15. If you could date anyone from any of these shows, which show and which person? The problem is that most of my favourite male characters aren't really what I'd consider dateable, most often because they're too old for me. Contenders: Wallace (VM), Dimitri (The Daily Show), Beav/Cassidy (VM), and Oz (Buffy). Priscilla said at 11:33 AM
Thursday, March 23, 2006
![]() In the wake of all my annoyance over petty, trivial things, I will take a moment to show my appreciation for other petty, trivial things, like the crisp, clean feel of a new mouse.
My brain just transplanted "computer mouse" for "rodent" to hilarious effect. It's a five-button optical mouse, because that was the only option that wasn't a weird shape or wireless. I don't trust wireless mice. Of course, until now I didn't trust optical mice, because the optical mice we used at my high school were junk. Clearly, the past four years have been kind to optical mouse technology, because this baby points to things like a dream. If only the two extra mouse buttons weren't so easy to press! I deactivated them this morning, because I kept clicking when I didn't mean to and losing LJ comment entries and whatnot. So now I have a three-button mouse with safety bumpers. Why on earth am I writing about mice? If you're still reading, I simultaneously love and fear you. Shutting up now. To stop this entry from being completely useless, here's the most useful Lost fansite ever: islostarepeat.com. Thanks to Indy for the link. Priscilla said at 11:43 PM ![]() OH NO YOU DIDN'T. UPN DID NOT MOVE VERONICA MARS TO BE AT THE SAME TIME AS HOUSE.
We wanted to let you know that UPN announced today that they are moving Veronica Mars back to her original time period on Tuesdays at 9 PM. Starting April 11, tune in to UPN on Tuesday nights to catch all new episodes of Veronica Mars through the season finale on May 9. Repeats will air on Wednesday nights at 9 pm ET/PT for the first couple of weeks.And neither of them is available on iTunes, so after the "first couple of weeks" I'll be at the station's mercy, praying that one of them will replay the episode before my entire flist has spoiled it for me. On the plus side, VM will no longer be competing against Lost, but still. Not cool, UPN! That's two strikes in two days! Not that anything will happen regardless of the number of strikes, because as long as you're airing Veronica Mars at all, I am but your humble servant. Still, House! Grrr. Priscilla said at 11:10 PM ![]() My crime cinema linked to a video on YouTube.com on the course website. My day just got a little happier. On the other hand, This clip from Tuesday's The Daily Show makes my life a LOT happier.
Priscilla said at 11:29 AM ![]() Dear UPN,
You suck you suck you suck. When you're going to air Veronica Mars at 10:30 instead of 9 one week, please let us know in advance so we can adjust our timed recording devices and don't end up taping an hour of basketball instead. Fortunately, according to Yahoo!TV, the episode will be replayed on the 26th at 7 and the 28th at 9. I'll just catch it then. Still, NO LOVE. Also, was there a new Lost on last night? IMDB says yes, but so far, iTunes says no. EDIT: Okay, and my flist says "yes". Get your act together, iTunes! Priscilla said at 7:18 AM
Wednesday, March 22, 2006
![]() Oh! And those Favourite Jeans that got a hole in them? I got them patched over Spring Break, and now they have another hole. Maybe I should sell them to one of those trendy department stores that cater to the "distressed" look. Favourite Jeans, you fail, and are now replaced in my heart with Awesome Pair of Jeans I Forgot I Had, Because I Was Constantly Wearing My Favourite Jeans, But Which Now I Realize I Like Even Better, Even Without The Hole Issue, or APOJIFIHBIWCWMFJBWNIRILEBEWTHI for short.
And now, bed. Priscilla said at 11:58 PM ![]() Back from Kevin Smith, which was four hours of awesome. Now I need four hours of sleep. Actually, I'd rather have 6-7 hours, but I wanted to make the funny.
In the meantime, someone apparently nominated me for Ms SEAS: This will not be your ordinary pageant -- the Engineering Student Activities Council is looking for SEAS undergrads who embody what it means to be a Penn Engineer. Candidates will go through a competition based on Q&A, talent, and fashion -- with a SEAS twist. On April 4th, student-selected nominees will compete for the inaugural crowns of Mr. and Ms. SEAS!Okay, 'fess up. It's rather perplexing, as anyone that would like me enough to nominate me should know that I'm all about bringing the pretty, and I can't work the Computer Science to save my life. I have no idea why I'm phrasing sentences in this manner, either. Perhaps Kevin Smith is to blame, but most likely it's just me being tired. Good night, and good luck. Or something. Priscilla said at 11:43 PM ![]() Booooo. The Disney internship I applied for wasn't what I thought it was. It's almost purely software development, which I have little interest in. Somehow, I'd been given the impression that it was going to be more artistically oriented. They don't have any internships available in that realm at the moment, mostly because everything is still in flux from the Pixar merger, but I was told to call back in two weeks to see if anything opens up.
Back to the drawing board. Literally. Priscilla said at 3:08 PM ![]() I posted screenshots of my female figure model in my LJ. Check 'em out!
Priscilla said at 6:28 AM ![]() I just dreamed I was trying to figure out the best way of animating a walk cycle.
I am the most boring person ever. Priscilla said at 6:01 AM
Tuesday, March 21, 2006
![]() And Gary Oldman will be in Order of the Phoenix! I can't believe the broughaha lasted this long.
The Lost soundtrack is realeased today. Link from Ko: Tax rebel sends threatened gnomes into hiding Oh! And I got a new mouse today. The old one had been spazzing off the deep end since Sunday night, and my brain is inequipped for using the trackpad. Plus, you need a 3-button mouse to use Maya. Priscilla said at 9:47 PM ![]() Just got back from Margaret Cho, who rocked. She was the headline act for QPenn, Penn's annual week of LGBTQ awareness. Her act was mostly an amalgamation of stand-up material from her previous tours, but as I've only seen the Notorious C.H.O. DVD (because someone didn't invite me when she toured through Dallas because they thought I wouldn't be interested, Marcelina and Chungy!), most of it was new to me, and the rest was just as hilarious the second time around.
Pics: 01 and 02. For those keeping score, that's: 3/14 -- Jon Stewart 3/21 -- Margaret Cho 3/22 -- Kevin Smith Yes, my life is awesome. Oh! Speaking of, I never posted my pictures from The Daily Show! Me and Kelly and The Line, our bold Correspondents (this is actually one of the last photos of the Stephen Colbert banner! A couple days later, they replaced it with one featuring Jason Jones and Dan Bakkedahl), Fair Warning, and That Photo I Wasn't Supposed To Take But Couldn't Resist Taking, It'll Just Be Our Little Secret, Kay? Priscilla said at 5:28 PM ![]() Woohoo, got my ticket for Kevin Smith tomorrow night!
Priscilla said at 8:40 AM
Monday, March 20, 2006
![]() Phone interview with Disney on Wednesday. *tries to restrain the squee*
Priscilla said at 8:07 PM ![]() *snorks madly* From my inbox, to be filed under "what the gravy?!?":
do you mean by upsetting this foreign tourist? You'll have the police after you! ' The dubious professor put on a haughty look, turned and walked away from Ivan, who felt himself beginning to lose his head. Gasping, he turned to the choirmaster : 'Hey, you, help me arrest this criminal! It's your duty! ' The choirmaster leaped eagerly to his feet and bawled : 'What criminal? Where is he? A foreign criminal? ' His eyes lit up joyfully. ' That man? If he's a criminal the first thing to do is to shout " Stop thief! " Otherwise he'll get away. Come on, let's shout together! ' And the choirmaster opened his mouth wide. The stupefied Ivan obeyed and shouted ' Stop thief! ' but the choirmaster fooled him by not making a sound. Ivan's lonely, hoarse cry was worse than useless. A couple of girls dodged him and he heard them say ' . .. drunk.' 'So you're in league with him, are you? ' shouted Ivan, helpless with anger. ' Make fun of me, would you? Out of my way!' Ivan set off towards his right and the choirmaster did the opposite, blocking his way. Ivan moved leftward, the other to his right and the oostsssor h s g sl snsosushun stsm sps ksg ofsrpu p r sdjksdfsdfsdlgkj sdflkjsdf lksdjfsdfsdfIn other, more coherent news, I didn't make the Kevin Smith lottery. Fortunately, tomorrow morning, they'll have a limited number of seats available first come, first served. I plan to be there early. Priscilla said at 3:47 PM ![]() Threadless is having a $10 shirt sale! Today and tomorrow only. Check out the wares and the wears.
Priscilla said at 12:55 PM ![]() First Line Meme, ganked from Renata. Randomize your MP3s, then post the first five lyrics of the first 20 songs. Then let people guess them.
Priscilla said at 9:19 AM
Sunday, March 19, 2006
![]() This week's poll on Sci-Fi Wire:
George Lucas likes the latest script for Indiana Jones IV. But is Harrison Ford, 63, too old to take up the whip and fedora? 46% -- No Ford's Indy until he dies. 15% -- Depends. Is this "Indy and the Golden Years?" 39% -- Yes! What about Nathan Fillion? *is a tiny ball of squee* Priscilla said at 8:56 PM
Friday, March 17, 2006
![]() Chungy: The Brits got the first season of the new Doctor Who a year before us. Season "twoish" comes to the BBC in the Spring. Not sure about the States. Does anyone else know?
Rebecca: I'll have to talk to Josh about an internet-friendly version of Zeyen and Nazia. I tried ripping it from my DVD, and the smallest I could get it was over a gig. Snakes on a Plane official trailer! Wow, I was beginning to wonder if the whole thing was really just a grand hoax, as all the publicity I've seen has been fan-generated. There are five fanmade trailers on YouTube, plus this hilarious trailer summary and this set of MS Paint parody images. Also: Brokeback Hogwarts. Linked from Moony! Priscilla said at 8:14 PM ![]() The Daily Show: Don't you think he looks tired?
Priscilla said at 6:49 PM ![]() That'll put marzipan in your pie plate bingo! Learn to speak English with Joss Whedon and the BBC.
Priscilla said at 1:15 PM ![]() Season oneish/28-ish of the new Dr Who premieres in America on the Sci-Fi Channel tonight at 9/8c! Here's Alanna's list of Six Reasons to Watch.
Priscilla said at 6:49 AM ![]() *jives*
I am pleased to inform you that your film, "Zeyen & Nazia" has been accepted into this year's Ivy Film Festival. After careful deliberation, out of nearly 200 applicants, 36 films were selected, all of which feature an extraordinary level of craft and ambition. (etc)Yeah, we kind of rock. Priscilla said at 6:19 AM
Thursday, March 16, 2006
![]() WOO! Got an A on my Crime Cinema paper, worth %30 of my grade.
And as for the tapenade? It's not fancy if you get it from a jar. It is, however, delicious. Priscilla said at 4:08 PM ![]() I so win at college student cooking. Penne with alfredo sauce + kalamata olives + sun-dried tomato tapenade. I am ded from delicious!
Priscilla said at 10:41 AM ![]() Whedonesque fails for not informing me that Adam Baldwin was on Bones last night. Of course, it's probably a good thing I didn't know to watch it. Given the number of people on my flist that love the show, I don't want to risk finding another show I might want to watch on a regular basis. :D
Umm... Happy 35th Birthday to Alan Tudyk! Luke Skywalker, the early years? Dude, all Luke did in his early years was whine about not being allowed to go to the Academy, whine about not being able to visit the Tosche Station Radio Shack, shoot vermin from his hovercar, get bad haircuts, farm moisture, drink blue milk, and get his butt kicked by Sand People. Such does not good drama make, much less Star Wars drama. Luke doesn't even know what a lightsaber is until ANH! You can't make him "cool", because he has to grow up into the farmboy we meet in Episode 4. He's still got to be at Major Arcana Square One. I can't agree more with the author's final comment: "It may well be that the world is hungry for more space opera. In which case, we can't help but think that resurrecting Firefly might be a better option." One Got Fat, a highly disturbing and rather hilarious bike safety video from the 60s. Priscilla said at 7:30 AM
Wednesday, March 15, 2006
![]() And Lieberman wins the Bill Napoli Golden Coathanger Award:
In Connecticut, rape counseling activists say a recent study concludes that about 20% of state hospitals routinely refuse to offer emergency contraceptives to rape victims who are determined to be ovulating at the time they're attacked. A proposed bill would require them to do so.What a creep. Whatever happened to "First, do no harm"? A doctor should be a doctor first and foremost, not an evangelist. Change parties already, Lieberman! Priscilla said at 9:51 AM ![]() New Veronica Mars tonight!
And dude. Regarding my cough, I just realized that I had it when Little Shop was cancelled on 2/8, and that I'd had it nearly a week beforehand. Therefore, I've had it 5 1/2-6 weeks, a week longer than I'd previously thought. I have an appointment with Student Health this afternoon to make sure I don't have anything more serious. Priscilla said at 9:02 AM ![]() I love the Geico gecko, but what's his accent supposed to be? Ko an I are flummoxed. Australian upper class?
Keith Olberman on The Colbert Report makes me a happy Cellie. His occasional bits on Crooks and Liars are worth a smile, if not a great, appreciative guffaw. Pat Robertson continues to be an idiot. Instead, I will think about his nominal spoonerism, Robert Pattinson, who is hilariously ridiculous, but at least pretty. Or I could look at these new James-Marsters-on-Smallville photos, but Mars Jamesinters isn't a person. And I think I need to go to sleep before I write something else I'll go "wha??" about in the morning. Also surreal is this month's The Onion horoscope for Saggitarius: Despite the niggling feeling that you require medical attention, you will continue to leave the symptoms of schizophrenia untreated this week after management at Pixar awards you yet another raise for the facility and inventiveness with which you anthropomorphize inanimate objects.*calmly hides Pixar summer internship application, steps away from the computer, and goes to bed* Priscilla said at 1:04 AM
Tuesday, March 14, 2006
![]() Tonight's filming was awesome! Unfortunately, I wasn't seated in any of the areas of the audience that were panned over, so you won't see me and my hat on film, and I wasn't able to get Jon's autograph, but it was still a great experience.
One highlight was getting to see Jimmy again. We met at last year's PA Shindig, and we've been conspiring ever since on a Firefly filk musical to top last year's grand performance of "Once More, With Feeling"! He lives a few blocks away from where The Daily Show is filmed, and he told me to call me if I got any time on my own. We ended up having an hour to wander around while those that didn't feel like wandering waited in line, so we got together at Sbarro's, then chatted in line almost until the doors opened. I'm so glad that the timing worked out, and that I'm going to be able to attend the third annual Shindig, which will be held in the summer instead of the fall! Anyway, once we were finally in the building, we filed in to be seated. I actually ended up with excellent seats--close to dead center, and high up, so I could see everything, but not too high to the point where I felt I was too far away from the action. An aide came in to rally our enthusiasm, picking out members of the audience and poking fun at them, then Jon came out to enormous applause. He answered a few questions from the audience (he thinks Scalia is the hottest Supreme Court justice, because as evidenced by the "nude photos" in America: The Book, he's swinging serious pipe), then he promptly launched into the show. It was so much fun to watch him when the camera wasn't on him. There were moments during the correspondent pieces where he was cracking up in silent laughter, banging his fist against the desk. Then there was the interaction with Stephen Colbert in the "check in" segment! What viewers at home see is barely a fraction of what goes on! Jon immediately complimented Stephen on his new suit, then remarked about how gay he was for noticing it was new. Stephen then launched into a story about how he'd been wearing size 40 since he was 18, but that his tailor recently told him he should move to a size 41, because of the size of his posterior. It was a hilarious exchange, unfilmed and lost to the fans forever. The "official" exchange, the one that was filmed, wasn't nearly as funny. All in all, it was a great experience, and I'm thrilled I was able to be a part of it. Now I'm off to watch the episode to see if I can pick out any distinctive cheers! Priscilla said at 8:38 PM ![]() Happy Pi Day! Celebrate by eating pizza and watching Weebl and Bob.
And Chungy, I believe you stand corrected. :D Priscilla said at 9:08 AM
Monday, March 13, 2006
![]() Oooh! As I mentioned a few weeks ago, I'm going to see The Daily Show being filmed tomorrow night. According to the newsletter, the guest will be Bart Ehrman, religion professor & author of "Misquoting Jesus." Sounds nifty, but Wednesday's guest is Natalie Portman. Just saying. :D
Look for this hat in the split-second pan over the audience, and listen for my tubercular cough of doom! 11/10c on Comedy Central, as any fule kno. Priscilla said at 10:25 PM ![]() Jayne Cobb is Kiki LaRue. I think I just died a little inside.
Check out this snazzy display of Firefly props, and a handful of props from Serenity! It also contains costumes and props from a variety of other sci-fi shows and movies, from Darth Vader to R2-D2, and from K-9 to a Dalek. Priscilla said at 8:35 AM
Sunday, March 12, 2006
![]() Fandom mixed bag:
For those that haven't seen the extended Firefly blooper reel, it's here, on YouTube. Now when are the fans going to get our hands on the extended Serenity blooper reel? *pokes Joss* So Teddy Dunn (Duncan on Veronica Mars) was on Grey's Anatomy tonight! He must get typecast for "crazy," not unlike Summer Glau. :D Whoever came up with the track names for the Lost soundtrack needs to be arrested by the bad pun police. This GOF deleted scene screencap is fantastic. Now I'm curious as to what was actually going on! Priscilla said at 11:17 PM
Friday, March 10, 2006
![]() The Star Wars Holiday Special, now available to the masses via the magic of Google Video. Now I understand why George Lucas denies its existence!
Priscilla said at 5:56 PM ![]() So Tealin has a Livejournal, and she's posted a year's worth of Discworld art on her website.
You people FAIL. Priscilla said at 5:47 PM ![]() Right-Wing nutbag Vernon Robinson wants to build a bridge to the 1950s.
For Renata: iHobo! I realize they look like lightbulbs, but they're supposed to be pears. Ah well, what can you expect from a 10-minute Photoshop job? Priscilla said at 5:08 PM
Thursday, March 09, 2006
![]() House Bingo!
Firefly Marathon Friday on SCI-FI! Small Gods Radio Drama on the BBC A fan commentary track for Goblet of Fire. Leaky claims it's the first fan commentary for a Harry Potter film. Haven't the fools heard of Wizard People, Dear Reader? Priscilla said at 1:35 PM ![]() Bill Napoli.
Let the google bomb begin. Napoli and his revolting, antediluvian, patriarchal spew can become the next santorum. Priscilla said at 12:21 PM
Wednesday, March 08, 2006
![]() Priscilla said at 11:20 PM ![]() Priscilla said at 2:43 PM ![]() Adam Busch was on last night's House! After Tom Lenk's amusing performance last season, I'm now wondering when Danny Strong will be showing up to complete The Trio. Whedonesque tells us that the next Buffy alum to guest star will be Michelle Trachtenberg, prompting a flurry of "House is Glory?" comments. I love my fandom*.
*This particular "fandom" being Buffy, not House. While I love the show, for some reason, the idea of a House fandom kind of weirds me out, especially in the wake of last night's "OMG, House & Wilson r living together!!!," which no doubt launched a thousand badfics. Priscilla said at 9:06 AM
Tuesday, March 07, 2006
![]() As some of you may be aware, NBC recently had a large number of videos removed from YouTube, including the infamous "Lazy Sunday" SNL sketch, also called "The Chronic(what?)cles of Narnia". Many were severely ticked off about this, believing the networks were shooting themselves in the foot, as the widespread popularity of the viral video was the best thing to happen to SNL's viewership in ages. Well, I rescind my nerd fury!
![]() NBC gets major points. They've just launched a website for popular clips like Lazy Sunday and the soon-to-be infamous A Day in the Life of Natalie Portman. Of course, Comedy Central's Mother Load gets the most love, as they post virtually everything The Daily Show and The Colbert Report air! Regardless, thank you NBC for being not stupid, and keeping pace with emerging technology and the whims of teh intarwebs! Priscilla said at 11:27 PM ![]() Don't let me forget: New House tonight!
Does anyone know what's going on with Veronica Mars this week? IMDB and UPN's website say there's a new episode tomorrow, but Yahoo!TV and UPN's "Upcoming" Schedule says it's going to be 'round the clock "America's Next Top Model." Can anyone enlighten me? Priscilla said at 4:48 PM ![]() Holy cow, this is awesome! Linked from Sue: Real-Life Simpsons Intro
And while we're at it: Batman and Robin chuck the Batmobile for something more convenient and efficient Priscilla said at 12:18 PM ![]() Dude! A couple weeks before Goblet of Fire came out in theatres, some students held a Potter Preceptorial, in which we discussed anything and everything Potter (and concluded definitively that Snape was not evil, just a petty, sadistic jerk, thankyouverymuch). Afterwards, I ended up having a discussion with one of the moderators, a grad student named Veronica Schanoes, who turned out to be a Tonks/Moody shipper. Out of pure coincidence, I had seen some Tonks/Moody fanart that morning, so I told her I'd send it to her. We emailed each other once more, and that was that.
Three and a half months later, Ko and I were looking over the new course offerings for the Fall, and she spotted a jaw-droppingly awesome course called Feminist Fairy Tales. We both were sold before we saw "Terry Pratchett" on the list of authors. Whilst squealing, I noticed that the professor's name was V Schanoes. I googled the name, and Veronica was the only person that Google turned up in association with Penn. I emailed Veronica and asked her if she was indeed the V Schanoes listed as teaching the class. That was a week ago. She just emailed me back, saying that yes, she was teaching the class, and she looked forward to seeing me and my roommate in September. I WILL BE TAKING THE MOST AWESOME-SOUNDING CLASS AT PENN FROM A TONKS/MOODY SHIPPER! Priscilla said at 9:08 AM
Monday, March 06, 2006
![]() I was listening to my music on shuffle, and "Mrs. Bagwell's Rhumba" came on. Man, I love the Mirrormask soundtrack.
Fair warning: Any of you that haven't seen Mirrormask yet have two weeks to see it, otherwise we are no longer friends. Priscilla said at 5:40 PM ![]() I's got purple fingernails! *flashes them enticingly*
You know you've been spending too much time on 3D modeling when your first thought is "Wow, look at the specular highlight on that!" Priscilla said at 5:29 PM ![]() For those that didn't see it, check out the opening for last night's Oscars. MAN, that's a project I would have loved to work on! Of course, if I'd worked on it, there would have been a nod to Lord of the Rings. The blink-and-you'll-miss-it shot of Mr. Incredible and Elastigirl goes some way in making up for it, though. :D
Also: Gay Cowboys Throughout History and the Three-Mafia Acceptance Speech. Priscilla said at 8:58 AM
Sunday, March 05, 2006
![]() The Oscars! Is it bad that the most exciting bit for me was my moment of "OMG, THAT'S STEPHEN COLBERT DOING THOSE ATTACK AD VOICEOVERS!"? Oh, how I miss my fake news duo. Mom found the ads tiresome, but thought they were hilarious. The Academy wanted Jon, they got Jon! The line about Bjork and Dick Cheney was pure Daily Show.
I found the awards enjoyable overall, but as the two awards I cared most about were in the first set (Animated Feature and Special Effects), I spent most of the program wishing I'd seen more of the films. In the top categories, I'd only seen Brokeback Mountain and The Constant Gardener, which made for a lot of "meh" when handing out the accolades. In short:
Priscilla said at 11:38 PM
Saturday, March 04, 2006
![]() Chungy just sent me this link: The Cast of World of Warcraft sing "The Internet is for Porn"
Priscilla said at 4:17 PM ![]() Oh! I'M HOME, by the way! I know Marcelina is in Dallas this week. Anyone else?
Priscilla said at 11:42 AM ![]() Renata posted the link to Stephen Colbert's Filliam H. Muffman clip, and I felt I should pass it on, because too few people have witnessed the hilariousness. BEST THING EVER.
Aside: Does anyone else with Firefox have trouble playing videos on MotherLoad and similar sites? I couldn't play the Olympics videos on CNN, either. I had to use Explorer. Any ideas as to what plugins or whatnot I might be missing? Priscilla said at 11:23 AM
Thursday, March 02, 2006
![]() Boooo! I was about to blog about my happiness at finally being paid the $100 for a 3D modelling job a few weeks ago, but then I just found a penny-sized hole in the butt of my favourite jeans, and I have no idea how it got there! CURSE YOU, FICKLE KARMIC BALANCE! Not on!
Priscilla said at 10:15 AM
Wednesday, March 01, 2006
![]() News of the next Simon Pegg and Edgar Wright movie! The guys that brought us Shaun of the Dead? Becky, I see your mad squeeage and raise you a "BWEE!"
Anyway, Lost! I have decided that Ethan is kind of like his cousin, Tom Cruise. He looks cute and friendly until you realize he is a ravening psycho. And as for Sun's whole pregnancy scare? Nothing to worry about. If the pace stays constant, she probably won't go into labor until Season 5. Dude, with no condoms or birth control on the island and a husband who looks as good shirtless as Jin does? Wasn't it kind of inevitable? Priscilla said at 11:02 PM ![]() Renata linked me to the iTunes Signature Maker, which is just neat! It samples bits from your iTunes library and combines them in a mishmash of awesome. Check out some of mine:
Long Version (40 sec) -- My favourite bit is Penelope Pennywise's random "A sweet lookin' head!" Haha, "Self Esteem!" The song from "Smile Time"! And "Prince Ali"! And "Nothing Without Me", which is just awesome. And "Hedwig's Theme Rocked Out" and "My Medea" and "Big Bar Fight" from the Firefly soundtrack and all sorts of other goodness! I love how "Shindou Satoshi" in Japanese dovetails so nicely with "Oceano" in Italian. Medium, Heavily Layered Version (30 sec) -- Very Revolution 9-esque, especially with the random spoken bits from the Dresden Files. Short Version (20 sec) -- Best parts: The random "ignoramus!" from "Nothing Without Me" and the sounds of Jack being beat to death with a shovel from Reefer Madness's "The Stuff: Reprise". "Popular" from Wicked and "Mike Teavee" from Charlie and the Chocolate Factory and all the good stuff that was in the long version, as well. I love how, like, half of the samples are from musicals. MAN I'm glad I got so much work on my Crime Cinema paper done this morning, because this is seriously distracting... Priscilla said at 2:35 PM Title cartoon by Bruce Eric Kaplan, used without permission. ![]() |
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