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Sunday, April 30, 2006
![]() Happy Walpurgisnacht to the more dangerously geeky members of the HP Fandom! Also wiccans and the various denizens of Finland, Sweden, Estonia, Latvia, Germany and Czechia. :D
Fanvid: Which Hogwarts Boy is Gay? Grammar Nazis in Space: Does no one know how to use apostrophes? From my parents: I'm the Decider From my subconscious, sick of math: Mathematical Sculptures, done in LEGO. I say Stephen Colbert is awesome because I know it in my gut. Check out his speech at the White House Correspondents' Dinner: Parts One and Two, Parts Two and Three. Sorry, I'm having difficulty finding a pair of videos with an even break. Anyway, I have a feeling that Stephen and everyone that laughed during his speech will be summarily rounded up and killed. Hilarious, but reaaaaaally uncomfortable. :D Priscilla said at 7:12 PM
Friday, April 28, 2006
Parents sue school over same-sex fairy tale As awesome as it is hilarious: Titanic II: The Surface. Picture Rims Priscilla said at 11:40 AM
Thursday, April 27, 2006
![]() DUDE. How is Google awesome? Let me count the ways.
Google Sketchup -- is an easy-to-learn 3D modeling program whose few simple tools enable you to create 3D models of houses, sheds, decks, home additions, woodworking projects - even space ships. You can add details, textures and glass to your models, design with dimensional accuracy, and place your finished models in Google Earth, share them with others by posting them to the 3D Warehouse, or print hard copies. Google SketchUp (free) is a great way to discover if 3D modeling is right for you.Totally different from what I'm doing with modeling, of course, but still pretty cool. I can't wait to see what fandom does with it! Priscilla said at 11:35 PM ![]() Buffy fans: If you're not reading Dojo Hard, you should be. *giggles uncontrollably*
Also, John Hodgman is the most wonderful person on the entire planet. Marry/Shag/Cliff Meme! And Keith--Ellie was related to Ellimist. My AOL screenname was Ellimist15, so in chatrooms, people would call me Elli. I twisted that into my name being Ellie, short for Elanor (because I thought that's how you spelled Eleanor). Ah, ten-years-ago me... Priscilla said at 4:15 PM ![]() Answers to the Ask-Any-Question Meme! Feel free to still add a question if you didn't get the chance before.
Jimmy: uh....what is your name? who are you? ;p I am Priscilla, I contain multitudes. And I am so much better at being a Priscilla than Kendall Casablancas is. :D (Of course, if you had asked before March 10, 2001, I would have told you "Ellie Rosenthal". Good riddance to my alterego!) Alli: What, exactly, is The Dresden Files? It seems like it's a book but I think you've mentioned James Marsters in connection with it before (correct me if I'm wrong, of course). Glad you asked! The Dresden Files is an urban fantasy book series by Jim Butcher, centered upon a wizard private eye named Harry Dresden. (He's in the phone book, under "Wizards".) His closest friend, Karrin Murphy, runs the Chicago P.D.'s answer to the X-Files. She's 5-foot-nothing, blonde, and has a black belt in Aikido. The first book is Storm Front, and the most recent (#8) is Proven Guilty, which technically comes out this Tuesday. Like any great series, the books just keep getting better. Re: James, the first three books are available in audio format, read (deliciously) by James Marsters. He was Jim's first choice to play Harry in the upcoming TV Movie/Backdoor Pilot on the Sci-Fi Channel (airdate unknown), despite James being far too short and far too pretty for the role. However, it would have meant him moving to Canada in the event the series was picked up, which James was not prepared to do. Instead, Paul Blackthorne (24) was cast in the lead role, and he looks like he's going to be great. Hurrah! Priscilla said at 10:33 AM
Wednesday, April 26, 2006
Oh, Logan. How on earth could you be stupid enough to sleep with someone that would rather be named Kendall than Priscilla? I mean, what abysmal taste! For both parties! People/Things that Win: Dick + pig = OTP Veronica poking Morgan about Lamb Blue and her Selective Memory People/Things that Lose: LoVe shippers Woody Goodman, who scares the bejeezus out of me Priscilla said at 11:52 PM ![]() Two episodes of House next week, and Fox was considerate enough not to further complicate my TV-watching triangle! Tuesday at 9--its usual slot--plus a bonus on Wednesday at 8. Not at 9 to conflict with Veronica Mars and Lost, but at 8! Thank you, Fox, for reading my mind and planning your schedule accordingly!
Priscilla said at 12:23 AM
Tuesday, April 25, 2006
![]() Holy cow. My math final was cancelled! I still have to do the writeup for my final project for Tuesday, but still. Gravy! Now I just have my figure modeling crit and the one exam!
Priscilla said at 11:05 PM ![]() WHERE IS THE PIE?
Corollary: WHY IS THE PIE NOT HERE? Priscilla said at 9:25 PM ![]() Dinosaur Comics, you are henceforth warned: talking about topics discussed in last week's Algorithms class--even if you do so on the third of April, 2003--is creepy and should be discouraged. Stupid 3-CNF-SAT...
Priscilla said at 5:09 PM ![]() Meeeeeeeeeeeeeme! Ganked from eight or so different people.
How many times has someone on your friends list posted about something and you were really confused, but you didn't want to ask because you knew you SHOULD know? How many times have you felt 'guilty' asking a close LJ friend a question that should be 'obvious'? Well, here's your chance. If you've missed a few things, missed an entry and are confused, ask me any thing. Even something EXTREMELY basic, like where I live! I'm not allowed to get even slightly irritated at any of the questions - we've all missed things before. Priscilla said at 11:12 AM ![]() Walt Disney Treasures: On the Front Lines has to be the most scaryawesome thing I've heard of all week, and that includes the porn star offering herself to Bin Laden in exchange for him not being evil. If only they had it at the Penn library, so that I could actually see it! Thanks to Croupier for the link.
Priscilla said at 8:15 AM
Monday, April 24, 2006
![]() Oh! I forgot to mention that on our way back home from our shopping spree Saturday morning, Ko and I ran into one of the male models from my figure modeling class. I never thought I'd be introducing someone as "Ko, this is Jon. I've seen him naked!"
Also, the woman that rang up our shoes had a pentacle amulet, which I considered to be A Sign that the bookstore three floors below would have Proven Guilty in stock, and of course, they did. Providence favored me that morning, yes indeed. Priscilla said at 8:32 PM ![]() Linkmining:
Porn Star's Offer to Bin Laden ATF Rids University of Ninja Threat Imagine This, a mashup of Bush audio clips synched to John Lennon's Imagine. You have to log in to watch it, but it's free. In the Event of Snakes on a Plane Ali G Interviews Noam Chomsky Priscilla said at 1:10 PM ![]() *keeps bursting into fits of giggles and interrupting roommate's paper-writing process*
I love Michael Muhney. Priscilla said at 9:18 AM ![]() I finally got around to reading the archives of Thinkin' Lincoln, and I am awed by the brilliance. The next time Renata recommends something, remind me to drop everything of importance and check it out. Otherwise, I could be missing out on stuff like this, which would be kind of tragic.
In the meantime, Proven Guilty needs to come out for real so I can start sharing all my theories with the folks on McAnally's. Seven days, as it's technically tomorrow now! Priscilla said at 12:18 AM
Sunday, April 23, 2006
![]() Linked from Tealin: The UK Theme, commissioned as an arrangement that would mark Radio 4 as a service encompassing all of Britain. Very cool, and absolutely guaranteed to activate Spike's trigger. :D
Anyway, today Deep and I saw the Body Worlds exibit, and it was AMAZING. Today was its last day in Philadelphia, but if you ever get the chance to see it as it tours through the states, DO SO. I was delighted at how the knowledge gained from my Figure Modelling class (not to mention episodes of House) added to my experience. Deep is pre-Med and a bio major, so we had quite the discussion going on! Oh, the geekery! I was particularly impressed by the sections devoted to the growth of the fetus and to the cardiovascular system. I don't know how Gunther von Hagens got his hands on so many little baby corpses, and I don't really want to know. They had specimens from three weeks onward, the smallest being less than a centimeter in size. I marvelled at each incremental stage in the fetus' development, especially at the point where the fingers and toes came into being, each digit half the size of the head of a pin. It was like a pro-lifer's wet dream, with the possible exception of the evil demon-baby fetus that looked like it was eating a piece of its own skull. Moving on. The cardiovascular section was just insane. Through some unfathomable process, von Hagens had stripped the body of everything BUT the veins, arteries, capillaries, etc. Just look at this photo of the cardiovascular forearm (I got the catalog, mom!). And they had FULL BODIES constructed this way! It boggled the mind. Afterwards, we made a brief circuit of the Franklin Museum, as I had never been there before, and we walked through The Giant Heart. I was slightly disappointed that this was not the same giant heart as was featured in last week's episode of House. Then I got over it. Speaking of, this past week's Veronica Mars? Priscilla Banks, haha! Made my day. As for the Oscar statue, fingerprints: yes, hair: wha? Why would hair be on the murder weapon? At least now we know what Kendall was doing in the boys' bathroom. Priscilla said at 10:17 PM
Saturday, April 22, 2006
![]() Truly, no good deed goes unpunished! On my way back from Bryn Mawr (Marcelina = SO MUCH COOLER THAN EVERYONE ALIVE AND/OR DEAD), I spent 20 minutes helping a blind man exit the subway station, go into a bar so he could use the restroom, and then get on the #40 bus. Now I reek of cigarette smoke from waiting for him in the bar, and when I was flagging down the bus so it wouldn't leave without the guy, I forgot that my copy of Proven Guilty was sandwiched between my arm and my purse, and it fell into an inch-deep puddle of water. Booooooooo, causality! Proof karma is a pack of lies.
Now I'm going to watch Giles be all fangy and grrr. Gotta love Doctor Who. Priscilla said at 10:06 PM ![]() Ten days until Proven Guilty!
FOR YOU. ![]() Ko and I went shopping today. She got a lot of adorable tops, a denim skirt, and some cute flip flops, and I got a hot pair of sandals and a book that shouldn't be on the shelves for another week and a half! Oh, I win! Priscilla said at 12:04 PM
Friday, April 21, 2006
![]() Oh my god, I FAIL at Fandom! It's taken me this long to realize that Penn has a dorm called "Gregory House". They also have weekly 24 and Veronica Mars viewing parties. I'm surprised they don't have one for the obvious. :D
In related news, "Either they were separated at birth or are both members of an elite coven of Hollywood vampires." Priscilla said at 9:49 AM
Thursday, April 20, 2006
![]() A Brief History of Vampire Musicals. I love how Once More, With Feeling gets the best writeup of the lot, and is one of two that even get positive reviews. :D
Priscilla said at 11:00 AM ![]() I finished the penultimate draft a little after 4 in the morning, got some much-needed shut-eye, and got up at 10 to make revisions and to restructure a rather poorly assembled section of my argument. And now? DONE! Man, I always forget how much easier it is to string coherent thoughts when you're not totally sleep-deprived.
Priscilla said at 10:09 AM
Wednesday, April 19, 2006
![]() I wish Word had some kind of "add this word to the Dictionary, but only for this one document" feature. That would be awesome. I wonder if OpenOffice has something like that.
I hate my paper and want to go to sleep. Priscilla said at 7:52 PM ![]() I finished my math homework two hours before schedule, so to reward myself, I decided I could afford a one-hour nap. Because my brain has long since abandoned me for more temperate climes, I forgot to actually turn the alarm *on*, and I ended up sleeping for three hours. Three hours down the drain, and I'm almost more exhausted than before I started.
Now that just isn't fair. Priscilla said at 5:56 PM ![]() I am sooooooo tiiiired. And tonight's almost certainly going to be an all-nighter. I managed to punch out three hours of sleep last night, mostly because I knew I'd need it to complete my crime cinema paper tonight. I set my alarm for 6:45, yet I naturally woke up at 6, and it wouldn't let me go back to sleep for more than 5-minute intervals. I woke up for real at 6:13. My biological clock HATES ME.
How did it become the last week of classes already? This Week in God-Forsaken-Me: Monday: Figure Modeling crit Tuesday: A bunch of two-page Crime Cinema mini-papers that I'd gotten way behind on--I turned in three this day, with two more to go for Thursday. Wednesday: Big math project presentation at noon, Math homework I've only half-completed due at 5 Thursday: Crime Cinema final paper, remaining mini-papers Friday: CSE Homework, which I've half-completed. After that, I'll sleep for a solid week, waking up briefly to go to the Body Worlds exhibit before it leaves town, catch up on the TV I missed, and start studying for exams and polishing my demo reel and internship applications. Tues, May 2nd: Math exam at noon, writeup of Math presentation due. Also Proven Guilty released in the US! Wed, May 3rd: Figure Modeling final crit at 10:30 Fri, May 5th: CSE final at 9 in the frickin' morning Priscilla said at 7:52 AM
Tuesday, April 18, 2006
![]() Yay! Veronica Mars is moved to 10:30 tonight to make room for basketball (check your local listings--it probably doesn't apply for you), so I can record all three of my shows--House, VM, and Lost--without crazy juggling! Of course, there's no new Lost this week, so I wouldn't have had to do any juggling in the first place, and with the amount of work I need to get done this week, I won't be watching any of said shows until Friday night or Saturday, but whatever. Yay!
Priscilla said at 4:28 PM
Monday, April 17, 2006
![]() Pratchett on Einstein, on BBC radio. It'll only be up until Wednesday, so be sure to check it out! (thanks to Tealin for the link!)
*does the dance of 15 days until Proven Guilty* Priscilla said at 8:51 PM ![]() Michael Jackson needs to stop staring at me from America: The Calendar. I'm getting seriously freaked out. *turns calendar around to face the wall*
Oh, and did anyone else notice that last Friday was labelled as "Sunday", for some reason? Is there a joke I'm not getting, or was a typesetter fired shortly after publication? Priscilla said at 8:39 PM ![]() Oh, that's nice. A bunch of tour groups just tromped through (my roommate and I volunteered to show off our room for Penn Previews), and one of them upset my trashcan, and now there are a hundred tiny pieces of eggshell ground into the carpet. I'm going to have to borrow my GA's vaccuum. What's more annoying, they didn't even bring it to my attention. I wonder when it even happened? Four groups went through in succession.
Dude, you make a mess, you clean it up, especially when you're a guest. Priscilla said at 10:45 AM
Sunday, April 16, 2006
![]() Whee! Ko's birthday festivities were a delight! Her mom sent her a huge box of candy, balloons (long worm balloons with faces and balloon animal-type balloons), an Easter egg dyeing kit, lots of chips and salsa, and bubbles! I provided an ice cream cake from Ben & Jerry's, which I carefully labelled "Not an ice cream cake from Ben & Jerry's" to deter suspicion. I had to smash the box a bit to cram it in our freezer and ended up duct-taping the door shut. Whatever, it worked. :D
The party itself was a blast! Ko made some delicious bean dip, which Deep hoarded, and Nikki and Johanna sought to fashion an entire wardrobe for Ko out of balloon animal balloons. She got a vest, fairy wings, a hat, and a sumo wrestler thong. Johanna made Lederhosen for herself. I discovered, to everyone's surprise, that I was quite adept at making balloon animals! I made a poodle, then I started making a companion for her, only to have it pop on me. Part of the balloon stayed intact, though, and made a very humorous shape, if you know what I mean. :D Later on, we brought out the cake, and I burned my fingers quite a few times trying to light all the candles: big 2-1 candles + 21 smaller candles + one to grow on. All present declared the cake to be crazy delicious, so go me! After cake, we went our seperate ways to do work, but later in the evening, Nikki and Deep came back up to bring in Ko's 21st birthday in a more traditional fashion. Nikki made pina coladas, each of which contained enough rum to render Jack Sparrow unconscious. I just took a sip of Ko's and the smell completely bowled me over. Poor me: I like mixed drinks, I just loathe the taste and smell of alcohol! I guess it's good news for my liver. Happy Birthday to Ko, Happy Zombie Jesus Day to the Christians, and Happy April 16th to everyone else! Priscilla said at 4:05 PM ![]() Lord of the Rings on TBS, featuring the most cracked-out ads ever! Downloadable here.
For some reason, I'm randomly reminded of the uproariously funny Frodo Awakens, which kills me dead every time. That and more in my list of Things That are Brilliant, which needs to be updated. Priscilla said at 10:47 AM ![]() I just noticed that I never commented on Mah Shows this week, aside from my Egg Drop rant! This week I recorded VM and watched Lost as it aired with Erin (my GA) and some of her friends. It was hilarious, as between the four of us, we pretty much intuited everything that happened.
"It's a church!" "She has cancer!" "Don't touch the doll!" "The island cured her!" "It's Michael!" etc etc etc. The shot of Niagra Falls in the background made me miss Wonderfalls even more. Oh Tim Minear, why do you continue to go back to Fox like a girl returns to an abusive boyfriend? I was also amused at the increasing amounts of show material that seem to be gleaned from fanfiction.net. Wilson comes to live with House! Jack and Kate are trapped in kissing proximity in a big net, with no hope of rescue! That, plus the increasing amounts of show material Lost seems to be gleaning from reruns of Gilligan's Island: In one episode, they learn that an orbiting Gemini spacecraft will be flying almost directly over the island. They build a giant "S.O.S." sign out of giant logs and light them on fire, so that they can be seen at night from space. Then at the crucial moment, Gilligan trips over one of the logs and kicks it out of place. He catches his pant leg on fire and jumps around, knocking the logs even more askew. One of the astronauts, Sol, is delighted to see his name written in giant letters on the ground, as it was his birthday. For the other great Gilligan moment, see this entry. I'm kind of perplexed by Bernard's decision at the end of the episode. Just because he and Rose are choosing to stay on the island, shouldn't they still work on the sign in hopes that the other fifty-some people can be rescued? And for all the other Lostaways that gave up on the project, dude, what else are you going to do with your time? You're stuck on an island! It may be futile and a lot of hard work, but it's better than doing nothing. Dorks. Umm... have some fake spoilers! Priscilla said at 9:51 AM ![]() Really, really funny: Superboy Ruling Throws Smallville Rights Into Limbo. Excerpt:
A federal judge in Los Angeles has ruled that the WB's SMALLVILLE may be infringing on the copyrights held on the Superboy character by the widow and daughter of Jerome Siegel, creator of the comicbook series, reports VARIETY.I think a thundering "DUH" might be fitting here. Priscilla said at 9:47 AM ![]() Glee! Check out the trailer for Disney's newest CG offering, Meet the Robinsons. Note that the director voiced the Snidely Whiplash-type character, like Brad Bird voiced Edna Mode in The Incredibles. I am so entertained.
This new goodness + the inside scoop we got when Disney last visited the campus = I can't wait to see it! Edit: *checks IMDB* MUSIC BY DANNY ELFMAN! Oh, life is beautiful! Priscilla said at 9:36 AM
Saturday, April 15, 2006
![]() Really funny: La Vie Boheme, HP Style! The choice of clips is hilarious.
And because I want to brag about how pleased I am with the current status of my 3d self-portrait, check out where I am now! Obviously I still have to do the hair and the bump map on the lips and work on the ear, but still. Whoo! The girl in the background is the model without the texture map. And now, off to Ko's birthday dinner! She is 21, or will be tomorrow! Give her birthday love and lots of booze and hookers! Priscilla said at 5:25 PM
Friday, April 14, 2006
![]() And reblogger's back! What messed-up timing. :D
Priscilla said at 1:18 PM ![]() I've taken a leaf from Renata's book and switched to Blogger comments for the time being, while reblogger is being stupid. La!
Priscilla said at 12:56 PM ![]() Ooh! This Monday, the Film Festival winners will be available online at the GPSFF website! I'll post again then to let you guys know when Zeyen and Nazia is up, as some of you have expressed interest in seeing it. You can see my rockin' end credits sequence, which was far superior to any of the other credits sequence at the festival last night! I'm sure that's what clenched it for us. :D
Priscilla said at 6:52 AM
Thursday, April 13, 2006
![]() HOLY COW WE WON. The Greater Philadelphia Student Film Festival, and WE WON. Best Undergraduate Film, Zeyen and Nazia. OWNAGE!
Priscilla said at 9:09 PM ![]() Woohoo! I got all the classes I wanted!
Mah shed-yewl: CINE 102: Film Analysis and Methods, finishing up my film studies minor FNAR 124: Drawing II, rounding out my fine arts minor CSE 460: Computer Graphics, the scarycool computer science side ENGL 290: Feminist Fairy Tales, only the coolest-sounding class ever PHYS 141: Physics part 2, a necessary evil Plus I'm TAing CIT 592: Mathematical Foundations of Computer Science. Next semester is going to be awesome. Priscilla said at 4:41 PM ![]() Veronica Mars: Twelve feet? TWELVE FRIGGIN' FEET? Only one person in the class could make an egg drop device that worked from that height? Neptune High, you fail at life. In high school, for a physics competition, I stuck an egg inside a fresh bagel, put a bagel on either side, and wrapped it in duct tape, and it survived a FOUR STORY DROP. Then Freshman year at Penn, our hall built an egg drop device that looked like our GA as a ninja, and it also survived a four story drop.
Twelve feet! Pfft. Priscilla said at 8:44 AM ![]() Why do I keep falling asleep with wet hair when I *know* I'm going to wake up with a head full of unmanageable ringlets and frizz? Clearly, because under the ringlets and frizz, I have no brain.
Priscilla said at 8:28 AM
Tuesday, April 11, 2006
![]() Remember that CSE midterm?
Mean: 60.63 Median: 60 3rd Quartile: 72.75 1st Quartile: 46.25 Me: 68. Yeah, I kind of rock. In Penn Computer Science, only freaks, geniuses, and hopeless nerds beat the mean. And me. This calls for dance! It was actually pretty funny. Before the midterm started, everyone was obviously stressing, so Professor Khanna told us to breathe and adopt the Peacock Posture (which, according to Google image search, is not the Peacock Posture at all!). I joined a small number of students in humoring him. Without our knowledge, he must have written down the names of the students that did so, because he computed the mean for the Peacock Posture students as well: 69. Was it the posture that cleared our minds and allowed us all to thoroughly trounce the Non-Peacock mean? Or do we just rock extra hard? I choose the latter. Priscilla said at 3:59 PM ![]() Lost fans: Now that Veronica Mars no longer conflicts with Lost, why not give it a shot? Tuesdays at 9 on UPN, repeating Wednesdays at 9 and Sundays at 7!
Priscilla said at 11:09 AM ![]() *grooves*
Congratulations!We didn't win at the Ivy Film Festival, but that was to be expected. We did win 3rd place at the Upenn College House Festival, but that hardly sounds prestigious. :D At the screening, I'll talk to Josh and see if we can't arrange some kind of online version, so that you guys can see it, should you so desire. Priscilla said at 12:24 AM
Monday, April 10, 2006
![]() I haven't known them 24 hours, and I'm already on the way to converting them! Liz saw the picture of James Marsters on our Wall of Sex, and she started gushing about him and Buffy. I burned her a CD with the first three audiobooks of The Dresden Files. Shelly saw my Firefly stuff and commented that she'd seen a handful of episodes on Sci-Fi, and that she really liked them. I told her she was welcome to watch the episodes she hadn't seen while she was here.
Yeah, I kind of rock. Priscilla said at 7:55 AM
Sunday, April 09, 2006
![]() When a poor Gypsy teen goes on a quest for money and women, he and his gang of street kids find more worldly power than they ever imagined. Time travel, singing crack whores, dogfights and nuclear annihilation are just around the corner in this gorgeous musical animation gem from Hungary.That is the film I saw this afternoon at the Philly Film Festival. The animation was awesome, and the story was hilarious. Also, I posted my second Frankenmix, for whom it may concern. It's prospies this week! We're putting up two girls, Liz and Shelly, which is rather awkward, as Ko calls me "Cellie", so there's all kinds of confusion. Flans are squeeing about Firefly: The Official Companion, due September 30th. Sounds very cool, but I'd be hard pressed to imagine what "new" Firefly material hasn't been discovered by the fans already. Priscilla said at 6:59 PM
Saturday, April 08, 2006
![]() Booooo, V for Vendetta has left the Philadelphia area before I got a chance to see it. Fortunately, Thank You For Smoking has not! I saw it this afternoon, and it was awesome. Then later in the evening, Ko and I exercised for an hour at Pottruck. It's a bit embarrassing to note that this was my first time to work our there. I felt fantastic afterwards, though, and it was air conditioned enough that I didn't feel disgusting, so I'm thinking I'm going to start working out for half an hour or more before class. Better with two weeks of class left than never, no? Ah well, if I can get myself in a routine in the last couple weeks of this semester, I won't have an excuse to not get into a routine in the Fall.
Today's Links: New York Times: Fossil Called Missing Link From Sea to Land Animals (registration required -- bugmenot.com) Poking fun at every organized religion ever: Kissing Hank's Ass Wired News: Whistle-Blower Outs NSA Spy Room Season Two of the New Doctor Who starts in the UK on April 15th. Still no date set for the US. And here I thought it was annoying waiting one extra day for Lost... (Oh! Remember, Veronica Mars is at a new time this week! Tuesdays at 9, during House. *pitches a minor fit*) Sam posts a new batch of student gems! It makes me wish I was TAing anything but Mathematics of Computer Science next semester. "...So this guy tried using strong induction instead of weak induction, leading him to a totally fallacious conclusion! He thought f(n)=O(g(n)), when any moron could see it was the other way around!" Yeah, that'll be a kneeslapper. Scary as all heck: Forensic Vagina Specialist. This Sunday's New York Times Magazine cover story will be a profile of a nation 8 years into the complete and total criminalization of abortion. No rape clause, no life of the mother clause. Nothing. Rachel Maddow interviews Jack Hitt. Priscilla said at 7:36 PM
Friday, April 07, 2006
![]() Today's Linkmine!
More Gud Summries from Stoney321. I laughed so hard I cried, and Ko closed the door so my riotous giggling wouldn't upset her studying. National Geographic: The Gospel of Judas? (linked from Sam) Mouse Experiment A man with several dozen microphones strapped to his body walks into a room full of speakers. Hear what happens next. YES OH YES, THANK YOU JESUS! Ganked from Renata. In recognition of the unprecedented Internet buzz for what had been a minor movie in their 2006 line-up, New Line Cinema ordered five days of additional shooting in early March 2006 (principal photography had wrapped in September 2005). While re-shoots normally imply problems with a film, the producers opted to add new scenes to the film to take the movie from PG-13 into R-rated territory and bring the movie in line with the growing fan expectation. Among the reported additions is a line that originated as an Internet parody of Samuel L. Jackson's traditional movie persona: "I want these motherfucking snakes off the motherfucking plane!"In short, intarweb > the universe. Priscilla said at 8:18 PM ![]() You can now get Strong Bad emails via podcast! It's currently #1 on iTunes, so it's easy to find. Ah, the things you learn hanging out with the DMD geeks in the HMS lab...
Meanwhile, the most terrifying sculputre in the universe: Daniel Edwards' "Monument to Pro-Life". And the back. *wibbles* In other news, Rob Cordry (or more likely, some unpaid intern) hates me! <3! This is a lot funnier if you watched last Wednesday's Daily Show. Edit: Some context here. Priscilla said at 12:36 PM ![]() Wikimeme! Ganked from everybody and their dog. Three events, two births, and one death on November 23rd.
Events: 1499 - Pretender to the throne Perkin Warbeck is hanged for reportedly attempting to escape from the Tower of London. He had invaded England in 1497, claiming to be the lost son of King Edward IV of England. 1890 - King William III of the Netherlands dies without a male heir and a special law is passed to allow his daughter Princess Wilhelmina to become Queen. 1963 - The first episode of the science fiction television series Doctor Who debuts on the BBC. Births: 1860 - Billy the Kid, American bandit (d. 1881) 1887 - Boris Karloff, British actor (d. 1969) Death: 1990 - Roald Dahl, British author (b. 1916) Priscilla said at 8:04 AM
Thursday, April 06, 2006
![]() Meme ganked from Renata: Give me up to 3 things you would like me to take a picture of, and... I will. and then I will post them all here. DO IT.
Priscilla said at 6:46 PM ![]() HOLY COW, last night's LOST. It was like Fight Club meets Buffy's "Normal Again"! That episode was so much crazy fun. Combine it with last night's Veronica Mars and you have an hour of television that redefines awesome. On one network, OH MY GOOD GRAVY, WEEVIL! On the other, GREAT GOOGLY MOOGLY, HURLEY! Mac! Beaver! Logan! Thumper! Wallace! Jackie! Dave! Sawyer! Jin! Henry! Libby! Charlie! And lots of wasted food.
Dude, what would Claire have to say about Hurley taking that entire tub of peanut butter? Anyway, best moment ever: Jin and Sun cracking up as Hurley whaled on Sawyer. House and The Daily Show are next! Plus James on tonight's Smallville. *does a dance* Priscilla said at 5:50 PM ![]() CSE Midterm: 1
Me: twelve billion Oh, so that's what happens when you study your butt off! Priscilla said at 4:45 PM
Wednesday, April 05, 2006
![]() Snow. Wasn't it in the 70s a couple days ago?
In other news, my alarm clock somehow got shifted to PM instead of AM, which explains why it hasn't been waking me up lately. Edit: Holy cow! In the 10 minutes I've been awake, the weather has shifted from violent snowstorm to nada. Priscilla said at 7:40 AM ![]() Gotta love math recitation. A problem I thought I'd solved in 4 lines ended up taking 3/4 of a page. 1:02 AM (2:02 EST, but I was born in Central, so that's all that matters) on 04/05/06 and I'm where I thought I was at 6:30 this evening. Laaaaar.
Priscilla said at 1:02 AM
Tuesday, April 04, 2006
![]() Hmm. Temperature is 97.2.
I wonder if I'm just one of those people with an abnormally low average body temperature. It was in that range when I visited the clinic a couple weeks ago. Maybe someday when I'm feeling particularly healthy I'll try again. In the meantime, I'm working my tail off on Math and CSE. I feel like I've been spending more time in office hours than in class! I can't wait until this particular gauntlet is over on Thursday. I'll have House, Veronica Mars, Lost, a week's worth of Daily Shows, and episode 4 of Three Deep waiting for me that afternoon! News roundup:
Priscilla said at 10:23 PM ![]() My dad emailed me to point out that tomorrow morning, April 5th, at two minutes and three seconds after 1:00 in the morning, the time and date will be 01:02:03 04/05/06. That's hot.
Priscilla said at 10:04 PM
Monday, April 03, 2006
![]() Makani posts Lost doodles, one of which includes Sawyer reading HP&HBP.
Me: Sawyer's revelation reminds me of this. XD Makani: ahaha i've seen that xD i was going to make a comic out of the sawyer one too.. like he reads that and then yells into the camp "Hey, Snape kills Dumbledore!" and someone in the camp yells back "YOU BITCH! YOU BITCH!" and Sawyers like :] Me: Haha, that is SO something Sawyer would do! Hurley: [re: Sawyer's glasses] It looks like someone steamrolled Harry Potter. Sawyer: Oh yeah? Well it looks like SNAPE KILLS DUMBLEDORE! Sawyer: Hey, Doc, I want my stash of medicine back. Jack: And what can I expect in return, Sawyer? Sawyer: I won't tell you SNAPE KILLS DUMBLEDORE. Jack: OMG UR MEEN! *wailsob* Sawyer: Hey, Mr Clean! Guess what? Locke: Snape kills Dumbledore. Sawyer: SNA-What? Locke: The island told me. Sawyer: O_O Locke: Actually, I overheard you shouting the last 48 times when you were spoiling it for the tailies. Sawyer: Harry hooks up with Ginny. Locke: NOOOOES HARMONY 4 EVA!!!! Sawyer: *smirk* Priscilla said at 2:04 PM
Sunday, April 02, 2006
![]() Drive-by fangirling: One month until the release of Proven Guilty, the eighth novel of Jim Butcher's The Dresden Files! Leap on the bandwagon and give the series a go. The first book is Storm Front (or check out the audio or mp3 cd version--read by James Marsters)
Priscilla said at 7:17 PM ![]() I got my Maya working again!
The Universe: 0 Me: Ten billion Now back to math homework and studying for my CSE midterm! The Universe: *breaks the scoreboard* Me: Negative infinity Priscilla said at 6:08 PM ![]() Stupid Ben Franklin and his stupid useless daylight saving time. Bleh.
I bet they don't have a stupid human concept like Daylight Saving Time on the TARDIS. That's one tiny reason why I'm so excited about the new Doctor Who Season 2 Trailer! Thanks to Wisteria. The word of the day is GUH. I can't wait until it comes to the US! Also stupid Izzy and Zoe's. They used to have enormous, fantastically delicious muffins, half the size of my head! But since Spring Break, they've been replaced with inferior, normal-sized muffins for the same price. They also appear to be skimping on the ingredients in my bagel sandwich. Bad form, Izzy and Zoe's! Priscilla said at 8:07 AM
Saturday, April 01, 2006
![]() The "date" went fine! Weather.com decided to pull an April Fool's joke on me and said that it was going to be in the 60s for most of the evening, so I went sleeveless, but the high winds were enough to make me uncomfortable. Fortunately, everywhere we went was within a block, so it wasn't an inconvenience.
We had Chinese at Won and discussed classes and DMD-related dorkishness, then saw Ice Age 2. I think we were the only people in the theatre that weren't infants or the parents of infants. The one-year-old beside me, sitting in her mother's lap, danced energetically to the music and acted enthusiastically with the characters, much to her mother's chagrin and much to my amusement. The kids were loud, but never really obnoxious, somehow. Ususally, kids in the theatre irritate the heck out of me. I don't know what was different tonight. We got Ben & Jerry's afterward, where we talked about our characters we've modelled and our plans for demo reels and such over chocolatey goodness, then he walked me back to my dorm. We parted with a hug. Any analysis of these events will probably hinge on our interactions next Tuesday, as we get out of class at the same time and occasionally run into each other at the cybercafe. And now, back to studying! Priscilla said at 8:38 PM ![]() I've got a daaaaate! Or something approaching one! *does a dance*
Okay, so it probably doesn't qualify as a date, just going to dinner and a movie with a friend of the opposite sex who I think is extremely cute. Allow me my delusions. I've got a daaaaaaate! Priscilla said at 12:54 PM ![]() Priscilla said at 10:22 AM Title cartoon by Bruce Eric Kaplan, used without permission. ![]() |
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