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Thursday, November 30, 2006
![]() I didn't fall asleep! I call this a "win."
Priscilla said at 5:28 PM ![]() I am going to crash and fall asleep in the middle of my Physics midterm. This I acknowledge and accept.
Priscilla said at 12:51 PM ![]() Turned in my paper! 12-15 page limit, and mine was a few inches onto the 15th. I look forward to rereading it after I've actually had a good night's sleep, and I prepare myself for horror. I'm generally quite pleased with it, but seeing as how I had a minor revelation five minutes after turning it in, I'm crossing my fingers that the TAs don't notice that small hole in one of my arguments.
In other awesome news, I finally got the color working on my printer! The yellow hasn't worked all semester, no matter how I may curse at it. But last night, when I was printing a draft, I noticed that my black cartridge was low, so I printed "Color" black rather than "black" black. To my glee, halfway through the first page, the yellow started printing. I'm not sure I'd be this excited if I'd gotten more than three hours of sleep last night and more than four the night before, but oh well. Now, I begin studying for my Physics midterm! It's in 4 1/2 hours! Tra-LA! Can Hiro stop being fictional for a sec and stop time long enough for me to take a nap? Y'know, now would be the perfect time for me to start drinking coffee. Shame I never will. Priscilla said at 1:19 AM
Tuesday, November 28, 2006
![]() First person to make a Sylar fanvid to Jonathan Coulton's "Re: Your Brains" gets a cookie. This will probably require more actual footage of Sylar and therefore take some time for new episodes to come out, but again, "first person." I'm not saying it has to get done now. Additionally, whoever makes a Kara/Leoben fanvid to "Skullcrusher Mountain" gets pie. (Who came up with the Skullcrusher Mountain vid idea? Someone smart and on my flist. If you are she, let me know so that I may lay flowers at your feet.)
So! Veronica Mars, v. good! I'm very much in favor of this "not all mysteries get resolved in the last two episodes" thing. It feels more organic and right. Also Mac + Wallace + Piz + Weevil, all in one episode? Christmas comes early! And I never thought I'd say this, but GOOD FOR YOU, LOGAN! His actions tonight were 100% Priscilla-approved. Pinch me. Anyway, I'm saving House and last night's Studio 60 for after I finish my paper and Physics midterm on Thursday, so don't spoil me. Back to my paper! Priscilla said at 9:16 PM ![]() Is there a less clunky way of describing Firefly in terms of Serenity than "the TV series Serenity is a movie of"? Oh, je suck.
Priscilla said at 3:07 PM
Monday, November 27, 2006
![]() Okay. Hiro needs to stop being fictional right now. GREAT SCOTT, SO MUCH LOVE!
Priscilla said at 9:19 PM ![]() Dear Body,
Come on. I'm already ruing having to return to class. You think the solution is to make my wrists break out in hives? You suck. No love, The Rest of Me Priscilla said at 8:52 AM
Sunday, November 26, 2006
![]() *snorks* Did Torchwood just quote Bridget Jones?
Priscilla said at 11:08 PM
Friday, November 24, 2006
![]() Oh, and an addendum to the Heroes post: I know Sylar didn't have time to eat Other!Cheerleader's brain and absorb her powers or whatnot (is that the current theory? I don't follow the actual fandom), but wouldn't it be fun if Sylar took on her bitchy, popular-snot qualities? Or her miniskirt? I would laugh.
Anyway, I did that "Alphabetically Pair Up Who's in your LJ Icons" meme during a brief break from my TOTALLY AWESOME (or at least it will be) Serenity and The Searchers paper for my film class. Only about half of the pairings were funny, and here they are: Dalek/Darth Vader -- "We will exterminate the Rebellion. Exterminate! Exterminate!" Dumbledore/Elphaba -- 'Cause when you're with the wizard, no one thinks you're strange! French Taunter/Gaius Baltar Genie (Aladdin)/George W Bush -- "Hey, what's this about North Korea bombin' Crawford? I wished no other countries had nucular weapons!" "And I granted it! But you never said anything about 'nuclear' ones..." God (Monty Python)/Gollum -- "YOU MUST SEEK THE HOLY GRAIL." "What's 'grail', precious?" Gregory House/Harry Dresden -- my god, the snark would result in a minor supernova! Harry Potter/Hermione Granger -- Included because my roommate ships them and she's had the universe's crappiest semester Hiro Nakamura/Howard Dean -- YATTAAAAAAUGH! Karrin Murphy/Jayne Cobb -- WOW, world's least likely couple! Though she has shacked up with a mercenary recently... Jon Stewart/Joss Whedon -- YES PLEASE HAVE MANY BRILLIANT AND HILARIOUS MANBABIES Logan Echolls/Mac -- er, that's Mac as in "I'm a Mac, I'm a PC", not the character on VM. Logan/VM!Mac would be ooky. Malcolm Reynolds/Mewsevelt (Thinkin' Lincoln) -- I already can't think about Mewsevelt without bursting into a fit of giggles, so bwaha. Napoleon Dynamite/Princess Leia -- in his pathetic, liger-filled dreams! Puppet Angel/Puppet Pals Harry -- "Angst. Angst. Angst..."? Inevitable. Spike/Spongmonkey (Rathergood.com, We Like Tha Moon and Quiznos commercials) -- NO. WORDS. This might even be more fabulous than Spike/Clipboard. Stephen Colbert/Strong Bad -- Can someone please write this fanfic? Labels: heroes Priscilla said at 11:19 PM ![]() I wrote most of this on Monday, but schoolwork and general exhaustion and Blogger being on crack extended the writing process.
Looks like The Dresden Files TV show is going to be on Sundays at 9EST as the lead-in to Battlestar Galactica. Now I'm not a TV executive and I don't know about the secret inner workings of the network, but wouldn't it have been more prudent to make the phenomenally popular space opera the lead-in to the new show desperately seeking an audience? Ah well. Maybe a few BSG fans will see the last few minutes of Dresden and be intrigued. *sigh* And I liked Sci-Fi Friday. Anyway, Heroes. So when did it finally penetrate Peter's skull that flying was not his superpower? I thought he was still confused about everything. He certainly was a couple episodes ago, and nothing really happened for him that should have changed that. Oh well. The "Save the Cheerleader" payoff was the most predictable thing that's happened all season, but it was still fun to watch it play out. I was hoping they'd put some kind of spin on it, that it wasn't Claire that needed saving, or that Claire was going to take a dramatic turn for the dark side when she tried to kill the quarterback, and they were going to have to save the Cheerleader from herself, which would in turn stop a series of events that would have lead to The Great Kablooey. I was hoping that we would actually see the other cheerleader die on the steps, where Claire's death was predicted, but I guess if all Isaac's visions actually came true, it wouldn't bode well for New York. Oh well. I like that they paid the line off quickly, rather than making it last an entire season. I know they're trying not to be Lost, making the fans wait seven years to pay off something that happened in the first episode. Anyway, more nicknames to add to my stash, in addition to "Mr. Kitty": Boy Rogue and The Wolverette. This show makes me so happy. Oh! And I neglected to mention! Ko and I watched the two episodes of Studio 60 I had recorded but we hadn't gotten around to seeing (Nevada Day 1 and 2), and BWEE. I don't know what was going on in my brain, but for the first time, the show felt like Genuine Sorkin to me. I was loving it, and I was wondering what on earth I was thinking when I told myself weeks before I was only watching the show because my roommate watched it. YAY STUDIO 60! Labels: heroes Priscilla said at 11:14 PM
Thursday, November 23, 2006
![]() Happy Birthday to You,
You're now twenty-two! You're happy and healthy And attractive, woo-hoo! Now go eat some turkey/tofurkey/miscellaneous vegetables in absence of meat or meat substitute! Edit: Unless you're not American. Then have a happy November 23rd! Priscilla said at 10:39 AM
Monday, November 20, 2006
![]() Just watched Friday's Battlestar Galactica. I am so amused at the preview for next week's episode, so let's just get this out of the way:
"The first rule of Battlestar Galactica is - you do not talk about Battlestar Galactica. The second rule of Battlestar Galactica is - you DO NOT talk about Battlestar Galactica!" Hey, it explains where all of Apollo's belly fat went! Were else would the humans be getting soap? Lee: I want you to do me a favor, Starbuck. I want you to hit me as hard as you can. Number Six: Did you know if you mixed equal parts of gasoline and frozen orange juice concentrate you can make napalm? Kara: I am Jack's smirking revenge. Tigh: Only after disaster can we be resurrected. and maybe even: Adama: Ok, any historic figure. Roslin: I'd fight Gandhi. Adama: Good answer. Roslin: How about you? Adama: Lincoln. Roslin: Lincoln? Adama: Big guy, big reach. Skinny guys fight 'til they're burger. Priscilla said at 1:32 AM
Saturday, November 18, 2006
![]() Veronica Mars has been picked up for a total of 20 episodes. The prospect of a fourth season is still up in the air.
Stranger than Fiction, Starring Harry Potter. Ganked from Peg. HILARIOUS! Deliciously high-res OotP trailer screencaps. And seeing those exploding proclamations... After the movie comes out, the first person to make a Fred and George/V for Vendetta fanvid will win the internet. Or "Another Brick in the Wall." I'm not choosy. And finally, a cam version of the OotP teaser! For those that didn't feel like sitting through the full 30-minute John Hodgman and Jonathan Coulton, I've uploaded Benjamin Franklin's Six Oaths of the Virtuous Child Bill Maher: A Farewell to Douchebags A brilliant student film: Unicorn vs. Narwhal Freaking sweet: Office Building Tetris Priscilla said at 11:59 AM ![]() Not content with the revelation that Calvin of "Calvin and Hobbes" fame is Edward Norton's character of Fight Club, now the internet is claiming Dennis the Menace is Tyler Durden. And Part II!
Oh, my childhood. Priscilla said at 11:41 AM
Friday, November 17, 2006
![]() Oh my good gravy, the Photoshop abuse! It's so horrifying, but I can't look away!
Man, and I thought the neutrally-emotioned 3d model rotation of Sunny Baudelaire ILM showed us at their Siggraph panel was slightly creepy! This blows it out of the water, and then it blows up the building where it landed, and then it blows up the remaining debris just to make sure. Of course, said model was pretty awesome, which took away from the creepiness factor. These are just wrong. I kind of want to make one of myself, just to see how freaky I can go. Maybe over Thanksgiving. Hey, can I start a Creepy Photoshop Self-Portrait Challenge? This needs to be mocked on a larger scale than I alone can create. Upon further reflection, YES. I'm going to start a Creepy Photoshop Self-Portrait Challenge! Please suggest any amusing acronyms that come to mind. I'll post the challenge in my LJ sometime this weekend! Priscilla said at 9:54 PM ![]() This comic could be a scene from Firefly: 1889.
Just got my "Cinderella" revision back from my teacher. I am pleased as punch! This is an excellent piece of work! The connection you make between the stepfamily and the three fates is startlingly original and yet entirely apropos as with the best revisionary ideas. You do an excellent job of alluding to earlier versions of the story and other revisions, and your writing is both funny and surprisingly creepy. Well done!The phrase of the day is "HELL YEAH." Email me if you want a copy of the poem. Priscellie at gmail! Priscilla said at 3:27 PM
Thursday, November 16, 2006
![]() A proposed fandom Christmas tradition: Organize a Once More With Feeling singalong. After all, "What fun it is to ride and sing a slaying song tonight."
I know, I know. My punning privileges just got revoked, didn't they? Priscilla said at 2:12 PM ![]() Last night in my Fairy Tales class, we talked about Witches Abroad. Nearly everyone kept going on about how much they loved it! I wouldn't be surprised if we got a handful of converts out of the mix. During break, Ko and I got several people asking us which books we recommended. WIN! And when I get some of this mythical free time, I want to reread some of the witches books, which on the most part I haven't read since high school. Rereading Witches Abroad this week, I realized that I clearly didn't appreciate them as much as I should have. So much love!
When we were discussing ways the Witches derailed the stories, Veronica got volunteers read a few lines of dialogue. Naturally, I jumped at the chance. It's ridiculously fun to do voices for Discworld, and boo to my classmates for not taking advantage of the opportunity to really have fun with the lines they were given! They read the lines like they would read a recipe out loud. Shame, classmates, shame! In other fannish news, dude, House was great this week! Just got around to watching it this morning. And speaking of cool House stuff, this fanvid is awesome. Link ganked from Violet! Someone took clips from Dead Poets Society and House, and gave us the story of "If Neil had just given into his dad instead of shooting himself he would have grown up to be Wilson." It's GREAT, and you should all watch it! Tealin has posted boards for her animated sequence of a scene from The Hostile Hospital of The Series of Unfortunate Events. That girl makes my heart dance. More yay: Japanese "I'm a Mac" Commercials. Though Japanese!PC is nowhere near as cute as John Hodgman. :D And speaking of amusing Japanese things, my mind is blown by this video of a pool filled with non-Newtonian fluid, and again by this more scientific take. Sweeeeet. I want a pool of cornstarch! And I leave you with an AICN reviewer's take on subversive themes in Ant Bully and Happy Feet. Commentary aside, I was pleased to read his praise of the insect designs in Ant Bully. One of my friends from my summer internship was a lead character modeler for the film, modeling the wasps, the frog, the ant Fugax (the one with the split chin), a member of the high council, the spider from the teaser, and the exterminator, to name a few. He's now working for Laika, which is high on my list of "Studios I would sell a kidney to work at." WOO CHRIS! Priscilla said at 8:53 AM
Tuesday, November 14, 2006
![]() Oh, today. I woke up at 7 for some serious Calculus cram-time. But I was feeling really gross and pukey, so I went to sleep for another hour. When I woke up, I was still feeling that way, but I knew I couldn't lose any more study-time, so I took a shower and spent the next hour alternately bent over my math textbook or bent over a trash can, feeling like I was going to throw up any second. Amount of knowledge retained in this hour: Zero.
Now a few minutes past 9, I emailed my math teacher and TA, asking if I could possibly take the midterm later than evening when I would be more likely to feel better, or the next day. I tried to make myself study about 15 more minutes, then gave up and went back to sleep, setting my alarm for noon. The exam was to be at 1:30. I woke up feeling mostly better, but still well below average. I crammed for an hour, but my professor still hadn't emailed me back, so I IMed my TA to find out what was going on. We weren't able to track him down, so at 1:10, I trudged across campus to the exam room, freaking out about the lack of real studying I'd been able to do and still feeling weak and nauseated, which wasn't helped by the utterly gross weather. The professor and I worked out that I would take the exam at 4:30 that afternoon, giving me time to start feeling better already and cram some more study-time in. At 4:10, I was feeling fairly resigned to not doing well on the midterm. The practice midterm I'd been studying was an impossible nightmare, and I wasn't having much luck with the problems in the book. I was feeling exhausted by the time I got to the building, so I took the seldom-used elevator to the fourth floor. I pushed my button and collapsed against the wall. And my butt hit the big red Emergency Call button. At first I couldn't figure out where the voice was coming from, but eventually my tired brain wrapped around what had happened and I told the nice lady that I had pushed the button by accident and there was no emergency to report. Then, the midterm! I was ready to fail spectacularly after such a dramatic day, so I was surprised to find myself kicking butt. I finished the first three questions of a four-question, hour-and-a-half exam in twenty minutes. The fourth question was a lot more challenging and I wasn't able to solve it, but I got fairly far along in the process, enough for some substantial partial credit. So go me! Then I went for groceries, because I essentially had nothing but condiments in the fridge, and now I actually have things to eat! And I'm exhausted and I'm going to have to find a time tomorrow to watch Taxi Driver for my film class, as I missed tonight's screening, but I'm feeling okay! My academic world is going in a bit of a downward spiral, but I'm coping, and I'm at least not going to fail anything. And now I have pasta and Witches Abroad to read for my fairytales class, and maybe House if I can stay awake until 9. Priscilla said at 5:37 PM
Monday, November 13, 2006
![]() Tonight after the Calculus review session, I attended a Disney tech talk, which was truly awesome. It's so cool to see what kind of nifty tools they're turning out to help the artists do their thing! They also showed the cloth simulation video I saw at Siggraph, and GUH. Too awesome for words!
Sweet! Paid LJers can get an extra week to compensate for the outage a few days ago. Go here to claim it! And Windows Vista has been released to manufacturing! Or in other words, "It compiles! Ship it!" Also, Mac and PC are back together! Priscilla said at 9:37 PM ![]() My senior pictures came in! And I am adorable! Here are my favourites:
![]() Though I'm totally working the she-Einstein hair. Stupid rain. Priscilla said at 7:54 PM
Sunday, November 12, 2006
![]() *snorks* When Ko and I ventured into the foggy morning to get brunch, we encountered on a street corner a man in a dark grey trenchcoat, fedora, and black eyepatch. I wanted to go up to him and give him some oblique hint as to where he might find the Maltese Falcon. It was kind of great.
Priscilla said at 11:48 AM
Saturday, November 11, 2006
![]() Why did no one bring to my attention this interview with Jim Butcher on Slice of SciFi? Even the Butcher forums fail! Tsk tsk.
Big Bird washes up dead on the coast of Russia Three more episodes of Veronica Mars have been ordered, meaning that this season will have at least 16 episodes. Indy says that the CW should give their word on a full-season pick-up after the November Sweeps. Priscilla said at 7:01 PM
Friday, November 10, 2006
![]() Booyeah! In my Computer Graphics class of 40 people, I had the sixth-highest score on the midterm. And I know that doesn't sound very impressive, but I'm used to being totally pwned by the mean in computer science classes, and to be 14 points above it is kind of hot in my book. One point away from an A-, go me!
And yay! I disabled then reenabled TabMixPlus, and Blogger is working again! Tra-LA! Have any of you read the Entertainment Weekly article on Heroes? How spoilery does it get? Evanna Lynch's first TV interview. My god, she is Luna Lovegood. That's just... wow. Priscilla said at 12:08 AM ![]() What idiot thought it would be a good idea to get my ears pierced?
Oh yeah, that would be me. I suck. Priscilla said at 12:07 AM
Thursday, November 09, 2006
![]() Latin-savvy folks: I'm working on a short film pitch for my Siggraph group, and I'm looking for pretentious-sounding term for "the study of rock, paper, and scissors." The best I could come up with is the Dog-Latinate "petriforficmembranology" or "petriscissicmembranology." Can anyone suggest a term that might be a little more obvious-sounding? Is there a better word than "membrana" for paper/parchment? I want this film to be smart, but not necessarily that smart. :D
Priscilla said at 3:48 PM ![]() How sad! Mac and PC are breaking up! Poor PC. Alone and friendless, with only the hoboes for his companions, riding the rails of the great Series of Tubes we call the Internet. We'll miss you, Mac!
Priscilla said at 10:39 AM ![]() I apologize in advance for the nature of this post. Blogger was down all yesterday (when this post was written), so I couldn't make a bunch of tiny post-chunks, and now have to get all my squee over with in one post. It's a bit childish, but it's how I'm feeling right now. :D
Edit: DOOM! I just checked Renata's blog, and Blogger is working for her! Out of curiosity, I opened blogger in IE, and it's working! I wonder if there's some incompatability with one of my new Firefox extensions. If it's TabMixPlus (which actually corresponds perfectly to the time Blogger hasn't been working for me), I'm going to be annoyed. Though the goodness below more than makes up for it... Dear Republicans, WERE IN YOUR CONGRESZ, STEALIN' UR BICAMURALE LEGISLACHER! XOXO, Priscilla Today is a good day. This picture makes me happy. Santorum's son looks like he just ate Klaus Baudelaire and is experiencing gastrointestinal distress. Oh! Hey, Bush! Now that's what I like to call a MANDATE. Hey Santorum -- This is what happens when you suggest a tenth of the population of the country is engaging in what is tantamount to bestiality. Hey Rumsfeld! I really don't have any words for you, other than "HAHAHAHHAHA!" And Bill Napoli? You know, the unspeakable champion of South Dakota's proposed abortion ban that didn't make exception for rape or incest, but only if the mother's life was in danger because she was "brutally raped, savaged. The girl was a virgin. She was religious. She planned on saving her virginity until she was married. She was brutalized and raped, sodomized as bad as you can possibly make it, and is impregnated. I mean, that girl could be so messed up, physically and psychologically, that carrying that child could very well threaten her life." Yeah, that Bill Napoli. YOUR STATE THINKS YOU'RE AN ASSHAT. South Dakota (abortion ban defeated), Arizona (gay marriage ban defeated), and Missouri (approved a measure backing stem cell research)? Gold stars for the lot of you! (And if that wasn't enough, Studio 60 just got picked up for a full season!) The House, the Senate, the Governorships, the Statehouses, Rumsfeld out on his ass, and A LIBERAL WOMAN THIRD IN LINE FOR THE PRESIDENCY. And I know we Democrats are being totally obnoxious in our success, but I don't care. Today ROCKED. Priscilla said at 10:34 AM
Wednesday, November 08, 2006
![]() SWEET! TabMixPlus has been updated for Firefox 2!
AND FIFTY TRILLION QUADRILLION NATHANFILLION TIMES SWEETER? BOOYEAH AND A WOOT WOOT! There was dancing in the streets! Or at least, dancing in the aisles of the auditorium where the College Democrats congregated to watch the election results roll in. Priscilla said at 12:06 AM
Tuesday, November 07, 2006
![]() Ooh, I almost forgot! Nathan Fillion is going to be on Lost tomorrow night! Think it'll be a problem that I haven't watched the past three weeks? :D
Priscilla said at 9:49 AM ![]() Priscilla said at 9:35 AM ![]() The full trailer for Pan's Labyrinth is here! Man, that movie can't come out soon enough. It looks GORGEOUS!
And for the Studio 60 fans in the house, check this out! Neilsen is revising its ratings system, and Studio 60 is listed as one of the shows most "wronged" by its old model. Yet another reason why Wal-Mart is on crack: WalMart Bans Delivery Guy For Looking Like Osama Most creative use of face paint ever And I leave you with Apocalypse Ponies. Priscilla said at 8:53 AM ![]() American citizens on my flist who are over the age of 18 and not convicted felons:
Get out there and VOTE! And watch this. I can't wait to do my part to kick Santorum out on his scrawny, white, homophobic butt. Priscilla said at 7:09 AM
Monday, November 06, 2006
![]() I spent over two hours with my Computer Graphics TA this evening, trying to figure out why the virtual camera in my program wasn't working. In the end, it was solved by the addition of one line of code.
I love my major. Priscilla said at 9:08 PM
Saturday, November 04, 2006
![]() Dear "Anonymous,"
Spamming me with ten near-identical comments in the space of about 20 seconds is not going to entice me to visit your website. Go away. Perplexedly, Priscilla Priscilla said at 11:16 PM ![]() Yesterday was keen! I stopped by the comics shop (not a huge selection, but hey! It's across the street!) to pick up a comic Jimmy recced. They didn't have it, but they had the fourth trade of Runaways (gotta catch up before Joss takes over), and they randomly had Dave McKean's Cages! I've been wanting to get my hands on it, but Amazon is sold out! Bwee!
I also went to Ko's dance show, which ROCKED THE HOUSE. Ko = talented + brilliant + pretty, curse her! And speaking of her brilliance, she is ONE OF TWELVE FINALISTS FOR THE RHODES SCHOLARSHIPS. She just found out last night. There has been so much squee in this room since then, it's like we're hosting a convention of Legolas fangirls. She needs to write a 50-word blurb about herself for her Marshall Scholarship interview tomorrow, but because she's so busy, I hired my five-year-old self to do it for her (I love how my usual handwriting is even messier than that). Unfortunately, five-year-old-me can't count very well Did I ever mention my new lamp in my blog? I should have. Because it's COOLER THAN ANYTHING YOU WILL EVER POSSESS IN YOUR INADEQUATE LIFETIME. I got it a couple weeks ago to replace the one CollegeBoxes lost. And it actually gives off a lot more light than you would expect from that picture, stupid lying camera. I also met with my computer science TA, and we fixed a problem that had been plaguing me all last week. I'm now in the home stretch of my project! Speaking of squee (see above, re: RHODES FINALIST), I got to meet the Brothers Quay in my film class on Thursday! If you haven't seen any of their gorgeous and trippy stop-motion films, do so ASAP! Some Links and a Meme: Can I be Masi Oka when I grow up? Asylum Street Spankers: Stick Magnetic Ribbons on your SUV And a new Potter Puppet Pals episode: Wizard Angst! You paid attention during 97% of high school! 85-100% You must be an autodidact, because American high schools don't get scores that high! Good show, old chap! Labels: heroes, i hate college boxes Priscilla said at 11:04 PM ![]() OH WAILY WAILY!
ELJAY, WHERE HAVE YOU GONE? Priscilla said at 11:06 AM
Thursday, November 02, 2006
![]() Once more, into the breach! And by "breach" I mean "Physics midterm." And by "once more" I mean "there will be poems and songs about how badly I will fail."
Priscilla said at 3:29 PM Title cartoon by Bruce Eric Kaplan, used without permission. ![]() |
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