Saturday, July 25, 2009

Zoinks! It was just brought to my attention that LoudTwitter is now dead, and none of my posts have been showing up since the beginning of July. I want to try Twittinesis next, but I'm getting a "come back later" message when I try to register. In the meantime, you can read me tweeting Comic Con at my Twitter page. For my records, here's the entire month of July in an ungodly-long, reverse-chronological, linkless Twitterspam. - Hmm. Wonder if Katee Sackhoff could fit in suitcase, too. I think I need a bigger suitcase. (Are these tweets going to get me arrested?) 23 minutes ago
- Photo of Matt Keeslar, Natalie Morales, and Avon bear is so ridiculously adorable! *squeesplosion!* Ditto Brendan Hines and Mark Sheppard. 26 minutes ago
- Frak. Photo of Javi with Avon Bear is majorly blurry. Wonder if I can track him down today to retake it... @lisawalkscom 30 minutes ago
- Looking through photos. Would it be wrong to kidnap Matt Keeslar and take him home in my suitcase? Because if so, I don't wanna be right. 37 minutes ago
- Dear Priscilla, You know that amazing 75-300mm lens you used for all your panels yesterday? Why didn't you think to use it for Middleman? 40 minutes ago
- @Dietcoke219 I didn't get many shots of Kiefer, as I'm not a 24 fan, but I'll send you and the Browncoats what I have! 42 minutes ago
- Good grief, my feet *still* hurt from Thursday. The next time I wear those boots, I'm getting some serious Dr. Scholl's. 43 minutes ago
- Dichen Lachman (Sierra) and Fran Kranz (Topher) joined Joss and Eliza! I took way too many photos of DL. Girlcruuuuush. about 13 hours ago
- O HAI THAR, KATEE SACKHOFF! :D :D :D <33333333 about 16 hours ago
- Woo, got a seat! And it's pretty sweet! Gonna try to move up as 24 and Bones fans leave, but I'm feeling cushy! about 16 hours ago
- This line is so long, if you stretched it out, it could reach the moon and back. The entire population of California is in this line. about 17 hours ago
- Heading to Dollhouse panel 3.5 hrs early. Think I'll make it? about 18 hours ago
- Got Jane Espenson's photo and signature for PTB. She's a breast cancer survivor herself. @spodalicious 5:40 AM Jul 24th
- Thank you, @CapricaSeven, for participating in Project Teddybear! @lisawalkscom 5:37 AM Jul 24th
- Grar. Have reached "usually-comfy shoes making my feet scream when I stand up" o'clock. Now sitting in line for Jane Espenson, et al. 4:58 AM Jul 24th
- More Project Teddybear contributors: Pat Rothfuss and Tom Sniegoski. Also donated signed paperbacks! @lisawalkscom 4:51 AM Jul 24th
- ...and just moved to 2nd row, just off center. EPIC WIN, thy name is me. 3:12 AM Jul 24th
- Holy moley! One of the last 10 folks let in to the Rothfuss panel, and actually managed a decent seat! Thank you, NerdJesus! 3:09 AM Jul 24th
- Stopped by Penguin booth to say hi to @AnneSowards. Got some swag for @SheckyX! 2:47 AM Jul 24th
- Woe! Line for Rothfuss panel is INSANE. Serves me right, arriving only 20 minutes early. 2:45 AM Jul 24th
- Thank you, @nataliemorales, for participating in Project Teddybear! @lisawalkscom 1:35 AM Jul 24th
- Got autographs and photos from whole Middleman cast for Project Teddybear & @spodalicious, plus Mark Sheppard on the Firefly glove! 1:34 AM Jul 24th
- Met with two other Wendys, an Eisenhower and a vest, froming PERFECT WENDY TRIFECTA. Whole cast took pictures! 12:23 AM Jul 24th
- At Middleman panel! Was just MOBBED by photographers. Yay for cosplaying! 10:45 PM Jul 23rd
- Got Jorge Garcia's signature for @spodalicious' Project Teddybear! 10:08 PM Jul 23rd
- Still reeling from Rothfuss encounter. Looking forward to another chat as I snag his autograph for breast cancer auction @lisawalkscom. 7:50 PM Jul 23rd
- Gettin' ready to face the day, Wendy Watson style! Man, these hotel towels are awesome. 7:34 PM Jul 23rd
- Intoxicated from half an appletini? Ye gods, I really am tired! Must intake Niagra-like quantities of water, then sleep. 10:40 AM Jul 23rd
- Eeeeeeee!!!! Just ran into Pat Rothfuss, and we had a long, lovely conversation, and he is made of awesome, and eeeeeeee!!! 8:15 AM Jul 23rd
- Am selling Dresden books like hotcakes. Also learning awesome news I can't wait to share, but can't yet! Arghsquee! 7:03 AM Jul 23rd
- SDCC folks, come visit me at the Dabel Brothers' booth tonight, #2042! 7:02 AM Jul 23rd
- Stopped by @Jamie1km's booth, only to find @feliciaday instead! Lent her my keys so she could open a box. Will never use these keys again! 5:48 AM Jul 23rd
- Good lord, iPhone has "mwahahahaha" as a suggested spelling as soon as you type in "mwahah." My love for this little device grows stronger. 4:50 AM Jul 23rd
- Derek left his cell in the hotel, so I'm manning the Dabel Brothers' booth. Am mad with power, mwahahahaha! 4:47 AM Jul 23rd
- Oy. No shuttle at hotel, as I previously believed. This is going to get expensive. Ah well! I can carpool. 3:24 AM Jul 23rd
- Landed in San Diego! Flight spent well: one hour working on Alera map, two hours napping. Refreshed and ready for Nerd Prom! 2:40 AM Jul 23rd
- Wow. Back row, middle seat. I have the cruddiest spot on the entire plane. Did I kick karma's puppy or something? 11:34 PM Jul 22nd
- All seems settled now, though. Got seat assignment, and sitting next to girl checking Twitter page w/ Jensen Ackles wallpaper. Yup. 11:04 PM Jul 22nd
- Airport drama steams merrily ahead. Gate has been changed 3x now, and this airport is the size of a city. At least I'm getting my exercise! 11:02 PM Jul 22nd
- @travelingheidi I land at 2:45. I'll call you then! 5:59 PM Jul 22nd
- Woo! Drama must be slain in DFW, but I'm cozy for now. At my gate w/ a seat next to a power outlet and a leaked copy of Epitaph One. Win! 5:06 PM Jul 22nd
- In line at the airport, so aforementioned drama may be slain. Snicker-snack! 4:36 PM Jul 22nd
- Time to beta a chapter of FLF before I go? With SDCC anticipation, I may face a dangerous level of squee. Chp. had me dancing in my chair. 3:41 PM Jul 22nd
- Can barely eat breakfast, I'm so giddy! Heading for the airport in 25 minutes! San Diego, here I come! 3:36 PM Jul 22nd
- @SheckyX Wordy McFreakin' Wordsauce. 3:34 PM Jul 22nd
- Woah. Have I lost weight since I last wore my Kaylee costume? I rock this jumpsuit! Alas, jacket swims on me. 8:37 AM Jul 22nd
- A gloriously cracktastic prank at Red Lobster: The Curse of Cheddar Bay 2:54 AM Jul 22nd
- Good lord, American Airlines is useless. Looks like I shouldn't have any problem with my actual flights, but I could do without the drama. 2:13 AM Jul 22nd
- May choose Kaylee simply because it takes up less space in my suitcase. 7:59 PM Jul 21st
- And by Delirium, I meant Kaylee. Unless I want to do Delirium instead. Blarg, decisions. Kaylee is comfier, but Delirium is more dramatic. 7:57 PM Jul 21st
- @AnneSowards Penguin has to wring every last drop of expertise from you before you leave, to compensate for your absence. 7:54 PM Jul 21st
- So giddy about SDCC. Spent the morning rooting through closet, making sure I had all costume elements for Wendy, Trelawney, and Delirium. 7:50 PM Jul 21st
- Mappity mappity map map map! 7:48 PM Jul 21st
- Guns for Wendy Watson costume are done and lookin' fab! 9:01 AM Jul 21st
- Just had to log in to MySpace. I feel dirty. Out, damn'd spot! 8:00 AM Jul 21st
- Holy frak! Please don't kill yourself, John Barrowman! You are not your character! 6:37 AM Jul 21st
- Wow. Spray paint is really, really hard to get off skin. 4:46 AM Jul 21st
- Off to spray paint the toy guns for my Middleman costume! 4:19 AM Jul 21st
- @NewMexiKo Probably! When in August? 3:11 AM Jul 21st
- Glee! My beloved college roommate is on Twitter. Welcome, @NewMexiKo! 2:47 AM Jul 21st
- RT @SpanoMano, @COEDMagazine, @JustinWise: AT&T Is A Big, Steaming Heap Of Failure // Please RT to save the #iPhone! 2:05 AM Jul 21st
- @Esperacchius Booyeah! Can't wait for you to wow your audience. You'll be fantastic! 1:29 AM Jul 21st
- Cast photos for Avatar released. Costumes and makeup look great! If only they had Asian people occupying them. 1:06 AM Jul 21st
- RT @spodalicious experimenting with twitter for upcoming auctions/fundraising. Please follow @lisawalkscom if willing to help :) 1:04 AM Jul 21st
- @AnneSowards *Fosse left, Fosse right, waves Anne-glorifying jazzhands* 12:40 AM Jul 21st
- @SappySwami You look like the offspring of John Hodgman and Harry Potter. In as complimentary a way as possible! Have fun! 11:31 PM Jul 20th
- My boss is watching Battlestar Galactica. MY BOSS IS WATCHING BATTLESTAR GALACTICA. I love my job! 8:19 PM Jul 20th
- Dear Amazon, Don't toy with my emotions and say the next Locke Lamora book is available to order when it isn't expected for another year. 7:19 PM Jul 20th
- Took massive group of friends to see "Fight Girl Battle World." The @vampirecowboys are freaking brilliant! So glad I got to see it again. 7:07 PM Jul 19th
- Okay, I now have two extra tickets to the @vampirecowboys show! Anyone interested? 1:44 AM Jul 19th
- I have an extra ticket for tonight's @vampirecowboys show! Do you know of anyone that can use it, @beyondabsurdity? 9:50 PM Jul 18th
- @hobbitwriter All the reading material in the world, and you want to spend time on my blog archives? Do you want book recs? *boggles* 6:31 AM Jul 18th
- @Uilos The same! And she became a joyously flattered ball of squee when I told her you knew her from her fic. <3 4:59 PM Jul 17th
- Yay, I has a Kat! 5:46 AM Jul 17th
- @Wraithmaker Jim wrote the Spidey novel back in 2006. They just re-released it with a new cover. 5:29 AM Jul 17th
- Huh. Friend that was supposed to be getting in around 8 probably getting in closer to 10. I guess that's why the bus is so cheap. :D 4:15 AM Jul 17th
- RT @smuu Lightsaber chopsticks! 1:30 AM Jul 17th
- Boycott Nokia for facilitating EVIL! (h/t @AnnLarimer, @Glinner) #iranelection 8:04 PM Jul 16th
- This computer doesn't have Helvetica? What kind of design firm is this! (Answer: One in which I make 3D models, not typographic decisions) 7:22 PM Jul 16th
- I need to do some serious sorting after SDCC. The piles of papers, magazines, foofaraw, etc. need to get the axe. 8:52 AM Jul 16th
- @MelissaRuby Sounds thrilling! Hope none of them tried to scrape you off, like "Missy" when we were kids. :D 8:50 AM Jul 16th
- @Esperacchius I hope someone records it! I'm so thrilled for you, and I can't wait to hear how you wow the audience. 8:39 AM Jul 16th
- @stephanieyee I just got a basic home Singer. I didn't do any research, but I'm quite pleased with the purchase. 2:01 AM Jul 16th
- But a coworker gave me a lemon popsicle, so I guess it's all okay. 1:44 AM Jul 16th
- OW. Sandaled foot stuck in elevator, and arms full of sewing machine. Took full minute to extricate myself. Now hobbling around office. 1:43 AM Jul 16th
- @AnneSowards I'll definitely come by! Hope you'll be able to sneak out to the Middleman panels on Thursday morning. :D 10:56 PM Jul 15th
- @fredhicks Bravo! Congrats to you and all your awesome collaborators. 10:49 PM Jul 15th
- @holajupiter Holy moley! Don't die! 10:02 PM Jul 15th
- Yay, my wig was delivered! No post office drama! Gives me greater impetus to clean quickly, so I can start styling it. 9:58 PM Jul 15th
- RT @mental_floss Today's Lunchtime Quiz: Harry Potter Character or Hideous Skin Disease? // I got 100%! 9:46 PM Jul 15th
- @hodgman What did you have for breakfast? I had a bagel and a banana. They were okay. #boringest 8:15 PM Jul 15th
- Pricey fix for sewing machine and tailoring for jacket/tie, but at least it's off my To-Do list. I need to clean like a madwoman tonight! 8:12 PM Jul 15th
- @jimmyaquino I'll make origami cranes for you from Starburst wrappers for free! I'm a paper crane ninja. 8:54 AM Jul 15th
- Jammed my sewing machine on a truly epic scale. Must bring it to a repair shop over lunch tomorrow. Also, let a tailor do the @#% sleeves. 8:43 AM Jul 15th
- @featherjean Puppies and kitties exist! They are fluffy and huggable! 6:28 AM Jul 15th
- @sinspired TRIUMPH! 1:43 AM Jul 15th
- @txvoodoo It's necessary camouflage, to protect Sarah's family from the liberal elite and "gotcha" media. 12:34 AM Jul 15th
- "A sexy woman appears rakishly, splashing water all around her." You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means. 11:48 PM Jul 14th
- Feh. Am Boss of Character Land today, delegating tasks to minions. Apparently, "Give me a backrub"is abuse of power. Minions getting uppity. 9:51 PM Jul 14th
- Woo, Greek food smorgasbord goin' on in Character Land today! Lamb shish, chicken souvlaki, veggie moussaka, calamari, and Greek salad. Yum! 9:32 PM Jul 14th
- @Jamie1km Of course I am! I thought you were awesome long before Felicia Day did. :D 9:24 PM Jul 14th
- The crazy-brilliant "Fight Girl Battle World" opens today! I'm going Saturday, but I envy all you lucky dogs seeing it tonight! Break a leg! 7:39 PM Jul 14th
- @Jamie1km Too cool for words! 7:28 PM Jul 14th
- Your Morning Awesome: Vatican Endorses 6th Harry Potter movie 7:26 PM Jul 14th
- Whew! Cropped jacket and tailored shirt. To Do: Crop jacket sleeves, crop shirt, style wig (should arrive Wed/Thu), paint gun, wow Javi! 10:27 AM Jul 14th
- Oh, lord. Roommate is a pancake GODDESS. Light, fluffy, almost crepe-esque. The lightest touch of butter and Grade B syrup = perfection! 8:05 AM Jul 14th
- @DerekRuiz Great! I look forward to chilling with you and the rest of the Dabel crew. This is going to be so much fun! 6:52 AM Jul 14th
- Centering myself again. Worked on costume, spoke with mom for a couple hours, and enabled roommate's scheme to make pancakes for coworkers. 6:38 AM Jul 14th
- @AnneSowards Sounds like a good Project Runway challenge! Make it work, Anne! (Glad to see you on Twitter, by the way. :D) 6:35 AM Jul 14th
- Hee! Did you catch True Blood last night, @beyondabsurdity? "The vampires here, they're like cowboys." 5:09 AM Jul 14th
- @kitoconnell Gesundheit. 8:05 PM Jul 13th
- RT @AnnLarimer RT @cleolinda: RT @ropeofsilicon: TCM's 'Summer Under the Stars' Posters are Phenomenal 6:21 PM Jul 13th
- Three hours of glee was more than compensated for by an hour and a half of concentrated pain. I'm single again. What is it about July? 10:32 AM Jul 13th
- ...And in those three hours, I completely forgot I had laundry in the dryers. My clothes shall be wrinkly, but my fandom shall rejoice! 8:27 AM Jul 13th
- Spent three hours gabbing with Jim Butcher over IM about Aleran geography. Awesome Jim-Thing #3 is a map, to be published in book 6! 8:25 AM Jul 13th
- @TheGreenRonin Wendy Watson, from the graphic novel version of "The Middleman." 3:41 AM Jul 13th
- Called Mom to get her input on the costume. To my surprise, she was very pro-comic! Now feel confident and enthusiastic and ready to work! 3:27 AM Jul 13th
- @travelingheidi Woe! I'm leaving the con at noon on Sunday, so I won't be able to attend. 2:18 AM Jul 13th
- @qikipedia And in Greek, "ne" means "yes." 2:12 AM Jul 13th
- @fourteenacross Ooh, good words! *Stores "pre-sequitur" and "post-sequitur" in knowledge banks* 2:09 AM Jul 13th
- Hokay! Have polled friends, and folks vote comicverse. I'll just have to keep reminding myself, "At least you're not dressed as Leeloo." 9:26 PM Jul 12th
- @paulandstorm Jukebox? Jellyfish? Janis Joplin? 9:19 PM Jul 12th
- A wigless Wendy comparison: Thoughts? 8:59 PM Jul 12th
- Should I do TV-verse Wendy instead? Is there time to order a different wig? 7:50 PM Jul 12th
- Pinned blouse and jacket of Wendy costume for sewing, tried them on, and... I look like a skank. Delightful. 7:49 PM Jul 12th
- RT @awesomeopolis How Do You Open a Banana? // My mind is blown! 6:12 PM Jul 12th
- Lamesauce. Ryan Reynolds is Hal Jordan. I was hoping for @nathanfillion! 5:48 PM Jul 12th
- Hilarious YouTube video: Yo Comments are Whack! (via @xiehicks) 5:44 PM Jul 12th
- Just posted my 3,000th tweet! Where do I pick up my medal? 5:24 PM Jul 12th
- @drewtoothpaste Bless you, sir. 5:24 PM Jul 12th
- Aww, roommate just gave me a peach! I love peaches! And it tastes fresh and delicious, mmmmm. 7:49 AM Jul 12th
- @MickeydotFinn In "Name of the Wind: The Movie!" Now imagining Bast singing about evils of Prop 8 and cute girls at laundromat. 6:52 AM Jul 12th
- Note to self: Do not make puns in French with Russian roommate. In fact, just don't try to make puns in French *ever.* 6:33 AM Jul 12th
- Supergluing my big, pretty platter and my little bowls back together. Not sure bowls worth saving, but big, pretty platter certainly is! 6:19 AM Jul 12th
- @SheckyX Word of God! 6:04 AM Jul 12th
- OOH. NPH as Bast? SO MUCH YES. 5:01 AM Jul 12th
- Watching Rothfuss interview. Hah, 18:58 is my life right now, in reverse! Priscilla Spencer: Forensic Cartographer! 5:00 AM Jul 12th
- @spodalicious WOOHOO! We're cheering for you! Keep going! 3:10 AM Jul 12th
- Rar. Universe resisting my efforts to alter Wendy jacket. Get with the program, universe! 10:06 PM Jul 11th
- @mkcho73 I haven't had caffeine since 7th grade. I'm really not an authority on the subject of energy drinks. :D 8:30 AM Jul 11th
- @mkcho73 There are like six energy-producing chemicals in those things, of which caffeine is only one. Folks still get the jolt without it. 8:14 AM Jul 11th
- Eee! A friend of a friend is going to be on season 6 of Project Runway! Everyone cheer for Malvin, because he is made of cute. 7:30 AM Jul 11th
- GUH. This is gorgeous! Why don't I watch SYTYCD? 11:02 PM Jul 10th
- @SappySwami That link has a PhD in horribleness. 7:48 PM Jul 10th
- @tomlenk We're always happy to have you in NYC! 7:47 PM Jul 10th
- @neilhimself Pratchett did it 1st. Dean: 'Twas beauty killed the beast. Chair: No it wasn't. It was it splatting into the ground like that. 8:46 AM Jul 10th
- Thursday's SDCC schedule is up! Man, that day is going to be awesome. Middleman + Psych + Pat Rothfuss = Celliegasm! 7:21 AM Jul 10th
- @fourteenacross I'll try! 7:18 AM Jul 10th
- @terioncalling *frolics with joy* 6:06 AM Jul 10th
- @holajupiter There's a nature blog that celebrates "Cephalopod Fridays" with a picture of a different species each week. You'd hate it. :D 6:03 AM Jul 10th
- D'oh! That was close. T-shirt slogans NOT to wear when meeting someone from Craigslist: "I Can Kill You With My Brain." 4:28 AM Jul 10th
- @xiehicks I am squeeing like a little @rdonoghue at that! 2:56 AM Jul 10th
- @psychwrites I am so there! 1:13 AM Jul 10th
- @Uilos Behold my total and utter lack of surprise. 1:08 AM Jul 10th
- @terioncalling Molly/Carlos! Or Molly/Vince. :D Something post-TC. 1:07 AM Jul 10th
- Thanks for losing my reservation, American Airlines! Nice to lose the last seat on any nonstop flight to SDCC because of a site glitch. 11:24 PM Jul 9th
- Yay, I missed the previous one due to cloudiness! RT @sampotts RT @rendamorton Manhattanhenge is this weekend 7:36 PM Jul 9th
- So what's the verdict on Warehouse 13, Twitterverse? Worth checking out? 7:32 PM Jul 9th
- RT @mental_floss Much of the budget for 'Monty Python & The Holy Grail' came from donations by members of Led Zeppelin, Genesis & Pink Floyd 6:54 PM Jul 9th
- Back from seeing @tomlenk perform! He was hilarious, candid, and a genuinely nice guy. Best of luck getting into @ROCKOFAGES, man! 9:09 AM Jul 9th
- @mkcho73 I love that song. I didn't know you were an Idina Menzel fan! 3:24 AM Jul 9th
- @boymonster Nathan Fillion would protect me! 3:20 AM Jul 9th
- @boymonster In my Maeve costume, I'm sure I could find some. :D 3:17 AM Jul 9th
- RENATA! *leaptackles @holajupiter* 3:17 AM Jul 9th
- In addition to Wendy, which of my existing costumes should I wear at SDCC? Molly, Maeve, Delirium, Trelawney, Sally, Kaylee, or Zoe? 3:15 AM Jul 9th
- Four sweater-vests! 11:47 PM Jul 8th
- @Jamie1km Will do! Yay! 11:35 PM Jul 8th
- @boymonster When I lose all self-respect and sense of propriety? :D 11:35 PM Jul 8th
- Comicverse Wendy Watson costume shall advance forward in earnest! 11:05 PM Jul 8th
- OH HECK YEAH! I'm going to Comic Con! I owe @DerekRuiz a drink. Will I see any of you there, fellow Twitterfolk? 10:58 PM Jul 8th
- Steph was laughing about suckiness of shortness. I played her Randy Newman's song. Her: "If I go home and commit suicide, it's your fault." 10:40 PM Jul 8th
- Happy 12:34:56 EST on 7/8/9! 9:05 PM Jul 8th
- @travelingheidi OMG, you are two blocks away from me! My office is at 45th and 5th. Hello, Harry! Hello, lions! 8:38 PM Jul 8th
- Aww. For a brief, shining moment, I thought I was going to get to make the Wonderfalls cow creamer. :D 8:37 PM Jul 8th
- Just explained to roommate. She seemed confused. Hope she doesn't think "shower at the same time" means... er... "shower at the same time." 4:53 PM Jul 8th
- I wonder if she realizes our bathrooms aren't connected, and we can both use the showers at the same time w/o freezing the other... 4:46 PM Jul 8th
- !!! Roommate gets into the shower at 8:13 AGAIN today, despite fact she must leave at 8:20. At least she has towels this time. 4:45 PM Jul 8th
- New Google Chrome OS: Cool idea, but who would use an OS that doesn't work w/o an internet connection? 4:42 PM Jul 8th
- @travelingheidi Welcome to New York! What's on the agenda? 4:39 PM Jul 8th
- Is it 7:00 yet? 12:44 AM Jul 8th
- Ooooh, have you seen those new Chase deposit ATMs? Technology pretty. 7:22 PM Jul 7th
- ...Also, roommate does not have TOWELS yet. What is going on? 4:51 PM Jul 7th
- @terioncalling Ooh, glee! Dresden, certainly. What are you getting the most joy out of writing lately? Any bunnies nibbling at your heels? 4:50 PM Jul 7th
- @Esperacchius Teach you not to wear sunscreen! Or to not reapply it every two hours! 4:49 PM Jul 7th
- ...teh whuh? Roommate does know she has to leave for work in three minutes, yes? Why did she just turn on the shower? 4:48 PM Jul 7th
- Gak! Roommate just gave me this month's rent and the security deposit in CASH. Please don't let me get mugged before I can visit the bank... 4:37 PM Jul 7th
- Just typed "beta" as "bate." Not sure I'm qualified for that role this early in the morning. 4:34 PM Jul 7th
- @ee1013 Yikes! What does he have? Do they know? He'll be in my thoughts. 7:39 AM Jul 7th
- RT @AnnLarimer It's a baby human! RT @peggsterdotnet: SIMON'S BLOG: Baby News : 7:18 AM Jul 7th
- @sinspired Monorail kitteh can has really unfortunate timing. 7:17 AM Jul 7th
- @Esperacchius I bet you look like an adorable punk raccoon. :D I hope it doesn't sting too much! Aloe is your friend. 5:50 AM Jul 7th
- @hobbitwriter Yay, glad you enjoyed! "Turn Coat" was fantastic. 5:49 AM Jul 7th
- Thanks also to @SheckyX, @MickeydotFinn, @sadbhyl, @boymonster, and @sue_sue4 for all your suggestions. You guys rock. 5:47 AM Jul 7th
- @mac_fix_it You are a LIFESAVER! Thank you! 5:45 AM Jul 7th
- @paulandstorm ...only to have it pointed out immediately after that "WyFy" is Polish for "wyphilis." 10:35 PM Jul 6th
- RT @mental_floss The male Acarophenax tribolii mite hatches while still inside its mother, then impregnates its sisters & dies before birth. 9:13 PM Jul 6th
- The special Comic Con edition DVD of Dollhouse is released in 25 minutes. Any compelling reason I should get that instead of the normal DVD? 9:06 PM Jul 6th
- @boymonster *snork* Brilliance! I want it, too. http://controversy.wearscie... 6:34 PM Jul 6th
- 1600-year-old bible found! And it's missing the Easter story. Whoops. (h/t @drewtoothpaste) 6:31 PM Jul 6th
- @Uilos Yes. Yes, you have. That is why you will be awesome. 6:24 PM Jul 6th
- @boymonster Nice! Congrats! 6:02 PM Jul 6th
- @JHOCHE I'm coming with a massive group of friends on Saturday, and I'm strongly considering getting a ticket for Wednesday, as well. :D 6:01 PM Jul 6th
- @boymonster I'm so putting "Near-Superhuman Accomplisher of Feats of Utter Fandom" on my business card. 5:50 PM Jul 6th
- @Owlswing38 Wendy Watson is the heroine of the "Middleman" comic books and TV show. I adore her! And now I have her boots! 5:48 PM Jul 6th
- Correction: The glorious @JHOCHE and the esteemed Paco Tolson are responsible for the Fight Girl videos! @beyondabsurdity just linked them. 5:46 PM Jul 6th
- Bollywood does He-Man: @kevinconn will love this. 5:42 PM Jul 6th
- Network troubleshooting: Hard enough normally. Now try it on a computer where everything is in Russian. 4:50 PM Jul 6th
- Help! I need to give my wireless network password to my new roommate, but I can't find where I wrote it down. Can I look it up on my Mac? 4:49 PM Jul 6th
- Just watched @beyondabsurdity's latest "Fight Girl Battle World behind the scenes" video! I want to see this show every day forever. 8:57 AM Jul 6th
- @boymonster *is smug* 8:39 AM Jul 6th
- @Esperacchius It is AWESOMER. 8:39 AM Jul 6th
- I chronicle my day of win here: 8:13 AM Jul 6th
- Today, I am a duck. I may look calm, but my feet are paddling madly away under the surface. And no way will I drown. 3:19 AM Jul 6th
- Coraline with @fourteenacross was SO BRILLIANT, by the way. The Cat stole the show. Thanks, Stephin Merritt and @neilhimself! 2:02 AM Jul 6th
- While out on my Day of 1,000 Errands, I realized I forgot to charge my cell, so I stopped by Apple store to charge & check email. I <3 NY. 1:58 AM Jul 6th
- I HAVE A FUTON! *angelic choir!* 9:47 PM Jul 5th
- @xiehicks Evie is quite sensible. :D Yay for humanity! 7:20 PM Jul 5th
- OMG. Those awesome boots my sister gave me last weekend? NOT pirate queen. They are PAGE-IDENTICAL COMIC BOOK WENDY WATSON. 6:19 PM Jul 5th
- @bomburjo I hope you'll have time for me to say "Hello" at you! I know where to find the best cupcakes in Manhattan. :D 5:16 PM Jul 5th
- @SheckyX Yup. Internship. 4:52 PM Jul 5th
- @SheckyX I figured it would be easier to fill the room for two months, then start the next lease in Sept, so I could tap the student influx. 4:36 PM Jul 5th
- @jimmyaquino *waves frantically* Me! Me! 4:35 PM Jul 5th
- @SheckyX Sounds Seussian. "I must not fail to rent my room / For if I do, it's certain doom!" 10:30 AM Jul 5th
- @neilhimself I'll be at the 3pm show! Can't wait! 10:21 AM Jul 5th
- @Esperacchius No, roomie has been found for July-August. September '09 to September '10 is a whole new drawing board. 9:23 AM Jul 5th
- Life is kind of peaceful when you learn to Stop Worrying And Love Awesome (Yet Frustrating) Jim Thing #3. 9:12 AM Jul 5th
- @ee1013 Perhaps the NY Jedi were involved! Do you know, @Uilos? 5:49 AM Jul 5th
- @ShipLizard Danke! 5:42 AM Jul 5th
- Whuh? I specified in my ad that I'm looking for a female roommate, yet the only 2 hits for the "starting September" stint have been dudes. 5:28 AM Jul 5th
- @stephanieyee It's everywhere you want to be! 5:24 AM Jul 5th
- @hodgman Call 1-800-4YAHWEH. Or alternately, 1-800-RANDOMFLUCTUATIONSINTHESPACETIMECONTINUUM. 5:23 AM Jul 5th
- And we've worked out the financials on paper, so that takes care of a big potential source for drama. Also, she's adorably sweet. A++. 5:17 AM Jul 5th
- It'll be a challenging two months, but the STAGGERING RELIEF at finding someone overshadows all. 5:16 AM Jul 5th
- *Roommate* and I communicate much better in person! This will work! She'll move in on Monday and use the futon I've been shopping for. 5:15 AM Jul 5th
- Oh, ye gods. Russian Potential Roommate doesn't understand when I tell her there's no bed. Should I pester Russian coworker to translate? 3:20 AM Jul 5th
- @edeainfj I had the opposite problem in high school. Hard to find dress shoes in a Women's 11 1/2 that didn't look suited for drag queens. 2:16 AM Jul 5th
- Plans to hang out with Ko as she staked out a good fireworks-watching spot derailed by parks being closed off at *5*. For a show at *9*. 2:13 AM Jul 5th
- It suddenly occurs to me that tonight's Potential Roommate probably doesn't realize room is unfurnished. Feh. *reposts to Craigslist* 1:59 AM Jul 5th
- I'm going to @tomlenk's show this Wednesday at http://www.donttellmamanyc.... -- anyone else wanna join me? 1:58 AM Jul 5th
- @mkcho73 Blow up a car with a couple of tampons? You should ask @donttrythis. 1:52 AM Jul 5th
- @Esperacchius I already told you about Awesome Jim-Thing #3! It's the thing I stupidly volunteered for, because if I didn't, no one would. 7:05 PM Jul 4th
- RT @Esperacchius Coke Zero: zero calories, zero inhibitions, zero fulfillment. (Me: Wonder where you heard that. :D) 7:03 PM Jul 4th
- YAYAYAYAYAYAY!!!!!!!! I'm hooking up with one of my best friends from high school for lunch! She and her mom are in town this weekend. <3! 6:47 PM Jul 4th
- Awesome Jim-Thing #3 makes my brain hurt. Sleep time! 7:23 AM Jul 4th
- Would it be lame if I went to sleep right now? Should repost Craigslist ad and get headway on next draft of Awesome Jim-Thing #3 first. 6:33 AM Jul 4th
- RT @drewtoothpaste OMG, the republicans are ruined forever. Sarah Palin sex tape is out: (Me: *dies laughing*) 6:14 AM Jul 4th
- @stephanieyee Have you tried the lobster mac and cheese at "Thirteen," at the hotel across from the Philly convention center? Crazy yum. 6:08 AM Jul 4th
- Oh my GOD, I forgot how irritating Sarah Palin's voice was! Comfy bed! Comfy bed! 6:05 AM Jul 4th
- Hmm. Move to the common room to see what Olbermann and Maddow are saying about Palin, or stay in my comfy bed? Must replace futon SOON. 6:01 AM Jul 4th
- @MoTancharoen You ask the Joss Whedon fanbase if they want something nifty sooner rather than later? Methinks we are a smidgen predictable. 5:56 AM Jul 4th
- Whew! I'm back from my crazy long walk with @spodalicious. Got my feet and the A/C up. (Does that qualify as a #zeugma, @definethis?) 4:30 AM Jul 4th
- This correct spelling of the name Enver Gjokaj is brought to you by iPhone's copy/paste function. Carry on. 2:30 AM Jul 4th
- @Uilos Parasols were invented for the sun. Ask yourself: What Would Kaylee Do? 2:26 AM Jul 4th
- @SheckyX Did I mention they were wearing speedos? And had over-tanned, leathery, old man skin? 2:24 AM Jul 4th
- Oh hey, my iPhone's internet is suddenly working again! Apple-healing powers of @hodgman's borough? 2:22 AM Jul 4th
- We passed Enver Gojksasdfz (Viktor of "Dollhouse") on Brooklyn Bridge! I didn't see him, alas. 1:59 AM Jul 4th
- Whew! At Grimaldi's. Must've walked at least 8 miles. 1:57 AM Jul 4th
- Dear dude with an umbrella, it's not raining. In fact, it's gloriously sunny! Or is that the problem? 11:50 PM Jul 3rd
- *laughs* oh, man. Here I was, singing the praises of East River Park, when I suddenly came upon Gross Old Dude Sunbathing Central. XD 11:25 PM Jul 3rd
- Heading out to meet @spodalicious! 10:49 PM Jul 3rd
- @SappySwami Supercomputer? You could generate better scripts on a Commodore 64. 9:52 PM Jul 3rd
- @Jamie1km Which princess are you today? 6:48 PM Jul 3rd
- HUZZAH! Fixed my scanner! 6:45 PM Jul 3rd
- RT @donttrythis: Richard FEYNMAN tells it like it is: THIS is the rational view of the universe. Accept no less. 6:44 PM Jul 3rd
- @spodalicious I look forward to joining you at 90th street, just after mile 12. Should be around 3, yes? 5:55 PM Jul 3rd
- Spam: "Declare your independence: Don't grill, order Domino's!" I just facepalmed. 5:35 PM Jul 3rd
- @neilhimself I saw "Kooza" a few weeks ago. You'll love it! 5:23 PM Jul 3rd
- RT @NotableNYC Ever see the Declaration of Independence? Jefferson's handwritten draft is on display at the NYPL: 8:39 AM Jul 3rd
- @DerekRuiz You give people leprosy, hang out with tax collectors, and are mean to prostitutes? 10:59 PM Jul 2nd
- "Crackheads say the darndest things." --Matt S 10:53 PM Jul 2nd
- "Oh, man, yesterday was Canada Day? Knew I was celebratin' something!" --Pascy 10:35 PM Jul 2nd
- RT @Syfy: WIN A CYLON TOASTER! To enter, just RT this note by 7/7 and include @Syfy (Toaster can be seen here: 6:43 PM Jul 2nd
- On the bright side, last night was the first night since returning to NY that I didn't have anxiety nightmares! I credit my little foo dog. 6:31 PM Jul 2nd
- As I mentioned yesterday, my boxes of dishes arrived! Alas, there were casualties: 4 bowls, 2 glasses, and 1 huge platter. All adorable. 6:31 PM Jul 2nd
- @DerekRuiz Happy Birthday, late person! 6:28 PM Jul 2nd
- Requesting an invite for Tweetboard Alpha ( by @140ware, for my site: 5:00 PM Jul 2nd
- @Owlswing38 The site that sold them closed a couple years ago, alas. 6:00 AM Jul 2nd
- @Uilos I was thinking "read." 2:06 AM Jul 2nd
- Boss just came in and asked, "Do any of you guys watch Harry Potter?" Well, that's *one* verb you can use... 1:50 AM Jul 2nd
- Dear iTunes, Four @jennyowenyoungs songs in a row is not "random." Kind of nice, though. Love, me 1:34 AM Jul 2nd
- Oooh, New Yorkers! Who wants to see The Secret of Kells with me July 17th or 18th? 12:46 AM Jul 2nd
- RT @beyondabsurdity Only 1 1/2 weeks from the relaunch of FIGHT GIRL BATTLE WORLD & tix are going fast! Get yours now! 12:22 AM Jul 2nd
- @mkcho73 Yesterday's potential roommate chose a cheaper, less awesome place. 12:01 AM Jul 2nd
- @stephanieyee ...And here I was, gleeful about getting Friday off. Meanie. :D 12:00 AM Jul 2nd
- I'm celebrating Canada Day by wearing my "Dear Buddha, Please Bring Me A Pony" shirt, as the line was spoken by a Canadian, @nathanfillion. 11:43 PM Jul 1st
- @Uilos Yay! Congrats to them! 11:38 PM Jul 1st
- @alyankovic I am a leaf on the wind, watch how--*shkkk* #ThingsToSayWhileBeingImpaledThroughTheChestWithATenFootJavelin 11:33 PM Jul 1st
- Glee! UPS says the dishes I sent from home arrived today! I may not have a roommate, but I don't have to eat pad thai off a paper plate! 11:28 PM Jul 1st
- Allowed outside for lunch again today! Went with Charles and Steph for fresh, authentic-ish tacos. Delish! 11:22 PM Jul 1st
- *sigh* Oh, people. I'd be happy to help you with your questions if the answers weren't already in the FAQ. What happened to initiative? 8:55 PM Jul 1st
- @fredhicks Woo super-healthy! 6:48 PM Jul 1st
- @tomlenk I'm in! 6:30 PM Jul 1st
- Dear Subconscious, Enough with the stress dreams. Just give me a good night's sleep! Love, me 4:05 PM Jul 1st
- @sadbhyl *boggles* He's HUGE! 6:56 AM Jul 1st
- Yay! Potential Roommate is adorable! She'll let me know how she decides in the morning. 5:15 AM Jul 1st
- Called her. All is cool; she's just running late. Not a problem, but... it's 2009, people. Find a way to let me know you'll be tardy. 4:59 AM Jul 1st
- Potential Roomie now 23 minutes late. Sigh. 4:53 AM Jul 1st
- As a Dresden fan, was disappointed when I realized what @whedonesque meant: "Wizard World brings vengeance Demon & a Gentleman to Chicago." 4:53 AM Jul 1st
- @gypsyjr It's amazing how often those two coincide. 4:49 AM Jul 1st
- @spodalicious YAY! I'm nowhere near hardcore enough for the full 20 mi, but I'd love to go 7 or 8 with you. And in proper shoes this time! 4:45 AM Jul 1st
- Massive car wreck outside my apartment. Hope no one was hurt. Also, hope it does not deter Potential Roommate, who should arrive any time. 4:30 AM Jul 1st
- @Esperacchius *hugs tightly* 2:58 AM Jul 1st
- YE-HAW! Pascy is a freaking GENIUS! He started a Secret Rumor that we were getting Friday off, and it CAME TRUE! 2:08 AM Jul 1st
- RT @PublicTheaterNY Shakespeare in Park: Twelfth Night NOW thru 7/10 and The Bacchae 8/11- 8/30. RT for a chance to win Tix to 12th Night! 1:48 AM Jul 1st
- RT @Uilos Use the Force...and you can too! 10:15 PM Jun 30th
- Glee! I get to go outside for lunch today! Gonna luxuriate in Bryant Park and visit the library. 8:12 PM Jun 30th
- Doing spot for a new line of delicious candies. They gave us several packs as "reference." Mmm, good reference. 7:51 PM Jun 30th
- But does the princess have a BEARD?, @CBSisSlayer730? 7:24 PM Jun 30th
- @JHOCHE You just blew my mind for the 3,004th time! 7:18 PM Jun 30th
- Twittermind, where might I look for inexpensive yet uncrappy futons? I'm not opposed to buying used, as long as it isn't infected w/ plague. 7:17 PM Jun 30th
- Wow. Ikea Brooklyn has an absolutely amazing address: One Beard Street. Even eclipses my friends' home at 1111 Princess Lane. 7:14 PM Jun 30th
- Wow, yikes! The color in the Alera desktop is really, really saturated. The calibration on my laptop is whack. 6:47 PM Jun 30th
- Dresden/Buffy team-up? Hee! Well, the next book may involve the Fellowship of St. Giles... :D @billharting 5:10 PM Jun 30th
- Of the 3 exciting Jim-things to come: #2 is something visually intriguing, and the fans have been clamoring for #3 for YEARS. Vague enough? 4:51 PM Jun 30th
- RT @neilhimself best optical illusion, possibly, ever: 3:59 PM Jun 30th
- Download shiny "First Lord's Fury" wallpaper at -- be the envy of your coworkers! Score chicks! 8:14 AM Jun 30th
- @billharting Hmm. #2 is something visually intriguing. #3 is something the fans have been clamoring for for YEARS. Is that vague enough? 7:17 AM Jun 30th
- @jbkuma HUZZAH! Browncoats are extraordinary! 6:25 AM Jun 30th
- @Uilos Do it! Remember, it's the author's job to know ten times more about your universe than you ever share with your readers. 6:22 AM Jun 30th
- (That's awesome Jim-related thing #1 of 3, by the way. :D) 6:15 AM Jun 30th
Labels: epic fail, spam, twitter
Priscilla said at 9:42 AM
Saturday, April 19, 2008

*snorks* I was cleaning out my bookmarks the other day, and I found this article. Nice job finding artwork relevant to the comic itself, instead of fanart. By me. Displayed without credit. :D Labels: art, dresden files, epic fail
Priscilla said at 8:15 AM
Saturday, December 01, 2007

Your daily EPIC FAIL: Hey, St. Nick: Put down the cookie: Top doctor in U.S. says big guy sets bad example. America’s top doc told the Herald yesterday that Santa Claus should slim down, in the latest blow struck in a global politically correct crusade against the jolly fat man... And it just gets worse from there. Someone's getting coal in their stocking this Christmas. Labels: epic fail, holidays
Priscilla said at 2:54 PM
All content © 2000-2005 Priscilla Spencer unless otherwise noted.
Title cartoon by Bruce Eric Kaplan, used without permission.