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Thursday, January 08, 2009
![]() Let the "Year In Review" memes begin! So what if I'm a week late. :D
(wow, this is pathetic)
Looking back, did you write more fic than you thought you would this year, less, or about what you'd predicted? About what I predicted. Less than I would have liked. But then again, I only started writing fic in early 2007, and hopefully I'll get better and faster at putting my words on paper as I continue to practice. What pairing/genre/fandom did you write that you would never have predicted in January 2008? I certainly never imagined writing a Morgan-centric fic, as I figured that was Puck's territory. Guess not, as she hasn't even bothered to read it. :D Did you take any writing risks this year? (See above for unexpected pairings, etc.) What did you learn from them? I created a major original character in Judith and managed to keep her from becoming a Mary Sue! Huzzah! Another major challenge was writing from Hendricks' terse (and frankly obscene) POV. I wanted to wash out my keyboard with soap afterwards. :D Do you have any fanfic or profic goals for the New Year? I'd like to continue to develop my own original ideas and characters for a potential 3D animated short. Or maybe a musical. Or a musical 3D animated short. My Best Story: I'm torn between A Personage of Noble Rank and Title, The Other Son, and Small Mercies. With Personage, I'm not only really proud of the story on the surface, but it's so unbelievably chock-full of hidden details you'd go mad trying to find them all. Finally, I've written another story with the reread value of Cold Comfort! For The Other Son, I'm head over heels about the soulgaze scene. Whenever I came up with a new visual or some other kind of metaphor to enhance the scene, I was filled with actual joy. As for Small Mercies, I love each tiny moment independently, and strung together, they all make a pretty moving little story. Story Most Underappreciated by the Universe: The Landscape. Yeah, so I don't really consider it "done." Yeah, so I've written all over it that I'm in the process of revising it, as the version I posted for Yuletide isn't remotely polished. Still, I feel like only two people have read it. This is particularly disheartening, as I believe it's the first non-slash story to be written in the Codex Alera fandom. That's lame, guys. Most fun: I Spy. It's lighthearted and goofy and comfortable. Most disappointing: Off Guard. I love all the non-sexy parts and hate all the sex, which is unfortunate considering I wrote it for a friend who requested smut for her birthday. And because all the sex stuff is toward the beginning, I don't think anyone bothered to keep reading and get to the good stuff and the real reason I picked that ship. Alas. (No, Mom and Dad, you will NOT get curious about what I mean by this and read the story. This is off limits! :D) Most sexy: The Body. Because insight and healing are sexier to me than any smut. Honorable Mention: Feedback, because it's just so fun and carefree and silly. (A few months after I wrote the story, while smooching with my now-ex-but-then-current boyfriend, he told me to make sure I gave him feedback. It took me a full minute to stop laughing.) Hardest to Write: Writing the aforementioned hated scenes in Off Guard was like pulling teeth. Word count: 21,548. Nearly half of this was Personage. :D Not too shabby for a newbie writer who works 50+ hours each week! Priscilla said at 11:32 PM
Thursday, November 13, 2008
![]() I wrote fic! Fic for Kat for the Dresden Halloween Ficathon! Fic that I'm really, really proud of, and that made Kat cry!
I promise to never use my powers for evil. Title: The Other Son Fandom: Dresden Files bookverse Characters: Thomas, Harry, Justine, Susan, and an unexpected guest or two Prompt: "Thomas on Harry. Let's see his POV on his baby brother. I don't want slash of any sort, just brotherly shenanigans." --Kat Word Count: 4,846 Rating: PG-13 Summary: Thomas Raith has a brother. Spoilers: Up through Blood Rites Disclaimer: Thomas, Harry, and all other assorted Dresden-y characters and concepts belong to Jim Butcher and Penguin Books. Link: Read it at The Archive! Labels: dresden files, fanfic Priscilla said at 1:08 AM
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
![]() Hello, Yuletide Santa! This is my first year participating, and in my confusion I was woefully unspecific in my requests. My letter clarifying my desires is here.
Thank you! Love, Priscellie Priscilla said at 2:37 PM
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
![]() Just signed up for Yuletide. I was quite amused at the character list participants had assembled for the Dresden Files, as it includes a "Frank Hendricks." I know that's the name his player in the Hearts and Minds RPG came up with for him, but I wasn't aware it was so firmly entrenched in fanon! Somehow I felt like a party pooper, correcting it to Nathan.
In other news, Kristin sent me the photographs she took of me as a psychotic, murderous queen. I have a freakishly long neck and evil-looking clavicles. It's good to be the queen! Labels: clavicles of evil, fanfic Priscilla said at 9:16 PM
Monday, May 26, 2008
![]() Ficathonfic is posted! 9,185 words. :D
My Prompt, from quick_silver985: "Morgan seems a little grumpy. Oh, I wonder if there's some interesting story in his background that made him the way he is today... some tragic love, perhaps. Or the loss of of a dear friend, sibling, or parent. Who knows? Let's see a fic about it!" Rated PG-13 for gratuitous use of Gilbert and Sullivan. Labels: dresden files, fanfic Priscilla said at 1:26 AM
Sunday, May 25, 2008
![]() My ficathonfic just surpassed 9,000 words. Considering that the minimum was a paltry 1,000, I am insane, yes? My astonishment can only be conveyed in an obnoxious and tedious yet somehow ridiculously popular YouTube video.
Labels: fanfic Priscilla said at 7:11 PM
Wednesday, May 07, 2008
![]() Episode 2 of the Jim-Butcher.com news podcast, Butcher 'Spress, is up! Check it out here, and laugh at my "Rain in Spain" awkwardness as I attempt to speak at a much slower pace.
Also, new Dresden fic here (varying spoiler levels) and here (MAJOR SmF spoilers). Labels: butcher block, dresden files, fanfic, podcasts Priscilla said at 4:27 PM
Monday, February 18, 2008
![]() Woohoo, Dresden Files Ficathon! Doo eeeeet.
And AAAAAAAARGH. I just ripped my SECOND pair of jeans in TEN DAYS. Sure, these were very old jeans, but they were my favourites. Also, poor timing, universe! If this had to happen, why couldn't it have happened yesterday? I could have gone shopping today and taken advantage of all those lovely Presidents' Day sales. LIFE IS SO HARD. Oh Firefly marathon, will you make it better? Of course you will! You're a Firefly marathon! You make everything better! Maybe my ripped jeans are a sign from God that I should dress up as Delirium for Comic Con. (This moodswing is brought to you by the chromosomes XX and the color Red.) Labels: dresden files, fanfic, firefly, omg teh angst Priscilla said at 8:08 PM
Sunday, October 28, 2007
![]() Two new creative-type posts in the LJ: a delightfully silly round-robin Dresden/Discworld crossover for Becky and a bunch of doodles from a figure drawing session at Dr. Sketchy's!
Labels: art, discworld, dr sketchy, dresden files, fanfic Priscilla said at 3:19 PM Title cartoon by Bruce Eric Kaplan, used without permission. ![]() |
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