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Tuesday, November 17, 2009
![]() The time is finally upon us! Check out the map I illustrated for Jim Butcher's First Lord's Fury, which hits stores November 24th. For those new to my mapsquee, FLF is the sixth book in the internationally bestselling fantasy series The Codex Alera. I'm so thrilled to be a part of it.
Download the map as desktop wallpaper in about every desktop size imaginable: ![]() 800x600 1024x768 1280x800 1280x1024 1400x900 1600x1200 1920x1200 I'm eager to hear your thoughts. :D Labels: art, dresden files, jim butcher, map glee Priscilla said at 10:18 PM
Thursday, August 06, 2009
![]() Twitter is down. Where do I go to flail about this in 140 characters or fewer? Oh yeah, I have a blog!
So. My Epic Comic Con Post of Epicness has taken a back seat to a far more pressing deadline. Rather than merely plotting out the skeleton of the map to be printed in First Lord's Fury, book 6 of the Codex Alera, I'm now illustrating the finished product! My artwork is going to be published in tens of thousands of copies of the landmark final novel in an internationally bestselling series. And I'm being paid considerably more than the figure I originally ballparked when pitching the map idea to Jim and the Penguin folks. No pressure. :D Needless to say, I'm thrilled beyond belief. Thrilled and intimidated. Thrilled, intimidated, and flattered, Jim and I were tossing ideas back and forth last night, and I felt positively giddy at what we were coming up with. It's an inspiration, collaborating with such a creative mind. There's so much I want to include! Jim essentially told me to pull out all the stops, and that's what I'm going to do. I can't wait to prove myself worthy of this honor. Labels: art, awesome, jim butcher, workin' hard for the money Priscilla said at 1:52 PM
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
![]() Reason eleventy-frillion seventy-twelve Jim Butcher is a great guy:
![]() Labels: awesome, dresden files, jim butcher Priscilla said at 5:26 PM
Thursday, March 19, 2009
![]() Folks that follow my blog may be aware that I and my two friends Mickey and Fred serve as Thematic Consultants on the Dresden Files graphic novel series. This past year, we assisted in the production of a prequel to the book series called Welcome to the Jungle.
Folks that love science fiction and fantasy may be familiar with the Hugo Awards, which many consider to be the most prestigious award given in that genre. The 2009 Hugo Nominations were announced tonight. Among them: Best Graphic Story
Labels: comics, dresden files, jim butcher, omg hugo nomination Priscilla said at 10:14 PM
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
![]() I'm about midway through writing my Big ConDFW reaction post, but as I'm going to be working crazy late all week, it may be a while before I'm ready to post it here. In the meantime, I'm scurrying to post the sample chapters Jim read aloud for the Butcher Block. While editing, I came upon the following conversation snippet:
Jim: Chapter 2! Me: Wait, saving. Jim: Ah. We see who's really in control here! Me: *dramatic evil laugh* Alright, go! Attendee: ...You did that scarily well. Jim: Yeah, I think she's got this hidden serial killer streak we'll see one of these years. I'm looking forward to it. Me: Well, if Bad Horse worked so long on his whinny... Jim: Alright, chapter 2! Labels: condfw omgwtfbbq, dr horrible, jim butcher Priscilla said at 12:18 AM
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
![]() 51 seconds
Good to know! Meanwhile, the first of six sample chapters for Princeps' Fury went up this morning! Check it out. Labels: jim butcher, memes Priscilla said at 4:42 PM
Sunday, August 17, 2008
![]() The intrepid fangirl reporter returns! Subterranean Press didn't give me an exact date, but they did specify "very early October." Looks like Backup just got bumped forward 3-4 weeks! Huzzah!
Labels: dresden files, jim butcher Priscilla said at 4:17 PM ![]() Why does Subterranean Press list the Thomas-centric novelette Backup, initially slated for Halloween, among the September releases? Is this a mistake, or did we just jump over a month closer to delicious Jim Butcher/Mike Mignola collaboration?
This intrepid fangirl investigates! Labels: jim butcher Priscilla said at 9:35 AM
Monday, July 28, 2008
![]() Presentinge The Most Woefulle and Arduous Tale of Travells to the Comicke Conventionne ~ I arrived at the airport with plenty of time, as befits a seasoned traveler such as I. However, In the security line, as soon as I reached the front, the employees insisted my line double back on itself with another line, with the end result that about forty people got in front of me. The motivation for this has not been explained. I described the incongruity to a fellow line-waiter as "Kafkaesque." How little I knew of what pandemonium awaited me, dear reader! The boarding went without a hiccough. I was seated in an aisle seat, across from the aforementioned fellow line-waiter, a publicity representative from Wizard. As the plane taxied away from the gate, I mused over which panels I would elect to attend Thursday morning. Minutes to take-off, however, the plane stilled. We all waited expectantly. Many minutes later, we continued to wait expectantly. The pilot informed us of the dire weather situation, which blocked off the airport from all sides, but which would hopefully clear up soon. The pilot continues to string us along on this lie for two hours. I fiddled with my iPhone and finished reading Havemercy. Brilliant. At 5, the sleeping woman across the aisle from me (hey, it's the woman that works for Wizard I met in the security line!) wakes up with a start, wondering why we were on the ground, as she thought this was supposed to be a nonstop flight. The woman behind her informed her that we never left. Angst all around! At a loss, they started airing the in-flight entertainment. I enjoyed a couple episodes of How I Met Your Mother, enriched by my new appreciation of Neil Patrick Harris, but all the while bemoaning the fact that even if the plane left right then, I wouldn't be able to stop by the convention center that night to pick up my badge and avoid the ridiculous Saturday lines. The flight attendants then began airing the in-flight movie, 21. The plane taxied around uselessly on the runway in some demented tarmac ballet. I picked up the newest Artemis Fowl. About thirty minutes in, we suffered a second-long power failure, which resulted in 21 being restarted from the beginning. The passengers groaned and laughed, because otherwise we would have started screaming. I struck up a conversation with Wizard woman, Maria, and the woman sitting behind her, Kristi. Good people. About four hours in, a line began to form at the galley as the passengers sought out sustenance. They ran out of food within twenty minutes. It was not unlike Lord of the Flies. The sixty planes on the tarmac continued their taxi dance, and somehow we ended up at the back of the takeoff line. Ultimately, this did not matter. We also used so much fuel that we wouldn't have been able to make it all the way to San Diego anyway. Five hours in, the pilot received word of a possible route out! Win! However, it would steer us majorly off-course and take more than the five hours the trip was supposed to take, and San Diego's airport has a curfew due to its proximity to residential areas. It took the pilot a further thirty minutes to recognize that the longer route plus the time it took to refuel would result in us missing said curfew. Apparently a 777 full of angry passengers frantic to get to Comic Con wasn't worth the fee for breaking the rules. Time to deplane! Everyone pulled our their cell phones to try to reschedule their flights. To my dismay, I saw that I only had 10% battery life remaining. Awesome. Also, in my haste, I left my carry-on in the overhead bin and had to go back to get it, swimming upstream in the crowd like a stupidly forgetful salmon. I stood in the long ticket line with Maria and Kristi, internally flailing at the news that the earliest flight the next day was at 3pm, which would put us in NY around 8. I felt my Comic Con slipping through my fingers, and I wanted to cry. Fifteen minutes later, as I am still paralyzed waiting in line, the 3pm flight sells out. AUGH. Whatwhat? Kristi manages to snag a ticket agent over the phone and tells him a sob story about a nephew's christening the next day. This is made up, but the ticket agent coughs up a flight on a different airline that would get her into San Diego around noon. She snags it. HOPE! She remains with Maria and me to offer moral support and the prospect of a shared hotel room. Another fifteen minutes later or so, Maria and I reach the front of the ticket line. Kristi's flight has sold out. NO! But something in my distressed countenance warms the ticket agent's frozen heart and she finds a single ticket opening on a flight that gets me in Thursday at 4pm. I want to kiss her. I tell her I'll take it, but then she pauses, investigating a different trail. She finds another seat on a flight leaving from Newark that gets me into San Diego Thursday at 1pm! I nearly leap over the kiosk and hug her. Maria immediately asks if a second seat is available, and there IS! Maria hazards to ask if there is a third seat, as Kristi doesn't mind getting in an hour later if it means traveling with friends (which we are at this point), and huzzah, YES! WE'RE GOING TO SAN DIEGO, BABY! Flush with victory, we grab our bags and decide to head to the Newark Airport to try to find a hotel room nearby. HahahahahaahahaNO. Assorted cab drivers, legal and otherwise, tempt us with fares of anywhere from forty to sixty-five dollars EACH to get us to Newark. Um, what? We locate a Super Shuttle, which offers to take us there for forty, which Maria haggles down to thirty-five. Maria is awesome like that. There are four other passengers with destinations in Manhattan, including a woman we would learn is the mother of Joey Lawrence, actor on Blossom and regular feature of Dancing with the Stars. I use my dying iPhone to find phone numbers for Newark hotels, and Kristi calls three or four before the clerks finally convince her that no, just about every hotel in the entire New York metroplex is booked solid. I propose a new solution: Maria and Kristi come sleep at my apartment, and we put the cash we save from the hotel room towards a car service to whisk us off to Newark in the early AM. Good plan, me! This solution is pretty much the best plan ever. Oh my god, we are so tired. We inform Super Shuttle driver of the new plan, and as the driver no longer has to factor in exorbitant New Jersey tolls, Maria renegotiates our fare to $25 each. Ten minutes later, Joey Lawrence's Mom decides she is furious at this price inequity. She's getting off before us, but her fare is $35. She tries to renegotiate her deal, too, but as she has no grounds to do so, the driver is having none of it. She doesn't seem to get that the three of us represent $75 worth of passenger going to one location, whereas she is only one woman, and her situation has not changed since she and the driver agreed on a price. She's still paying way less than she would from any other driver anyway! They fight loudly over this stupid ten dollar discrepancy for a stupidly significant portion of the ride, culminating in the driver pulling over and telling her to get out. She stays put and ratchets down her obnoxious whining from eleven to four and a half or so. We side with the driver, because we want to get home at some point that night. Home, finally! We bring our bags up to my apartment and plan to get take-out from an Italian restaurant two blocks away, but as it immediately starts pouring buckets the second we step outside, we instead order in pizza and open a bottle of wine and bask in the knowledge that we just might come out on top, despite the horrors before. In my infinite grace, I accidentally knock over a glass of wine, which shatters on the hardwood floor. Despite our thorough search, we were still finding little micro-sized bits of glass an hour later. I vacuum. I re-pack my bags, stuffing my entire Molly costume (big boots and all) into my carry-on, so that if they lose my bag (which feels inevitable at this point), I'll still be able to dress up. We head to sleep around 12:30, after ordering a car for 5 and setting three alarms for 4am. I volunteer to sleep on the futon, allowing Maria and Kristi the bed. I am like a saint or something. I am awakened by an impossibly loud buzzer at 1:30. I immediately assume it is an alarm clock, until I see the clock on the TV. Finally, my sleep-addled brain recognizes that it is the door buzzer. I muzzily ask over the intercom who it is, and it is revealed to be roommate's boyfriend. Roommate is wonderful and understanding and miraculously cool with the idea of me inviting near-strangers into our home, but I kind of want to stab roommate in the head for not answering the freaking buzzer herself. (In the morning, she apologizes, which is very cool of her. I love you, roommate!) I buzz him in and open the door a crack, and I am asleep again by the time he walks up the stairs to the room. I am awakened again around 2 by someone's impossibly loud cellphone going off on the dining room table, also sounding much like an alarm clock. This time, there will be no mercy. I stumble into roommate's room and tell her and her boyfriend that one of their cellphones is going off, but it isn't theirs. My urge to kill wanes slightly. Turns out, it's Maria's. Mrsfgl. Okay, no death tonight. Too sleepy anyway. 4 am! I wake up for real! We take showers and munch down toast and are ready for the car at 5. The car is punctual and clean and the driver is courteous and we arrive in Newark in like forty minutes, rather than the hour-plus I was expecting. It feels like even less time! Could things finally be looking up? We check in and head down to security, where the line is unfathomably long. When we get to the front, the security guy and I exchange witty banter about my Battlestar Galactica t-shirt, then he informs me I've been selected for random search. Lovely. So have Maria and Kristi. Good grief! Fortunately, said search is quick and painless. I am so jaded about our trip woes at this point that I take random strangers not coming up to me and shooting me with a tazer as a kindness. We nickname ourselves "The Murphies," after Murphy's Law: Whatever can go wrong, will go wrong. We subsequently refer to each other as "Murphy" and "Murph" for the rest of the trip. We get to the gate, only to find that they have oversold the trip by THIRTEEN SEATS. How the heck does that happen? Fortunately, we have seat assignments already, so we win! I pity the poor folks that thought they were safe and arrived a little too late. Off to Minneapolis! We land without incident, grab lunch, then head off to San Diego! Then OMG, WE'RE HERE! We get our bags easily, though Maria and I have to hold our suitcases in our laps for the short trip to her hotel, as Kristi's friend's tiny Ford Focus wasn't built to tow such cargo. I dress in my Delirium costume in Maria's hotel room, and I get to the con just before 3. I've missed the panels for Doctor Who, Torchwood, and Middleman, but I'M HERE AND I KISS THE GROUND AND YAY YAY YAY COMIC CON! Things that made the hellacious ordeal worth it:
GOOD CON! Labels: cons, jim butcher, nathan fillion, nerd glee, OMG EEEEEEEEE, omg teh angst Priscilla said at 12:38 PM
Friday, June 20, 2008
![]() Oh my god. I am about to be the most hated person in the Jim Butcher fandom.
Apparently the audio book release people didn't realize that they were releasing the Princeps' Fury audio a week before the hardback, but when I brought it to Jim's editor's attention to verify that the date Amazon listed was correct, they realized their error and pushed back the date a week. I JUST DEPRIVED THE ENTIRE FANDOM OF THE PRINCEPS' FURY AUDIO FOR A WEEK. Now the hardcore fans that were going to buy the audios to experience the book a week early are DENIED. Um... sorry, guys? (On the other hand, the back audios for Furies of Calderon, Academ's Fury, and Cursor's Fury were pushed forward three weeks, so yay me, but... yeah, people are going to track me down with pitchforks and torches.) Labels: jim butcher Priscilla said at 11:25 AM
Wednesday, May 07, 2008
![]() Hey, kids! It's the super-belated New York Comic Con post!
Verdict: Ridiculously awesome. I already posted about Friday's highlight at the Gaiman panel, but here's the full account. We were let out of work early, so instead of getting dressed at the con itself, I changed in the bathroom at work, where I would have comparatively more space and privacy. Then came the fun of making my way across midtown Manhattan while dressed like the anthropomorphic personification of delirium! The number of horrified stares was far eclipsed by the number of "You go, girl"-esque responses. The most fun came when I walked past a huge gathering of people (maybe 200) in brightly-colored cultural dress from around the world. You could just see the "I wonder what she represents?" question in the kids' eyes. I first headed to the CNI booth to say hello to Joe and Jimmy and drop off the bag containing my work clothes, and to say goodbye to Jimmy's hair. Jimmy has had long, gorgeous, Pantene-ad hair for 20 years, but he finally decided to cut it on Saturday and donate it to Locks of Love, raising over five hundred dollars for the charity in the process. More power to him! My timing happened to coincide with their first raffle, so I read out the ticket numbers for them. T'was fun! Next, I headed downstairs to wait in line for the Gaiman event. I was nearly an hour early, yet there were already something like thirty people in line! I chatted with my neighbors and got my photo taken approximately eleventy billion times, which was all kinds of fun! Much to my dismay, I realized just how short my skirt was and how conspicuous I felt wearing it, so I decided to wear my capris underneath it on Saturday. Neil was presaged by a hilarious short speech by Bill Hader of SNL, a huge Gaiman fan. Then Neil came out, read a pair of short stories, did the Q&A thing I recounted in the earlier entry, and read chapter 3 of The Graveyard Book, which is going to be phenomenal. I can't wait! Saturday morning, I hooked up with my friend and fellow RPer John, aka The Boy, and his father and uncle. We spent much of the morning cruising the floor, hooking up with Will and his buddy Dave (one of his Beauty and the Geek co-stars) along the way. Fairly early on, we stopped by the Dabel Brothers' booth, and I got to meet the gang in person. The Dabel Brothers are the publishers of the Dresden Files comic book, on which I serve as a Thematic Consultant. Unfortunately, Ernst (eldest of the brothers and our main liason) had a scheduling conflict and couldn't be in attendance, but it was great to get to meet Derek and the rest of the team. Derek is a really fun guy and amazingly generous--when I inquired about the price of the NYCC edition of Dresden #1, he immediately handed John and me a huge stack of comics with all three editions of Dresden #1 and the first issue of their other title, Wild Cards. Woo, royal treatment! Eventually, 11 rolled around, and we headed over to the Midtown Comic booth, where Jim Butcher was doing his first signing of the day. Jim instantly recognized me despite my insane Delirium wig (or perhaps because of it?), and introduced me to Jennifer Jackson, his agent, and Anne Sowards, his editor. My conversation with Anne was cut short by a bunch of fanboys clammoring for a photo with me (rar! couldn't they see I was occupied?), but I got to chat a bit longer with Jennifer, who is quite clearly one of the most awesome people on the planet, and who is also blessed with the ability to surround herself with similarly awesome people. While John and I waited for Jim's signing to end at 11:30 (when the three of us would grab lunch together), he scoped out nearby booths. Unfortunately, around 11:40, when Jim and I hooked back up, John was nowhere to be seen. I left him four voicemails over the space of 11:20 to 11:40, to no avail. In the last, I told him Jim and I were headed to the food court, and to call me when he got the message. It was a wonderful, relaxing lunch. One of the things I enjoyed so much about PhauxCon was the casual, laid-back atmosphere, but even my beloved micro-con couldn't entirely remove the faint "Jim and Shannon are the Guests of Honor" hierarchy. Also, I myself was so fanstruck at the time! The one-on-one (and later, two-on-one, when John finally checked his phone) nature of this conversation was an absolute delight. He even paid for my lunch! :D We chatted about anything and everything: our favourite new-series Doctors (Jim: 9, me: 10), the lolcat phenomenon, comic book trailers, awful Sci-Fi Channel movies (and the Butcher family tradition of Shannon and J.J. tearing down the movie, and Jim attempting to defend it as the Best Movie Ever), the awesomeness of Ray Park and the great loss to our culture suffered at the absence of a Toad/Nightcrawler fight in X2, why on earth political figures go on the Daily Show and the Colbert Report, something that happens in a future Dresden book that will cause the entire fandom's head to explode, oh my god... You know, the usual. He also signed John's orange box knife for use in my new Butcher 'Spress podcast logo. As the daddy podcast, The Butcher Block, uses an actual signed butcher block, I felt the box knife surrounded by pizza was appropriate (both are associated with the fan-favourite Dresden character Toot-toot, a faerie who occasionally provides Harry with information--not a bad mascot for a news podcast). Then we gave the camera our best skeptical eyebrows and headed off to explore the con floor together! Eventually, around 1:30, John and I returned him safe and sound to the Dabel Table (this is more clever when you note that "Dabel" and "Table" rhyme) so he could prepare for the Dabel Bros' panel at 2. On my way down to the panel, I ran into my friend Kevin, who was dressed as his beloved character Unemployed Skeletor in preparation for the Masters of the Universe panel. We vowed to find some opportunity to hang out soon, as we never see each other and that is lame. The Dabel panel was quite nifty. Afterwards, I went to a panel on making it as a voice actor, then John and I resumed our floor-meandering ways. I went by the CNI table to see Jimmy's new hair, which looks great! I was terrified he'd do something short and unJimmylike, but his hair was so long that they were able to cut SIXTEEN INCHES, and his hair still brushed his shoulders. He seemed still somewhat traumatized, but I tried to assure him his Samsonlike powers had not been diminished. YOU ARE A HERO TO CANCERKIDS EVERYWHERE, JIMMY! THANK YOU! Around 5, we looped back around to the Dabel Table for the signing with Jim and Dresden cover artist Chris McGrath. Chris and I got to chatting, and it turns out we live five blocks away from each other! Crazy! We then dawdled around until it was time for the Great Podcasting Dinner! Unfortunately, my table was not a particularly energetic one, and John and I ended up leaving earlier than I'd predicted, both exhausted. Suckage. Sunday, I dressed up as Maeve, which wasn't a great idea. I'd forgotten how awkward that huge wig is and how easily tangled those sequin strings yet. It's a great costume for a small event, but it's not something to wear at a huge con. I got quickly overheated under the weight of the wig and the claustrophobic crowd, and I ended up keeping the wig off for most of the time. I finally met up with Kristin--we'd kept just missing each other all weekend--and she was jokingly cross at me for wearing a costume she'd already seen, as she'd been looking forward to seeing Delirium. We cruised the floor once more, on the lookout for any droolworthy Doctor Who and BSG merch, and I ended up with a Kittens With Cupcakes bag and a 12" action figure of Jack from Nightmare Before Christmas (with mini PVC Mayor and Werewolf). Kristin: I don't get the Green Arrow. On a team where you already have Batman, Superman, and Wonder Woman, what do you need an archer for? John: Well, he was rich... Kristin: You think he bought his way on to the Justice League? Me: His daddy bought everyone on the team Nimbus 2001s. We spent the rest of the afternoon chilling at the CNI booth. At closing time, we helped Jimmy pack up, then Kristin, John, and I went off in search of California Pizza Kitchen. Yum! The evening was spent watching episodes of "Wonderfalls" and "Pushing Daisies." All in all, an AWESOME experience. It's great to be a geek. :D Labels: cons, costuming, geekery, jim butcher, new york is awesome, podcasts Priscilla said at 3:46 PM
Tuesday, January 22, 2008
![]() Gah, I didn't realize you had to have an account on the forum to view stuff there. Lame. Check out the Dresden graphic novel page here!
Labels: dresden files, jim butcher Priscilla said at 5:43 PM
Monday, January 21, 2008
![]() A page of art from from the Dresden Files graphic novel has been leaked! And it's preeeeeeeeety. Check it out here!
(Edited to fix link!) Meanwhile, I somehow failed to mention here that the Dresden Files novelette "Backup," told from Thomas' POV, is going to be illustrated by MIKE MIGNOLA. EEE! Preorder here, but be aware that the blurb contains HUGE spoilers for Blood Rites. Wow, I spend all my time pimping this news in other places that I forget my own blog. :D Labels: dresden files, jim butcher Priscilla said at 6:54 PM
Sunday, October 07, 2007
![]() I'm back from PhauxCon! I had such an amazing time, and I'm already teasing out ideas for a panel next year. I was lucky enough to meet Jim Butcher (author of The Dresden Files) at NY Comic Con last year and found him to be all the things you'd hope a favourite author would be in real life: affable and funny and down-to-earth. But getting to hang out with him and his wife Shannon (also a published author) in such a relaxed atmosphere was an entirely different dynamic! The Butchers are such great people, and they're even more fun when they're not exhausted and stressed out by the grind of a huge convention or a signing tour!
Friday night, we watched the unaired, 67-minute Dresden pilot, and Jim merrily heckled the entire thing. It was HILARIOUS. Heckling bad Sci-Fi channel movies is a tradition in the Butcher household, and the incomplete special effects and temporary voice overs in the pilot made for a lot of easy jokes. One of Jim's running comments was to repeat the text of the cards on the temporary effects in an excited tone with "Trust Us!" added, like "Bianca's face is burned! Trust us!" He also shared a bunch of cool behind-the-scenes facts about the series, such as "This is where the stunt guy broke both his legs." Poor stunt guy. Saturday, Jim and Shannon each did a Q&A session, and as many of the attendees are writers, they were able to share their experience dealing with the writing process with us. Shannon wore my Maeve tiara during hers, as she is Queen of Estonia. Jim also talked about his experience with the various Dresden media spinoffs--the TV show, the comic, and a few potential projects on the horizon. Coooooool! The other panels were excellent. Steph continued her "Flashcard Fandom" tradition with Torchwood, Deb made an extraordinary presentation I wish I'd recorded on public perception of fandom, Nikki talked about anti-heroes (and why we love them), Steph and Eurydice talked about the transition from fan fic to pro fic, and another woman whose name begins with an L but completely escapes me talked about the significance of alleys in Buffy and Angel. It was fascinating stuff, and it generated some great discussions! At the three dining events, the Butchers joined us in geeking out over various nerdy pursuits and regaled us with stories about their son, J.J., who is quite clearly the coolest kid in the history of the universe (and is also goin' to Utah!). At the signing, Xionin gave Jim a set of the Serenity Alliance Currency Money Pack that hadn't sold in the silent auction, and he joked about "Gettin' paid in cashy money," quoting Mal, then amended this statement to "Gettin' paid in cash and coke," referring to the seemingly bottomless supply of Coca-Cola Xionin provided for him. I took home the other money pack and the Tenth Doctor and K9 action figure set. Now Ten and Illyria and the cast of Mirrormask can have wacky escapades on my desk at work! The Shindig was all kinds of fun. As readers of my blog know, I came as Maeve, and I was delighted at how well it turned out! I got all kinds of praise from both Jim and the other con-goers. Most of the group didn't come in costume, but we did get a wonderful Michael, a Charity, a hybrid book cover/TV Harry, a vampire, a 70's dude, and a pair of ladies in Ren Fest attire. Jim joked that was dressed as Dr. Chao, the cameo character he played on the TV show. He showed us concept art from the upcoming comic (including some images I hadn't seen yet!) and read from one of the Dresden books, doing so in the most energetic, geeky, delighted voice imaginable. He was having SO MUCH FUN as he read to us, and we laughed and cheered and winced right along with him. It was like reading it again for the first time! Crazy fun. A splendid time was had by all! I'm mostly relying on Xionin and Rob for photos, but here are a few that were taken with my camera: Me and Jim Me, Jim, and Rob A very blurry shot of our Carpenter couple And here's the wig alone again, as I am so freaking proud of how it turned out! I'll post more pictures (and a link to the video of Jim's Q&A session) as soon as they're available. Hopefully Xio and Rob will upload them sometime this week, after they recover from the con and perhaps take a three-day nap. :D And note that Jim and Rob are not short, I'm just wearing six inch platforms, making me 6'3"! And I didn't break an ankle! Win! I have no hat, so I will say that my wig is off to Xionin for putting together an absolutely extraordinary con experience. I'm in awe of all the work she does for PhauxCon, and I'm so grateful. I had such a blast! Love to all the returning members, and I hope I can hang out with some of you again before PhauxCon 6! Labels: costuming, dresden files, jim butcher, nerd glee, phauxcon Priscilla said at 5:35 PM
Wednesday, October 03, 2007
![]() Squee! The first sample chapter of Captain's Fury, fourth book in Jim Butcher's Codex Alera, is up! Yet another reason why Tavi and Kitai are great.
Labels: jim butcher Priscilla said at 3:14 PM
Wednesday, September 05, 2007
![]() Will pointed out that I've neglected to mention the release of Many Bloody Returns, an anthology of short stories dealing with vampires and birthdays. It officially came out yesterday, though I managed to snag a copy from Borders last week. Jim Butcher has a Dresden Files story included, and it's hilarious. Check it, yo!
Labels: dresden files, jim butcher Priscilla said at 12:16 PM
Monday, August 27, 2007
![]() (I wrote this over a week ago. Why did I not post it?)
Woohoo, registration is now open for PhauxCon! I am SO THERE! Labels: jim butcher, phauxcon Priscilla said at 1:50 AM Title cartoon by Bruce Eric Kaplan, used without permission. ![]() |
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