The Cult of Lincoln

Monday, February 25, 2008

A massive linkspam for you!

X-Files 2 teaser from WonderCon!

Photos That Look Photoshopped But Aren't

Hilarious Science Fair Experiments

Robot does interpretive dance of your dreams

Fifteen Reasons Mister Rogers Was The Best Neighbor Ever

An awesome stop-motion animation for Shakespeare fans: Next! How many plays can you identify?

Best Fandomsecret Ever (thanks, Puck!)

Coraline teaser! The same as the one we saw before, except this one wasn't filmed by a handheld camera in a 3D theatre.

Silly and awesome: Record Sleeve and Money Portraits

Windows 98 Jam -- a piece of music made using only default sounds from Windows 98.

Sarah Silverman : Matt Damon :: Jimmy Kimmel : Ben Affleck

Metaquotes: Using fandom to explain Democratic presidential candidates

And in other news...

Puck: ...oh, gods.
Puck: There are gonna be movies for Monopoly, Candyland, Battleship, and Ouija.
Me: ...those were jokes, hon.
Puck: you're sure?
Me: ...whuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuut
Puck: Actually, if they do Candyland like a cartoon movie for kids, it might not be that bad. The other ones scare me.
Me: Yes. Though Monopoly, if done in a completely serious, reinvent-the-wheel-taking-the-basic-concept could be potentially interesting. In a "Codex Alera was based on Pokemon" kind of way.
Puck: Well, it worked for POTC.
Puck: ....and failed miserably for Haunted Mansion.
Puck: So there you go.
Me: Yup. And The Country Bears.
Puck: *fingers in ears* LA LA LA THAT DOESN'T EXIST
Me: I can imagine an evil, Machiavellian Monopoly man cackling with glee as he puts people though a sinister game that will make them filthy rich or render them absolutely destitute and possibly imprisoned.
Me: Like a TV game show with TEETH.
Puck: Oujia might work as a cheesy horror flick.
Puck: Otherwise it'll be ninety minutes back and forth of "You're moving it!" "No, I'm not!" "Stop moving it!" "I'm not!"
Me: XD
Me: ...Jumanji was lots of fun!
Puck: Yes!
Puck: Yes it was!
Puck: Also Clue!
Me: Yes!
Me: Good point
Puck: But Jumanji had Robin Williams. And Clue had Tim Curry.
Me: Yes. And PotC had Johnny Depp.
Me: Wilford Brimley for Monopoly Man, Y/Y?
Puck: But Haunted Mansion had Eddie Murphy AND Wallace Shawn and still was made of fail.
Puck: And Y
Me: I like my Monopoly idea. It's like "The Most Dangerous Game," except with finance.
Puck: So of course Hollywood will make it fail.
Me: Of course. XD

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Priscilla said at 11:34 AM


Thursday, January 10, 2008

Project Runway. So... do the judges even remember their prom? You don't want you look cute and young and 17, you want to look mature and elegant. Sweet Pea should have won! The only dresses I would have worn to prom were hers or Chris'. Victorya's = Fug. Well, it's cute, but it's also cheap-looking and unflattering. While it may be a decent choice for a mixer or party, it is NOT appropriate for a prom!

Also, I feel so terribly wicked for thinking this, but even though I loathe Christian and want to slap him in the face whenever I see him, I kind of want him to stay on the show for the time being (though leave well before Bryant Park). Yes, his clothes are often rather interesting--albeit TRAGICALLY 80s--but he makes such a lovely TARGET for the natural drama of competition, and we need someone to mock now that Elisa is gone.

P.S. HAHAHAHA a girl looking for a designer for her prom dress chose Chris' portfolio over Victorya's? OHSNAP!

Some entertaining links for joo:

AMPTP vs. WGA: Jocks versus Nerds. There's an 80s movie to be made here, if only we had someone to write it!

Mad TV: Under Barack Obama

Bill Gates' last day at Microsoft -- Gates rocks for doing this.

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Priscilla said at 12:34 PM


Wednesday, December 19, 2007


Some Links For You:

Opening Credits to Burton's Sweeney Todd. Catch it before it gets removed! Maybe it'll look better on screen than on freaking YouTube, but I'm less impressed with this than I was with the actual musical numbers I saw last month. Remind me again why they decided not to open with the Ballad?

Pottercast scored an interview with JK Rowling! The first part of the interview is downloadable now, and I just finished listening. Intriguing stuff! She has a wonderful rapport with her hosts, and she speaks with such clarity, from minute details of her books to the heavier issues they raise. Well worth a listen.

Tanker Safety -- a sketch of Pythonesque brilliance

Great new trailer for Horton Hears a Who.

The Superest -- an ongoing game between two cartoonists, in which they take turns creating superheroes/supervillains with powers that defeat the powers of the hero/villain before it. Hilarious!

A Pterry Thank You Project -- a fanart celebration, to be compiled and sent to the man next month.

Global Warming -- an argument for action

Torchwood Series 2 Trailer. I can't believe I'm going to watch this. XD (Woah, was that Simon Pegg I saw for a split-second?)

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Priscilla said at 4:56 PM


Sunday, February 11, 2007

Hey! Just got around to watching this past Friday's Monk, and Marcelina's brother was in it! Squee!

More links:

From LifeHacker: Google Maps adds subway stations and prominent buildings!

From Becky: New Hot Fuzz trailer

From Sue: Spike and Angel sing "If You Were Gay" (and in case you missed it before, hear them sing "The More You Ruv Someone")

From Chungy: Things With a Higher Approval Rating than Bush

From the MacAnally's folks: College Saga, an absolutely hilarious adventure in the style of old-school video games.

From Moony: Every Episode of House, in Yahoo!Mail icons

From ?: Mario Theme on Beatbox and Flute

From Wisteria?: 24: Aqua Teen Hunger Force

From Violet: John Barrowman movie rumor I hope hope hope is true

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Priscilla said at 5:52 PM


Thursday, January 11, 2007

Some things are truly awesome. OH THE BEEMANITY is one of these things. This is what it means to be an American!

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Priscilla said at 10:46 AM


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