The Cult of Lincoln

Friday, August 29, 2008


India's poor urged to 'eat rats'

And an even more brain-injuring political move: A McCain advisor seeks to solve the health care crisis through semantics. I did a double-take, convinced I was reading an Onion analogue.

Illustrating and cartooning blog Drawn! posts some excellent Ronald Searle-related links! So much love for Ronald Searle! Anyone that hasn't read Molesworth is missing out on something extraordinary.

Aaron Sorkin writing movie about Facebook. My face looks like this: o_O?

Biden: "Think About It"

Chris Crocker's soulmate in an angry rant against the Twilight haters

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Priscilla said at 5:02 PM


Friday, August 15, 2008

Fandom creative awesomeness mini-linkspam:

Oooh, Feather is running another Dresden Files ficathon, right in time for Halloween. Now I just have to figure out what to request!

Tealin doodles Doctor Horrible, and it is love and win.

Aysha/Questionstar posts a quasi-tutorial of her amazing armor-making method. I wish my fandoms had characters with awesome armor, because desperately I want to experiment with some of these techniques.

Nerd Squee MiniSpam:

Amanda Palmer sings "I Google You". Highly amusing! (Good lord, I hate it when people google me)

Deleted Iron Man scene

Dollhouse scenelet

Alan Tudyk interviews Nathan Fillion

Hot library smut!

Political Mini-Spam:

David Shuster pwns PUMA

Nifty Anti-McCain ad

And a meme!

Pick a fandom, and I'll tell you which character(s) I would:
1. bake cupcakes for
2. trust with the keys to my car
3. put thumbtacks on their chair
4. have a crush on
5. pack up and leave if they moved next door
6. vote for President
7. pick as my partner in a buddy movie
8. pair up
9. vote off the island and into the volcano
10. wheedle into fixing my MP3 player

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Priscilla said at 10:50 PM


Friday, August 08, 2008

Leavin' for DC soon, to hang out with Kat! Woo!

Kathy Hilton smacks down McCain over ad, and it is amusing.

Paris Hilton (with FunnyOrDie) smacks down McCain over ad, and it is beautiful.


Garfield Minus Garfield gets a book deal. Color me shocked.

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Priscilla said at 5:21 PM


Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Last night, I dreamed that I was cast for the role of Winthrop (from the Music Man--an eight-year-old redhead boy with a lisp) for the Colbert Report, and I had to decide it it was worth quitting my job. To make the decision, I returned to my high school photography class, where I was delighted to see that my professor would have given me an A+ if I had actually turned in the final assignment, but had deducted 30%, bringing my score to a 75 (yes, I know that math doesn't make sense).

Very witty: Font Conference

Very horrible: Doctor Horrible, back on HULU for another week! Also, visit this website to get the good bad anti-villainous doctor's van remote on your iPhone!

Very athletic: the Hundred Push-Ups Project. I'm going to give it a shot!

Very animated: Princess and the Frog and Up teasers are here! EEEEE!!!

Very soulful: Neil Patrick Harris as a singing shoe fairy on Sesame Street (and I just had a flash of him playing Moist von Lipwig, even though he is unBritish. Y/Hell Y?)

Very evolved: Wolverine trailer!

Very hairy: Half-Blood Prince trailer! I have chills!

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Priscilla said at 2:17 PM


Wednesday, July 02, 2008

Picked up Jaida's book! Woo! If you're in NY on the 16th, she and Dani have a signing in Brooklyn!

Where the Heck is Matt? A Global Dance. So ridiculously cool. I got a little teary-eyed.

Dr. Horrible Comic! Is it July 15th yet?

Tell me this ad wasn't made by a John Hodgman fan. I dare you.

Lars Larson Rips Wall-E As ‘Propaganda’; It Teaches Kids ‘Humans Are Bad For Planet Earth’. Um... Mr. Larson? Humans are bad for Planet Earth. Though if you actually saw the film, you'd know the message was a warning against mindless consumerism and waste, complacency, and lack of awareness. All the human characters were well-meaning and recognized the vital importance of reclaiming the planet and restoring its vitality. A for effort, F for reading comprehension. And while I'm at it, another F for seeking to eliminate joy. This movie is incredible. I hope all you guys get to see it on the big screen.

Senators Craig and Vitter team up to co-sponsor Marriage Protection Amendment, which would amend the Constitution to declare that marriage “shall consist only of the union of a man and a woman. Un-freaking-believable. You know how you can defend the sanctity of marriage, Senators Craig and Vitter? Try NOT CHEATING ON YOUR WIFE AND HAVING SEX WITH PROSTITUTES/ANONYMOUS MEN IN AIRPORT RESTROOMS. Marriage doesn't need protection from same-sex couples, Senators. It needs protection from you.

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Priscilla said at 9:25 PM


Friday, June 27, 2008

HAHA, YES! Managed to snag a ticket to Eddie Izzard at Radio City Music Hall tomorrow night! They've been sold out for ages, but I guess they released a few more. I win at life!

Also, mah Summer Shows are getting cloooooser!

Middleman: Mondays, 10/9c (ABC Family)
Burn Notice: Thursdays, July 10 @ 10/9c (USA)
Project Runway: Wednesdays, July 16 @ 9/8c (Bravo)
Psych: Fridays, July 18 @ 10/9c (USA)

Obligatory linkspam:

In the past couple weeks, I've become a follower of the Big Picture, a blog that describes itself as "News Stories in Photographs." Some are inspiring, some are moving, some are devastating, and all are in breathtaking high-res. Check it out!

Schedule of TV-related Panels at San Diego Comic Con.

I already adored xkcd, but... God bless you for giving me the phrase "Barack Me Obamadeus!" I laughed for like thirty seconds straight.

New trailer for the Repo Man rock opera.

An utterly brilliant entrant in Colbert's "Make McCain Exciting" challenge: Vogue.

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Priscilla said at 9:44 AM


Friday, May 30, 2008

That was the most AWESOME voice-over session EVER. I just recorded ten lines in a language I do not speak. :D

(And the character's name I was reading for? Molly. Gotta love those weird coincidences!)


Hilarious: Young Hillary Clinton

Very cool article with the best headline ever: Monkeys Control Robots With Their Minds

And in a similar vein: Monkey vs. Robot

Star Wars: That's What She Said!

Human Tetris is coming to America. It's going to be on Fox. There is something perfect about this news.

Oldest Live-Birth Fossil Found; Fish Had Umbilical Cord. Cthulhu fhtagn!

This is really nerdy, but... I wish they had these when I was in college. Sheer Post-It Notes! Genius!

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Priscilla said at 4:52 PM


Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Tonight, I'm taking a bus to D.C. for a spontaneous day trip! As tomorrow's weather looks ominous, I'm planning to take the MUSEUMS! route rather than the MONUMENTS! route. Fred has been gathering recommendations here. So far, the International Spy Museum is sounding the most appealing, but I am also drawn to the Mall's sheer concentration of awesome museums. I'll have to research more this afternoon.

To catch up on my blogging: Friday night, I went on a date that included food and an Improv Everywhere event. Alex and I were both excited about it, but the event ended up crashing and burning. The idea was cool, but it was raining, and the IE folks had difficulty coordinating everything, and we ended up standing out in the rain and wind with an inadequate umbrella on the middle of the Brooklyn Bridge for an hour and a half. My light jacket wasn't really up for the chore. And the umbrella broke from the wind ten minutes before we left, so we got soaked. When I got home and saw myself in the mirror, my skin was bloodless white. I looked like a consumptive waif. I had to sit in a hot bath for twenty minutes before I felt like a human again.

Yet shockingly, I had a great time. The dinner beforehand was excellent (Thai!), and conversation was fun. We're never short of fodder for discussion, and he's just the right amount of geeky that I feel neither like a hopeless dork nor somehow inadequate in my geekishness. And Saturday, Alex is going to cook dinner for me, so I call this major win. :D


Obama Adopted into Crow Nation. I. Love. This. Man. Can he be my president RIGHT NOW?

Steven Moffat to be Doctor Who Lead Writer and Executive Producer! YEEE!

Two new videos from Potter Puppet Pals!

Cover for Pterry's upcoming Nation!

Awesome photo series of Children's Drawings Brought to Life

Ben Stein: Science Kills. Good thing religion has never killed anyone, am I right?

Pretty sweet: Animatic version of the first issue of Joss' "Astonishing X-Men."

Excellent article: Your Friends Are Not Watching the Same Show You Are (And That's Okay).

And a new FotC music video.

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Priscilla said at 1:54 PM


Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Linkspam time!

Your Daily EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!: California Court Affirms Right to Gay Marriage

Your Daily Joss Whedon Is My Master Now: Dollhouse trailer!

Your Daily Win:
13 Year Old Steals Dad's Credit Card to Buy Hookers (read this article. It will make you love America.)

Your Daily Crackpot: Oprah/Obama/Wright = Trinity of Hell. (This is HILARIOUS. Listen!)

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Priscilla said at 11:38 AM


Thursday, March 13, 2008

Some links for joo:

New Wall-E Trailer. Not so sure about the story, but GUH the lighting is beautiful!

New Hulk trailer

3-Year-Old Summarizes Star Wars

Idioms in Code -- I'm pleased to see that my computer science degree has come in handy for something! I got all but three of them.

Dollhouse casting sides leaked! Read them while they're still up!

Pratchett Funds Alzheimer's Study

Fic Rec: Sam's Trying to Communicate. Torchwood + LOLCATS.

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Priscilla said at 10:55 AM


Friday, February 29, 2008

Happy Leap Day, my lovelies!

Last night, I went with Kait and Steven to see The Farnsworth Invention, Aaron Sorkin's play about the invention of television. It was excellent--far better than the trailer on their website or the scathing review from the New York Times would lead one to believe.

Unfortunately, Hank Azaria was replaced by an understudy for our show, but the replacement gave a very solid performance. His costar, Jimmi Simpson, give a heartrending portrayal of a man struggling to keep pace with his own genius, and his transition from buoyant spirit and imagination slowly giving way to frustration, exhaustion, feelings of betrayal, and finally utter despair were felt palpably throughout the theatre. The moment at which I finally recognized where I'd seen him before--playing one of the MacPoyles on It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia--only made me respect him as an actor even more.

I'm so glad I got to see it before it closed March 2nd! Kait wins super-love for suggesting we go.

The linkspam continues:

Battlestar Galactica: The Story So Far. I love my show with the silly name! April 4th, people!

McSpaced is go. Fortunately, it's on Fox, so if it displays even a fraction of a glimmer of Spaced's brilliance it'll probably get canceled in a day.

Google gives free voice mail to San Francisco's homeless

Obama releases open letter to LGBT folks

Campaign Logos

Stephen Colbert Misses Starbucks

Pregnant woman uses train toilet, baby slips out

...Are Edgar Wright and Diablo Cody a couple? Or is Best Week Ever joking? I only ask because their babies would be AWESOME.

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Priscilla said at 12:52 PM


Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Political Linkspam!

Si se puede -- a really beautiful video for Obama in Spanish

Viva Obama -- a really hilarious Mariachi song for Obama in Spanish

And an excellent blog article: The Obama Doctrine

SNL Weekend Update: Huckabee's Graceful Exit

SNL: Tina Fey On The Most Important Women's News Issue. Awesome, but it would be more appreciated I didn't of want to slap Hillary in the face right now. What are you DOING, Hillary? What happened to the woman we saw giving that wonderful final statement at the Texas debates? Remember how well that went over, and how all the pundits were asking why she didn't show that side of her personality more often? Sure, it was almost word-for-word taken from Edwards' concession speech, but I was willing to forgive. Who is this bitter, mocking creature you're turning into? I understand you may be frustrated, but your snarky tirades are not presidential. Sheesh.

And finally, another Fry and Laurie video for people that don't care about American politics (though it would actually make a delightful satire of the second Bush doctrine had it not been written in 1992): The Ass-Kickers Song.

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Priscilla said at 9:49 AM


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