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Friday, September 05, 2008
![]() Middlememe:
Mutual of Omaha! When you see this, post a random quicky Middleman exclamation in your lj/blog. Priscilla said at 5:34 PM
Friday, August 29, 2008
![]() Linkspam!
India's poor urged to 'eat rats' And an even more brain-injuring political move: A McCain advisor seeks to solve the health care crisis through semantics. I did a double-take, convinced I was reading an Onion analogue. Illustrating and cartooning blog Drawn! posts some excellent Ronald Searle-related links! So much love for Ronald Searle! Anyone that hasn't read Molesworth is missing out on something extraordinary. Aaron Sorkin writing movie about Facebook. My face looks like this: o_O? Biden: "Think About It" Chris Crocker's soulmate in an angry rant against the Twilight haters Labels: art, linkspam, obama is awesomesauce, politics, tv, wtf Priscilla said at 5:02 PM
Monday, August 18, 2008
![]() "Vlad the Impaler had two loves: feasting on the blood of his impaled victims and puppet shows."
I can't wait for tonight's Middleman. Preview here! Priscilla said at 4:45 PM
Sunday, June 29, 2008
![]() Pilot roundup time! It's leak season online, so on Thursday, I checked out the pilots for J.J. Abrams' Fringe and the TV adaptation of Charlaine Harris' Sookie Stackhouse books, True Blood.
Fringe was rather meh. I might tune in for the second episode, to see just how sad an X-Files ripoff it's going to be, but right now I'm on the "leave it" side of the "take it or leave it" conundrum. I really enjoyed the first part of the pilot, but when they started pulling in the big mytharc guns, it just felt silly. It was entertaining, certainly, but... While it's easy to suspend one's disbelief for crazy "fringe" science, it's a lot harder to swallow when the stupid little details closer to reality aren't believable. The whole show loses grounding. A dude's skin is reduced to the consistency of Jell-o, but he still keeps his eyebrows and a perfect head of hair? The devil is in the details, writers. The ending kind of sucked. Still, there were some aspects of the show that were pretty cool. I liked the way they floated the location cues in the scene. That was just neat! And Denethor was awesome in his role as a brilliant but insane scientist. The astral plane sequence was delightfully trippy, and all the other visual effects were very well done. WOO, ZOIC! But yeah. While I imagine it'll find an audience somewhere, that somewhere won't be my couch. True Blood was a bit more difficult to quantify. The pilot is quite faithful to the events of the first half of the first book, so good job TV creative team! Unfortunately, that meant that all the things that bugged me about the book were there in force. Though I'm probably letting my book-irk and utter lack of patience for Bill color my perception of the show, as the show actually did a passable job showing why Sookie was attracted to him. (For the record: Sookie/Sam, woo!) They did a great job with Sookie's psychic effect, though the vamp effect was utterly laughable. The guy at the convenience store looked like some dweeby vampire rabbit! Also, the sex was way more graphic and obnoxious than it needed to be. Stupid HBO. I think it definitely shows promise, though. Anna Paquin's Southern accent has improved considerably since the first X-Men. And it'll be nice to have a vampire show on TV that isn't all brooding angst and private detectiving. There's a unique, quirky freshness to the novels that I think will do well on TV. I'm curious to see how it adapts. Labels: tv Priscilla said at 1:54 PM
Friday, June 27, 2008
![]() HAHA, YES! Managed to snag a ticket to Eddie Izzard at Radio City Music Hall tomorrow night! They've been sold out for ages, but I guess they released a few more. I win at life!
Also, mah Summer Shows are getting cloooooser! Middleman: Mondays, 10/9c (ABC Family) Burn Notice: Thursdays, July 10 @ 10/9c (USA) Project Runway: Wednesdays, July 16 @ 9/8c (Bravo) Psych: Fridays, July 18 @ 10/9c (USA) Obligatory linkspam: In the past couple weeks, I've become a follower of the Big Picture, a blog that describes itself as "News Stories in Photographs." Some are inspiring, some are moving, some are devastating, and all are in breathtaking high-res. Check it out! Schedule of TV-related Panels at San Diego Comic Con. I already adored xkcd, but... God bless you for giving me the phrase "Barack Me Obamadeus!" I laughed for like thirty seconds straight. New trailer for the Repo Man rock opera. An utterly brilliant entrant in Colbert's "Make McCain Exciting" challenge: Vogue. Priscilla said at 9:44 AM
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
![]() I left work at 12:15 last night, but I impulsively stayed up late and watched the pilot of The Middleman, which was ridiculously fun. It has early cancellation written all over it, but I plan to enjoy the heck out of it as long as it lasts! It's a deliciously quirky, self-aware show about an art school graduate who is recruited by a secret agency to fight against evil forces. Her square-jawed employer is best summarized as Captain Carrot working for the Men in Black. In one scene, he beats up a mob boss between taking long drinks of milk.
I'm not quite sure what age group it's intended for, which is one of the reasons I'm so convinced it's doomed to be prematurely canceled. With its light tone and goofy comic book stylings (not to mention its slot on ABC Family), one might think it was intended for young teens, but some of the content surprised me. There are comments about the heroine, Wendy, being a "beard" for her film student boyfriend, a running joke about cursing (which is bleeped out with a little black rectangle over the person's mouth), and pop-culture references I wouldn't expect tweens to get, such as Wendy's cry of "Get your filthy paws off of me you damn dirty ape" when being dragged away as a hostage by a genetically engineered, super intelligent gorilla. I don't know. Maybe it's intended specifically for me! So check it out. This show is pure, unadulterated fun! If you don't believe me, check out this glowing review from the New York Times. If you have ABC Family, it's on Mondays at 8/7c. If you don't, it's on In other news: Wave 4 of the Doctor Who action figures includes a 6" Doctor with five Adipose, due to hit stores late July. If the Beeb can't cough up a plushie Adipose, this would make an absolutely delightful addition to my desk diorama! Labels: doctor who, tv Priscilla said at 11:07 AM
Saturday, February 02, 2008
![]() The season finale of Psych will be called "Shawn (and Gus) of the Dead."
I LOVE THIS SHOW. Priscilla said at 9:12 PM
Thursday, January 10, 2008
![]() Project Runway. So... do the judges even remember their prom? You don't want you look cute and young and 17, you want to look mature and elegant. Sweet Pea should have won! The only dresses I would have worn to prom were hers or Chris'. Victorya's = Fug. Well, it's cute, but it's also cheap-looking and unflattering. While it may be a decent choice for a mixer or party, it is NOT appropriate for a prom!
Also, I feel so terribly wicked for thinking this, but even though I loathe Christian and want to slap him in the face whenever I see him, I kind of want him to stay on the show for the time being (though leave well before Bryant Park). Yes, his clothes are often rather interesting--albeit TRAGICALLY 80s--but he makes such a lovely TARGET for the natural drama of competition, and we need someone to mock now that Elisa is gone. P.S. HAHAHAHA a girl looking for a designer for her prom dress chose Chris' portfolio over Victorya's? OHSNAP! Some entertaining links for joo: AMPTP vs. WGA: Jocks versus Nerds. There's an 80s movie to be made here, if only we had someone to write it! Mad TV: Under Barack Obama Bill Gates' last day at Microsoft -- Gates rocks for doing this. Labels: john hodgman, links, obama is awesomesauce, politics, project runway, tv Priscilla said at 12:34 PM
Wednesday, January 09, 2008
![]() WOAH. You know that Levi's ad that has the guy struggling to pull up his jeans, then with his jeans comes the entire street, a taxi cab, and a hot girl in a telephone booth? I just saw a variation with the exact same footage, except it's a HOT GUY IN THE BOOTH. And they are cute and gay and Levi's is MADE OF WIN. I am so thrilled with them for doing this. ROCK ON.
Priscilla said at 10:56 PM
Friday, December 21, 2007
![]() This just in: The Daily Show and The Colbert Report to return... without writers.
Um. What? Labels: jon stewart, stephen colbert, tv, wga strike Priscilla said at 10:17 AM
Wednesday, October 24, 2007
And EEE, ABC just picked up the back 9! A quirky show I love isn't getting canceled after like two episodes! Pinch me, I must be dreaming. Labels: pushing daisies, tv Priscilla said at 9:59 PM
Saturday, September 29, 2007
![]() From SciFi Wire:
"McG has teamed with writer Ari Eisner for Invisible, a drama project, which landed at Fox with a script commitment, according to The Hollywood Reporter; the proposed series tells the story of a criminal who is given a second chance at life when a chemical compound makes him invisible."Um... why don't you just un-cancel The Invisible Man? *wistful sigh* What the heck is up with TV recently? The outright theft of previous TV concepts--RECENT concepts, at that--feels so much more blatant and rampant nowadays. They're like old show OC fanfiction. Labels: tv Priscilla said at 9:52 AM
Friday, September 28, 2007
![]() I've watched an unusual amount of TV while working on the wig this week, so I can actually talk about pilots! Originally, I'd been planning to watch only a select few, let my flist determine the winners of the shows I didn't watch, then play catch up with those that made the cut.
Journeyman didn't really grab me, mostly because I kept comparing it unfavorably to the extraordinary Life on Mars. It certainly has promise, but unless my flist convinces me otherwise, I won't be watching. I haven't gotten around to watching the aired version of Bionic Woman, but it's waiting for me when I get home. I watched the first five minutes of Moonlight and had to change the channel. Returning shows: Heroes returns with a bang, and if Hiro doesn't end up beoming Kinsei, I'll eat my Fangirl Card. I saw this coming from the first time we saw that painting of Kinsei in Linderman's collection and I noticed that he had the same facial hair as Future Hiro. And Will thought I was mad, HAH! Not sure what to call Mohinder's new friend. Has the fandom come up with a nickname yet? My top contenders are "Mister Midas" and "The Alchemist." House was absolutely hilarious. THIS is why I love this show! Priscilla said at 6:00 PM
Friday, September 21, 2007
![]() Priscilla said at 2:24 PM
Wednesday, September 05, 2007
![]() ...WTF, they're cutting the deaf sister from Bionic Woman and replacing her with "a hot, hearing, hacker chick"? THE HELL. That was one of my favourite parts of the pilot! As one of my best online friends is deaf, I wanted to see how they treated it in a mainstream TV show. Then they could use the bionically-enhanced stuff to comment on modern viewpoints on disability and maybe raise awareness, and ARGH. Why does TV need yet another dime-a-dozen, perky, hot hacker chick when they could have actually done something with significance?
I'll tune in to the first couple eps when they air, as the pilot looked quite promising, but this kind of decision leaves a sour taste in my mouth. Ah well, not like I needed yet another TV show to watch this fall. I watch enough TV already. Labels: bionic woman, nerd fury, tv Priscilla said at 11:36 AM
Saturday, August 18, 2007
![]() Want to check out the hilarious Flight of the Conchords, but can't be bothered to download the episodes online? Good news! They're all streaming at AllFotC.com.
Give in to the kiwi goodness! Labels: flight of the conchords, tv Priscilla said at 11:37 AM
Wednesday, May 23, 2007
![]() And Veronica Mars is a thing of the past. A beautiful, brilliant, snarky, clever, prematurely canceled thing of the past. And I want to kill both the CW for ending in in favor of utter dreck and Rob Thomas for ending it that way.
The CW is made of fail. Their new schedule makes baby Jesus, baby Moses, baby Mohammed, baby Buddha, baby Shiva, and baby Relic of a Primitive and Out-Moded Belief System on a Crutch cry. So. Last year, I watched: Heroes -- renewed (was there ever any question?) and getting a 6-episode miniseries spinoff thing Studio 60 -- canceled House -- renewed Veronica Mars -- canceled Psych -- renewed, returns July 13th The Dresden Files -- no word yet; we have until mid-June to find out Battlestar Galactica -- not back until 2008 Drive -- axed within like 10 days of its premiere; bite me, Fox. Monday: 9PM: Heroes (NBC) Tuesday: 9PM: House (FOX) 9PM: Will watch the pilot of Reaper (CW) because it’s Kevin Smith Wednesday: 8PM: Pushing Daisies (ABC), because Bryan Fuller is a genius (Wonderfalls, Dead Like Me, Heroes) 9PM: Bionic Woman? (NBC) Could go either way. Will watch the pilot. Friday: 10PM: Psych (USA) Plus if my friend gets on Beauty and the Geek, I’ll have to watch that. :D Then with 2008 will come Battlestar Galactica, plus The Sarah Connor Chronicles, which sounds iffy, but I'll watch the pilot for Summer Glau. Overall, I'm most excited about Pushing Daisies. It's not on Fox, which is always a good sign! Here's the blurb: Pushing Daisies is a love story about a pie-baking young man with a very special gift... the ability to return dead people briefly back to life with just a simple touch -- enabling him to help a P.I. crack murder cases by asking victims to name their killers. Director Barry Sonnenfeld, writer-producer Bryan Fuller, and the producers of Fish blend romance, crime procedural and high-concept fantasy to create a fairytale in the spirit of Amelie, Stranger than Fiction, and Chocolat.Yes, please! Labels: tv, veronica mars Priscilla said at 9:33 AM
Sunday, May 20, 2007
![]() Answers to the TV meme quiz thing:
Rentata: 6 Will: 8 Chungy: 8 Kristin: 9 Ko: 10 Lurker Jo: 10 Labels: memes, tv, wonderfalls Priscilla said at 1:48 PM
Thursday, May 17, 2007
![]() A few weeks ago, there was a meme going around in which you took your ten favourite TV shows and had people guess which ones they were based on three of their "plot keywords" on IMDB. Here's my list. How many can you figure out?
Priscilla said at 7:52 PM ![]() The next episode of the official Jim Butcher podcast, The Butcher Block, is out, this time with a new format! I'm now the official News Correspondent, and my bit starts at about 3:45. Huzzah!
(31min 45sec) Fred plugs in for a quick episode in a new format. He checks in with Butcher Block News Correspondant Priscellie for an update on everything that's happened since the last episode, and goes over to the grill with Chad Underkoffler to cook up some "butcher burgers", looking into discrepancies in the continuity of the novels.Of course, since Fred and I recorded my bit last Friday, we got news about the DVD release of Season 1, a release date for Small Favor, and according to Fred, Jim finished his story for "Supernatural Honeymoon" (but of course, none of the details of said story are public knowledge yet, phooey). On a sadder note, however, Veronica Mars has been canceled, with Labels: dresden files, podcasts, tv, veronica mars Priscilla said at 12:28 PM
Monday, February 19, 2007
![]() Rules of Engagement. Oh, wow. YES, Dresden TV, YES. It's like all the naysayers in the fandom cried out, and were suddenly silenced. Silenced by AWESOME. Delightfully pervy Bob, actual magic, the frying of technology... et cetera, et cetera, et cetera. Book!Harry would have come up with something more clever than "Mr. Crispy," but I appreciate the effort. :D
Yayfun! Labels: dresden files, nerd glee, tv Priscilla said at 12:38 AM
Friday, February 16, 2007
![]() More from the Half-Hour News Hour. I think I had a dream like this and woke up in a cold sweat. So... how is this political satire? Or even a parody of the news? I'm reminded of the "President Al Gore" SNL sketch, except that was actually funny and delightfully self-deprecating.
I can't see how the Rush Limbaugh/Ann Coulter sketch would be funny at all, except as a horrific morality tale or self-deprecatingly like Al Gore, though I can't imagine a twit like Limbaugh or a lunatic like Coulter being self-deprecating. Ease the pain by checking out the Official Site for Oshawa's Stephen Colbert Day. In other TV news, House was picked up for a fourth season, and BSG was picked up for 13 episodes of a fourth season, with the possibility of extending it full-length. Sweeeeet. Labels: fox news is the devil, stephen colbert, tv Priscilla said at 1:36 AM
Saturday, February 10, 2007
![]() Renata: N. This is what we call a "ghost post." I am blogging from beyond the grave!
So. *cackles* So much love for all the ridiculous similarities between The Dresden Files and Psych. As I pointed out before, both series already have a smartass private detective with apparent supernatural abilities, brought in as a police consultant by a blonde cop named Karen. But in tonight's episode? Juliette wears a necklace remarkably similar to TV Murphy's. I am so easily entertained. There was a brief island of squee earlier this week when I bid on an Advance Reader's Copy of the next Dresden book, White Night. I knew going in that there was no way I was going to get it, because in the past they've always sold for over a hundred bucks (which I wouldn't pay even if the book was printed on solid gold. Well, okay, maybe then). Still, there was a lovely nine hours last Sunday when I could pretend it was mine. 7 weeks to go! (Edit: the auction just ended, and it went for $192.50. Some people have too much money.) I got out of the dorm more this week, despite the bitter cold. During the month of February, Penn has a series of events for the seniors almost every night, collectively called "Feb Club." Tuesday night, a group of friends and I went to the trendy, pan-Asian restaurant Pod for drinks. We each had one, over the course of an hour, and I was amused that I wasn't even tipsy, unlike some of my friends. I've never had enough alcohol at one time to actually get drunk, and I was curious to see if I'd inherited my mom's lightweightedness, but I guess not! I'll still be very careful until I figure out exactly how my body reacts to alcohol, though, because I am not an idiot. Thursday, I went to Ko's play, which was utterly hilarious. It was put on by the English department, and it was a series of three scenes from different plays, on the theme of unrequited love. Ko played a housewife having an affair, and she gave what was easily the funniest performance in the show (well, with the exception of Professor Rachetti, who played a Puck character through all three, and was brilliant). Ko wins! Last night, I saw The Vagina Monologues (also known as The Hoohah Monologues among conservative idiots), which was excellent. Sterling performances all around: some hilarious, some insightful, some devastating. So apologies for not posting in forever. Here, have some funny stuff! Kat: ....YES JOHN BARROWMAN SCOTTISH ACCENT *melt* Me: YESPLZ Kat: [as Maggie, her gay RPG character] I would totally turn straight for John Barrowman. Me: I would turn gay so I could turn straight for John Barrowman. Kat: John Barrowman is definitely worth changing sexual orientations more than once for. Also, Will linked me to this great article on The Onion. I would totally vote for him. Not funny, but fangeekish: Drive promo, focusing on Nathan Fillion! Labels: dresden files, drive, john barrowman, nathan fillion, psych, tv Priscilla said at 3:19 PM
Sunday, January 28, 2007
![]() Yes. That's the episode Dresden should have started with. Much better than the other! It's far from "great," but at least it wasn't actively bad. Good snark, good perviness from Bob, and significantly less deus ex machina-esque (yet still annoyingly contrived) weapon for Harry. We actually saw Harry doing some magic, which was nice, and the most galling break from canon was the notion of Harry actually eating vegetables on purpose. The writers still have quite a ways to go (Lesson One: The audience is not stupid. A toddler could solve these mysteries), but for now, I approve.
Plus: holy shamoley, Batman! They were laying on the Harry/Murphy shippage like icing on an expensive cake! On a scale of one to "Something Borrowed," it was at least an 8.7, and that was from the Russian judge. No wonder Valerie was comparing their dynamic to "Moonlighting." Now let's back off a bit, yes? While I love me some Harry/Murphy shippiness, I don't love two-by-fours to the cranium etched with "THIS IS WHO YOU SHOULD BE SHIPPING, KTHXBAI." No episode next week because of the Superbowl, but the week after: BUTTERS! Complete with "I *heart* Polka" shirt under his labcoat! Gotta love those tiny details where the creative team reassures the audience that yes, they've read the books, and yes, they adore Butters as much as we do. P.S. Did people see MiniMurphy's crayon drawings hanging in Murphy's desk? That was adorableness squared. And the batty evidence cop was hilarious! I hope we hear from her again later this the season. Labels: dresden files, tv Priscilla said at 10:20 PM ![]() Okay, Dresden premiere. I ended up watching it twice, the first as it aired then again the following afternoon. The first time, I thought it was awful awful awful, with the only redeeming aspect being Valerie Cruz's surprisingly spot-on Murphy. But between viewings, I talked with fellow fans and we worked out what changes bothered us and helped each other get over them. When I saw it the second time, I felt less frustrated and much more confident about the direction the series was taking the characters, though I still felt the writing itself was weak. Also, the magic. It is not Dresdenverse magic. This is
And this post totally devolved into Reasons Why The Dresden Files Book Series Is Awesome (and why I'm becoming increasingly disenchanted with Harry Potter), but I don't care. I use this icon in righteous indignation. For those with weak vision and/or high-resolution displays, it reads "Unleash Nerd Fury." Oh, the Colbert Report! You wouldn't wreak havoc with one of my favourite book series and turn it into badly written, near-unrecognizable sludge! And I think I need to talk with my friends again about not getting worked up over the changes they made from the books to the show... And the sad thing is? At least for the time being, I'm going to keep watching. Labels: dresden files, harry potter, nerd fury, tv Priscilla said at 12:39 AM
Saturday, January 27, 2007
![]() I never got around to posting my thoughts on last Monday's Heroes Season-Returnything, so I do so now! First off: Yay, it's Doctor Scruffy! Then Hiro and the museum? SO MUCH LOVE. Did anyone notice that Hiro's hero had a striking resemblance to future!Hiro? Well, in the sense that they had the same facial hair, at least. :D Also, Hiro and Nathan were hilarious together. Basically, as always, every scene with Hiro was wonderful!
I look forward to seeing Masi on this week's Studio 60. I'm sure it'll just be a brief cameo, but any Masi is good Masi! I just have to figure out what's going wrong with my DVR, and why it's recording the wrong channels some times and not others. It started recording the wrong channel for Veronica Mars as well, though it faithfully records The Daily Show and The Colbert Report every day. Go figure. I'll poke the guys at Radio Shack about it tomorrow. And now, to the tune of "The Candyman Can"... Who's convinced that Isaac's Visions all are true? Buys up all his paintings for a pretty penny, too. The Linderman! The Linderman can! The Linderman can 'cause his pockets are so deep He now owns half the cast... Who extorts Petrelli, D.L. and Nikki, too? Double-crosses left and right, next he'll come after you! The Linderman! The Linderman can! The Linderman can 'cause his pockets are so deep He now owns half the cast... The Linderman schemes Nasty evil dreams, No hero will be neglected. Talk about well-connected! (Until he gets vivisected?) Who's got the katana When Hiro fights with Sue? Makes the poor boy take it back and makes him feel so blue. The Linderman! The Linderman can, the Linderman can... The Linderman can 'cause his pockets are so deep He now owns half the cast... He now owns half the cast, But watch out for that blast! Priscilla said at 9:40 PM
Monday, January 22, 2007
![]() ARGH. I set my DVR correctly, but for some unfathomable reason, it recorded SciFi instead of NBC, so I missed Heroes and the first ten minutes or so of Studio 60 while at class. Grrr, Pris smash!
Come on, NBC website, let's get that episode up! Grr, I bet they're not going to post it until it's aired on the West coast. Oh, NBC, why can't you be more like Comedy Central, which has nothing better to do than air like 4 reruns of Daily Show and Colbert Report each weekday? Why is the next rerun of Heroes on FRIDAY? Stupid DVR. Why do you fail me now, when you have never failed me before? That I can remember, at least. Priscilla said at 11:26 PM Title cartoon by Bruce Eric Kaplan, used without permission. ![]() |
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