tsk, tsk, tsk. I would have thought you guys would have known be better by now! Here’s the results of the Lie Detector game!
::trumpet fanfare::
Number 8. Cookie points to the two people that figured it out! Such silliness. Now it’s time for expanantions!
1. The first time I read it was in 7th grade, I believe. Then I read it again over the summer, again the summer after that, and again, slowly, over my 10th grade year. Huzzah!
2. ::holds up Maurice to the computer:: See him? Ain’t he cute! ::hugs Maurice:: He was named after my counsellor at Sail Caribbean, who named his belly “Maurice”. Then “Ducky Bob” is the name of a party rental place in Dallas.
3. When I was I, I was bitten on the thumb by my friend Brittany’s pet parrot, Sinbad. Since then, I’ve hated and feared all birds that size.
4. Ugh! Pulpy orange juice is the bane of my existance! Must be “no pulp”.
5. Yes, this happened. Everyone thought I would have a scar, but it healed perfectly. Yay!
6. Not too much to this question. That’s my real name. Anyone that sent me mail at Cambridge knows this.
7. ::laughs:: Yes, this happened as well. ::snickers:: It was my mom’s idea. I didn’t want my blonde hair to go! Fortunately, really, it didn’t work.
8. Ah, the one lie. Do you really think I would be this supportive of the LHFCXDE club and so mocking of the groupies if I really had short hair? Certainly not! It’s just about waist length at the moment and it’s probably getting longer.
9. I’ll take a picture of it, if you like. It’s really a quite amusing addition to my room. Actually, I think I might have mentioned this theft in my blog… ::looks:: Okay, I didn’t. Bah. Oh well.
10. If there’s one think I can’t do, it’s draw real people. And draw things small. Two strikes against the comic! Then, of course, I probably wouldn’t be able to come up with enough funny ideas to keep it going all year. Three strikes. Bah.
Well, I hope you’ve been enlightened, or summat like that. Yeah…