I think I’m going to give up attempting to work on graphics for Fiction Alley and Artistic Alley. I’m so fed up with the organization! I spent ages working on graphics for Phil, only to have Taylor waltz in out of the blue and take over my job. Now Artistic Alley is going to have her work, even though the job was officially supposed to be mine. I had talked on-list with Heidi and Phil, and they all agreed that the graphics for the Artistic Alley pages would be under my charge. Then, I leave from my computer for most of the day, and when I come back, Taylor’s graphics are there instead of mine. If Taylor had been working on the graphics as well, why didn’t she tell me? It would have saved a whole lot of work for all concerned. What confuses me even more is Phil’s manner of dealing with the situation. Phil knew how much effort I was putting into the graphics. He knew that I was waiting for him to finish the new layout for Artistic Alley so that I could know the dimensions and stuff for my new images. He knew I was waiting for the other Fiction Alley mods to vote on their favourite version of my graphic before I posted anything final. Was Phil communicating off-list with Taylor? Why wouldn’t he have contacted me and told me that Taylor was going to make the images and I didn’t need to bother? There are a lot of other things I could be doing with my time, I hope they realize. I was trying to HELP. The jerks.

What’s even worse is that I don’t feel like I have the right to complain, as Taylor’s graphic looks much better than mine. Of course, I was under the impression that I had to use the same format as the graphics Flourish made for the four Fiction Alley houses, so I didn’t allow myself to get creative. My complaint is that I don’t think Taylor should have the ability to go over my head like that. Aarg. It’s agonizing!

So I’m not going to be their doormat anymore. I’m not volunteering for anything until Artistic Alley is up and running, when I get to work as an Art Chaser for Artistic Alley. No one will be able to step on me from there. Now, I’m off to work on stuff that’s worth my time, such as planning out new formats for WIAN and tnm.n and Jets or studying SAT stuff or CGing or reading or cleaning my room. I have enough on my plate already without the Fiction Alley nazis treating me like scum.