Tanja would do well to remember this.
I really, really love Modern Humorist. 1, 2
Chad finally finished HP1. He loved it. Muahaha!!! ::adds tally to her sheet of People She’s Gotten To Read HP:: Also, I’ve finally convinced my sister to read them, which is quite nifty, as Melissa isn’t really a reader. ::cackles evilly::
::snickers:: My Dad emailed me from Cambridge, Massechucetts (copycat), where he and my sister attended a church service and sang a hymn by “Percy Granger”. I’m really, really amused. I guess today is the day of “People Named Percy That Have Potter-Related Last Names”.
An amusing find of Tanja’s. Beware, it comes from a porn comic thing. ::raises eyebrow at Tanja:: However, this particular image isn’t that bad. Compared to Britney Spears, at least.
I’m so amused. My SAT tutor is named Nancy Rosenthal. My dad keeps cracking jokes that she and my alterego are related.
Holy cow… I was unscrewing a light bulb because I thought it had gone out, when suddenly there was this loud noise, sparks, and a puff of smoke. The bulb nearly exploded. That’s something to liven up your evening, eh?
New fodder for my quotes page: “You never know when you’ll need a cactus.” –my mom
::snickets:: My mom is copying one of my friends’ tapes for me — Christine Lavin (the Republican song lady) — anyway, she’s using a speed dub, so her bedroom is full of the sound of chipmunkized music. It’s absolutely hilarious! ::amused:: I love singing along with chipmunkized music. With amusing hand motions and such. Hehe. Anyway, in other music news, I’m burning a CD of my favourite Moulin Rouge songs, as the official CD doesn’t have “Spectacular Spectacular”, “The Show Must Go On”, or “Like A Virgin”. I’m calling it “Meilleur du Moulin” (Best of the Moulin — okay, best of the windmill. So sue me). I got this groovy magazine thing that talks all about the digital technology used in some of the summer movies — Moulin Rouge, Final Fantasy, Pearl Harbor, Evolution, and Driven — and so it has all these groovy Moulin Rouge photos. I’m making a CD jacket cover and such for my own amusement. My mom is on my case about cleaning my room, so I must devise every possible plan to get out of it.
This thought progression reminds me a whole lot of this lecture thing I attended at MIT about alternative thinkers or summat. The motto for disjunct thinkers was “We may not make sense, but we really like pizza”. I live by this motto.
My mom was listening to the ABBA CD in the car this evening, and I thought the “Money” song was really “Monkey”. I was amused. I think I’ll write a filk.