I had two really weird dreams last night. Both involved Miss Felice, the groovy H2$ director. I think it’s my subconcious’ way of telling me to call her and tell her about Mort. I also dreamed that I got a copy of HP5 while I was in Britain. Of course, I remember none of it. ::wrinkles nose::

Stolen viciously from Kell’s blog. Muah.

Wallet: Red and navy. It flips weird ways. And a duct tape wallet, enlarged to fit that annoying British currency.

Hairbrush: green. Big.

Toothbrush: ordinary. Oral-B. White with purple stripey things.

Jewelry worn daily: just my trusty watch, now that my poor necklace broke. I’ve got to fix it sometime…

Socks: none at the moment

Pillow cover: blue niftyness

Duvet: ::blinks:: I knew what that word meant at one point in my life, but I’m lost now.

Sunglasses: groovy polarized blue ones. yay!

Underwear: huge, dark blue, Victoria’s Secret. Hell.

Shoes: Birkenstock sandals, size 43. Muah.

Nail polish: none. I hate nail polish.

Handbag: Bah!

Keychain: a silly British bobby

Favourite shirt: Aberquaffle and Snitch

Favourite pants: these groovy jeans I’m wearing right now. They’re really comfortable and they fit well.

Soap: Irish Spring

Perfume/Cologne: Nada

CD in stereo right now: “Moulin Rouge” is in the stereo, but I’m currently listening to “Spectacular Spectacular”, downloaded from KaZaA.

Car: Well, technically it’s my sister’s, but I get to use it occasionally. Jeep Grand Cherokee. Silver. I can’t add any unique customizations because it’s not mine. Bah.

Tattoos: Nope. Never will.

Piercings: Not really. My ears used to be pierced, but they’ve grown back.

Physical: huh?

Hell. My Palm Pilot Wannabe broke somehow. Don’t ask, because I don’t know. ::is really irritated::

Joy! Thanks to KaZaA, I was able to download “Spectacular Spectacular”, “The Show Must Go On”, and “Like A Virgin” from Moulin Rouge! Yay! Thank God for bootleggers!

Someone found my blog searching Google for starling + mythology + pagan. I wonder what they were looking for! Also “naked Sarah Jessica Parker gallery”. Have I ever even mentioned Sarah Jessica Parker in my weblog? Huh. I guess I have now!

::pokes Rebecca and Ann’s blogs:: Is Livejournal dead? Oy, this is why I use blogger hosted on my own server!

I seem to have gotten back in the habit of posting absurd quantities of entries in my blog each day. Gah.

Red Dwarf fans should be amused to know that my mom offered me cottage cheese with pineapples in it this afternoon.

Five to seven days. That’s how long it’s going to take for my new card to arrive. ::frowls:: I want to order a bookmark! I’m fairly sure I’m going to go with Percy, but I’m still considering Bob and Procent. ::sigh:: I guess that’s what polls are for!