I find this dangerously amusing. Percy is God and Boba Fett. I love vocoders.
Listless. That’s how I feel. Listless! Thanks for the inspiration, Renata. I feel like I need to do something, but I’m too lazy to actually do it. I think I’ll go work on WIAN’s new look or the first version of tnm.n or summat. And there’s always the Starling collaboration to work on. ::wrinkles nose:: Now I feel isolated. I want to blast my Beatles music, but my mom is asleep and my sister “borrowed” my earphones for her trip to Boston. I want to talk to someone online, but AOL is the devil and Tanja’s current computer doesn’t have ICQ. Bah.
Don’t worry, dear readers. I’ll get out of my blue funk eventually. You can get back to reading more amusing posts soon.
I miss Tanja! ::cries:: We haven’t talked on ICQ for ages. We must discuss the script for our amusing Flash movie parody of “All your base”. ::cackles evilly:: We’re supposed to meet at about 1:30-2 this afternoon. ::sighs:: Bah.
Ah, more pleasant reminders why I never go on AOL anymore. ::whimpers as zillions of annoying people IM her when she’s trying to get actual work done::
And Tanja – when are you going to get online! We have BigPlans to discuss!
I talked to Nancy today! ::does a happy dance:: She’s at evil fat camp in New York. She’s been there 8 weeks! Gah! Fortunately, she gets home a week from today, so we’ll be able to hang out and do cool stuff and such. Hurrah!
Item #237,226 that is *really* not fun: leaky roofs. I told my dad we needed to get my ceiling fixed!
Why am I in such a bad mood? I need my orange juice. And people have to start commenting in my blog, darnit! I feel so useless when no one comments.
I updated the Quotes Archive. Appreciate me. ::wrinkes nose at Tanja::
::sigh:: I think I should update the quotes archive on a monthly basis. That way, I wouldn’t have so many bloody things to format in each update. This is insane.
Kell updated Sundowner! Yayfun! It looks oh-so-lovely! ::scampers off to look at stuff::