Kell won Claudia’s auction. My mom made me run errands and I wasn’t able to bid. ::kicks stuff::
I think that this is the most interesting blog layout I’ve seen in quite some time. Slightly illegible, but it looks really awesome. I like this layout. It’s so nice and happy and clean-looking. If you can’t tell, I’m itching to revamp stuff (WIAN will definitely be getting a revamp soon) so I’ve been searching for inspiration. Hopefully, I’ll be inspired enough to finally make a design for tnm.n. I have a bunch of design ideas, but I’m not sure if any of them would work. Bah.
I joined yet another blog ring. God help me.
::cackles:: Someone just got to Cult of Lincoln searching for “Olsen Twins Skinny Dipping”. ::is really, really amused:: Also “Haley Joel Osment shirtless”, which is classic in itsself.
Am I working on my quotes page? Heck no! ::cackles as she merrily CGs the Starling collaboration::
Tanja got my postcard! Yayfun! Now it’s only a matter of time before the RMLers get theirs! Joy!
::flails:: Why did people have to start betting in Claudia’s auction? I was hoping to hold off until the last minute and winning for a rather low price! ::mutters darkly:: I don’t know if I’d pay $26… I’m a complete tightwad, I know. ::throws a fit:: Claudia is just too talented. ::wrinkles nose::
Oh, yeah. I forgot to mention that Elfwood updated my galleries! Loth, Fanart. Comment if you love me. Otherwise I will assume that I don’t have any friends and be sad.
And Tanja, you have to give me a link to your gallery. I was looking for it, as I was hoping to provide links to my friends’ galleries, and the search thing was yelling at me.
::nose wrinkle:: I should take out the “All of the Above” selection in the new poll. It makes everything more boring. I think I’ll change it. ::mwashes::
Someone in Starling’s Elfwood gallery thinks that Azurite and I are the same person. I’m not sure if I should feel flattered or insulted. I adore Azurite’s work, but I thought that I had made myself known slightly more than this. ::frowls:: Just like last night, when a girl emailed me, asking me to put her in contact with the person who does the fanart for my website. Am I really that subtle? I thought “My Fan Art” would be obvious enough. ::fneers::* Identity is obnoxious.
* A “fneer” is a combination of a frown, a nose wrinkle, and a sneer.