The Chris Rankin website has arrived.
My bestest friend Chungy is sitting beside me in the computer lab, ranting about how she had to read 27 pages for AP U.S. History last night. HA, HA! ::laughs at Chungy:: Poor girl. I’m trying to convince her to start a weblog. I think she’s going to start one. Everyone, tell Chungy (through the comments on my log) how much you’d like to see a Chungylog. Yay.
Hurrah! English class is going to be so nifty! I got Mr. Dumaine, who is the ultimate nifty English teacher. All my Upper School English teachers have been groovy. Of course, Math couldn’t be worse. I have Mr. Weinstein, who is amazingly cool (he also teaches C++), but the class is so easy it’s painful. Some of the seniors in my class were struggling with information I had mastered in 7th grade. My hand was in the air almost constantly; volunteering for answers. 30 minutes into the class, Mr. Weinstein refused to call on me. I felt like Hermione, only less annoying. Bah. Why on Earth didn’t I take Honors Pre-Cal? ::flails::
I hope this is only a rumor, but Sarah Stuart told me that Photography class is going to be hell this year. She spoke of a 10-page research paper on a photographer of our choice. WHAT THE?!? I don’t write 10-page papers for academic classes, much less Fine Arts! I’m considering switching to the digital imaging course. You never know, I might be able to get some CG time in. ::frowls:: I wonder how tiresome it would be to tote my Wacom tablet to and from school.
I know how Sannali feels! I had to spend just under 500 bucks for textbooks this year. Percy, when are they going to come up with textbooks on CD-ROM or summat? Laptops for everybody! It would save a fruitload of trees, ink, and printing costs. And no papercuts, too. And cheap.
Today’s Rumination:
I’d love to see a Quake spinoff called “Quack”. It could have huge, murderous, mutated duck-beasts wreaking havoc on modern society. I’d buy it.
I was let out late from my P.E. class. Score! Now I’m in the computer lab, hanging out while waiting for my C++ class to start. Joy!
Yay! Tanja started a Sketchblog, too! Yayfun! It’s a sketchblog revolution!
What happened to my comment count? ::pouts at Reblogger::
Boys are kinko finko.
(this message has been brought to you by the lovely people of WOFS. Have a nice day.)
I’m sure it wasn’t intended to be funny, but I find Flatland absolutely hilarious. I guess I just have a really twisted sense of humor.