::gasp:: Rebecca got a sketchblog! And she’s using Blogger instead of LiveJournal! How quaint! ::giggles:: I must update the “If you didn’t like this blog…” sidebar thing.
Blogger isn’t posting. Yarwood.org is down. God help me, I may actually have to do some schoolwork tonight! ::gasp::
Someone commented that they wanted to see Jeff Hordley as Sirius. I posted it quite a while ago in my blog. Here we are:
Of course, this is taking into account complete skeletal reconstruction and the loss of quite a great deal of weight. Bah. And if you liked my other digital makeovers, here’s Hugh Grant as Lockhart. This still gives me nightmares.
And because Alicy is groovy, here’s Ronan with grey eyes:
Woah! When did Nasubionna’s HP Tribute Page get its huge update? Gah, I’ve got to check there more often. I love Laura’s art! She definitely ranks among my favourites. ::continues looking through all the gorgeous pictures::
I saw Moulin Rouge again with my mom and sister. I love that movie! ::sighs happily::
Why is my blog not working? ::kicks Blogger::
Did you guys know about what happened to Aaliyah? I found out this morning on WOFS. She died in a plane crash! Why do I get the urge to start singing “American Pie”?
Bah humbug. Friendly rival Rudolph Hein has published a book on HP Name Etymology. Let’s hope it doesn’t get to the states, ne? And let’s hope he doesn’t get ambitious and attempt an English version! That way, I might have a chance! I wonder when the publishers are going to return my letter. It’s been nearly 6 weeks…
::giggles:: Wow, I never knew this could be considered news!
Top 50 Books Inspired by Harry – 8.20.2001
The Nine Muses has posted this funny list of the “Top 50 Books Inspired by Harry Potter”. Of course, these are all fictional and used for humorous purposes! Check it out at the link. Thanks to Britt for the tip!
I wonder if that’s the reason I’ve been getting so many hits from iHarryPotter.net recently…