Idea stolen from Rebecca‘s blog, which in turn was stolen from Lisa. For shame.

One of these statements is a lie! Take your best shot!

1. I have read “The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy” in its entirety four times.

2. I have a small duck pencil topper on my stereo antenna. His name waffles between Ducky Bob and Maurice.

3. I’m attempting to overcome my mortal fear of parrots

4. I can’t stand pulpy orange juice

5. I once had to get minor plastic surgery when I tripped and gashed my bottom lip open on the edge of a glass table. I was 4 years old.

6. My name is Priscilla

7. When my hair started going dark, I tried using an incredibly low-concentrated peroxide solution on my hair to get it blonde again. This was partly because I wanted to look more like Rachel from Animorphs than any of my friends did. Of course, it didn’t work.

8. I completely made up the story about having really long hair. It’s actually just beyond shoulder length.

9. I stole part of the “How to Succeed” set during the strike. It’s a big “World Wide Wickets” sign that is now hanging on my wall, balanced on the wall beside it and a convenient nail.

10. I originally planned to do a JETS comic strip, then scrapped the idea when I realized that I couldn’t draw.

Now go vote!

::is torn between being really ticked off and really, really amused::

Someone on Ebony Keep thought my picture of Malfoy was a girl. ::snickets:: I shall grant forgiveness, though, because (s)he gave me helpful insight into more stuff that’s wrong with the picture. Yay!

Why this rash of really, really long posts on WOFS recently? No idea.

Posting art on the Ebony Keep boards is so depressing! So far, about 50 people have viewed my CG, yet only one person has commented. ::frowls::

::dances:: HEIDI LIKES ME! ::actually leaps about her room in joy::

“10 points to whatever house priscilla is in -for cleverness & being a talented know-it-all (in a VERY good way)”

Does this mean people will stop ignoring my graphic contributions? We shall wait and see!

One of the interesting initiatives we’ve taken in Washington, D.C., is we’ve got these vampire-busting devices. A vampire is a — a cell deal you can plug in the wall to charge your cell phone.” — George W. Bush, Denver, Aug. 14, 2001

::hugs herself and rereads all the comments on WOFS 50 billion times::

::feels the EllieLove::


I talked to Nancy today! All was joyful! She told me that the latest Star Wars: NJO book was out (“Rebirth”, I believe). Must find bookstore.