Responses to various comments:

Cairnsy – I’d love to show you guys, but because we may end up using a similar layout, it’s top secret and all. ::frowls::

Kell – has anyone talked to you? Email Monica and tell her to add you to the Chasers list.

All concerned – Artistic Alley opens September 1st, barring any total catastrophes.

Spontaneous flail session! ::flail flail flail::

This sucks. As I complained earlier, Flourish has usurped my position on the layout, rendering hours of my time meaningless. I tried to offer my version of the front page graphic to the other Mods, but everyone is ignoring me! Am I invisible? Ye-gods. To make matters worse, Flourish is nowhere to be found. Why can’t the group just go on with my layout? It was finished! We wouldn’t have to wait for her to get back to her computer and throw something else together. I have all the high-res files on my hard drive, too! The picture of the mascots would look more crisp coming from my computer. Bah. My layout looked really awesome, too. ::goes off to sulk::

Schnoogle is down. FF.n is down. Elfwood is down. How the flaming orange weasel am I supposed to entertain myself!?!

Joy! New art! (copied from a post on WOFS)

Since discovering a fantastic Elfwood artist whose skills in CG make me want to die, I’ve been on a photorealism kick. Here’s the first fruit of my labor. Of course, keep in mind that this is still very much a work in progress. Soon he’s getting shoulders and more hair. Yay.

THE PICTURE (of doom)

My favourite aspects: The eye and the ear (the ear alone took roughly an hour and a half)

Least favourite aspects: The mouth

Joy! Crits/Comments welcome. In fact, if you don’t post either a crit or a comment, I will assume you don’t love me, climb to the top of my sister’s tallest platform shoes, and throw myself to my death. Muah.

::panics:: Please say it’s only my computer being evil! Where the fruitmonkey is Elfwood? ::crouches in a corner and hums quietly::

Holy cow. I was looking through a family history book my parents helped me put together when I was in 5th grade. It turns out that I’m related to Winston Churchill! Score!

The other poll was annoying. Bob won. Thanks to Kell for inspiring the new one! Don’t worry, I’m not changing Cult of Lincoln’s name. I was just bored.

Star Wars: Attack of the Rejects

by Nick Nadel, Neil Pasricha and Alexander Zalben

“I’m going to call it ‘Attack Of The Clones,'” George Lucas announced casually, while pouring hot oil from a giant vat onto the throngs of fans who had surrounded his castle. Yes, Star Wars fans are mightily upset by the title for “Episode II,” though they should take some consolation in these other titles which were dutifully considered and rejected by Lord Lucas himself.

Episode II: Attack of the Scones

Episode II: Attack of the Drones

Episode II: Attack of Sam Malone

Episode II: Attack of the Clones? (A Mystery)

Episode II: Attacked? By a Clone? No Thanks! (A Sitcom)

Episode II: Bigger and Sexier

Episode II: Send in the Clones

Episode II: Anakin, You So Crazy!

Episode II: Attack of the Star Wars Holiday Special

Episode II: Attack of the Hack Humor Pieces