I need to start drawing Beatles-inspired stuff, instead of just having my sketches quote obscure Beatles lyrics. I was too amused by Tanja‘s daily sketches.

If it makes you feel any better, I found my A Capella CD.

Rebecca gets the super-nifty award of coolness (SNAC) for commenting in my blog a lot. I’m going to have to make you a little award thing.

“Comments are like oxygen! Comments are a many splendered thing! All you need are comments!” –my idea of Christian’s (Moulin Rouge) blog

He’s not false, counterfeit, forged, and illogical! –My mom, referring to my little duck (formerly “Maurice” or “Ducky Bob”, now Mr. Stebbins), helping me with my vocabulary SAT stuff. The word was “spurious”.

Did I say anything negative about the Night Watch books in the Discworld series while I was reading “Feet of Clay”? If so, I take it all back. Reading “Guards! Guards!” and “Men at Arms”, I’ve come to love the guards almost as much as Rincewind. Possibly equal. Now *that’s* impressive. ::annoyingly waves Carrot/Angua shipper flag:: Ooh! And I nearly forgot! I was looking through some Discworld fanart earlier today, and guess whose art I found? Faith! Yes, that Faith! Authoress of Demonology 101! ::dances:: Her Vimes is so shibby. At the moment, I’m CGing that silly Rincewind and Conina sketch that I posted at WOFS ages ago. I think it’ll go in today’s daily sketch just for the heck of it. And tomorrow’s daily sketch shall be an equally stupid drawing of Carrot, Angua, and Nobby. ::snickers:: Nobby is my hero.

What the heck? My new BOCA A Cappella CD just vanished! I had it in my CD player this morning! ::flails:: I must listen to those songs! Curses!

My new favourite haiku:

To express oneself

In seventeen syllables

Is very diffic

— John Cooper Clark