I know I’m supposed to be working on studying for the PSAT right now, but I have an unsurpressable need to blast “Roxanne” from my speakers in my parents’ temporary absence. ::sigh:: How I love Moulin Rouge… DVD December 18th. I know what *I* want for Christmas!

In other news, why isn’t the month of September appearing among my archives? ::goes off to ponder::

Sannali’s sig has me singing “The Music Man” incessantly. Curse you! ::hugs Sannali:: The Music Man was my 8th grade musical. I played the bass in the Quartet. I had the biggest chip on my shoulder when I wasn’t chosen to play Harold. XD ::wrinkles nose and takes a sip of orange juice::

“Thank you for that stroll down amnesia lane, gentlemen.”

Whaddaya know, still 16 and another white hair! My third. I feel so special. My first white hair was named Frederick. Then I named the next George, because Fred and George give their mother white hair. Help me decide what to name my new white hair! Vote in the poll. (Note: I’ll probably rename Frederick and George to Frederico and Georgianno for my own amusement. I’ve been on an Italian kick recently, even though most of the new name choices are Spanish. Just ignore me.)

I just spent about 5 minutes frantically searching for my Wacom tablet stylus. It was in its holder the whole time.

I’ve been having a lot of brain blips recently. One night, I couldn’t do my math homework because I couldn’t find my textbook, but when I got to class, I found that it was in my bag. The reason I couldn’t find it was because I usually carry my History and Math textbooks in my arms, as opposed to storing them in my bag. Meh. I need to start getting more sleep!

I have the Beatles’ “Mother Nature’s Son” stuck in my head. I guess it’s better than this morning, where I was plagued by “Macho Macho Man”. God save us all.

::snickers:: We learned how to CG in Digital Imaging class today. I was amused. Because I finished both my assignments before most were 3/4 of the way through their first assignment, I got to work on the calendar images for the rest of the class period. Yay!

Yayayay! I love my yoga teacher. She gave us a study hall today, which means 80 luscious minutes of researching and generally accomplishing things for my English research paper on “The Joy Luck Club”. I’m about 3/4 of the way done with my outline and thesis, which are due tomorrow, so I’ll be able to do lots of CGing tonight. Joy! ::does a happy dance::

Holy Gods. You may have heard of the groovy calendar Monica and I are collaborating on. Twelve months of charaters from the Harry Potter series, as interpreted by Cassie Claire’s renowned Draco Dormiens/Sinister/Veritas saga. Well guess what? It turns out that the images have to be sent to PhotoWorks 4 weeks in advance, making my deadline November 15th.

Take a moment to look at that date, blink a few times, and think about when that is. A month and five days. For twelve images. With backgrounds. And really nice quality CG that I’ll actually be able to bear looking at for the next twelve months. And that people will be willing to purchase.


Pray that my teachers go easy on me, hey? ::goes off to finish her homework so that she can continue CGing madly::