Want to know what would make my life so much happier? If I had my own personal Paul McCartney that would follow me around to all my classes and such and sing to me whenever I was feeling sad or irritated. Maybe if I had a tiny Paul that lived in my pocket, except with his normal voice and not the strident, squeaky voice one normally associates with tiny people. I could call him MiniPaul. Then I could give him a hug and a pat on the head and maybe a cookie. We would be such good friends, MiniPaul and me. I wish I had a MiniPaul.
I’ve had a disturbing number of Moulin Rouge-related dreams lately. Would you like to hear about them? What? Of course you do! Sorry, I can’t remember the dates.
- The next musical at Jesuit was Moulin Rouge. As this is *my* dream, I played Satine. Ewan McGreggor was Christian. Colin Walsh was Ziddler. This was disturbing. Of course, during rehearsals the next day, I kept envisioning Colin singing “Spectacular, Spectacular” with a silly red mustache and odd eyebrows. I snickered slightly whenever I looked at him.
- All these people were trying to kill me for some reason. I was fleeing for my life, yet somehow I knew what to do. When some guy took a shot at me with these microbullet things, I fell to the ground and played dead, as if he had gotten me. He walked off and I assaulted him from behind. I ran some more, and I eventually ended up in the Upper School hall at my school. I ran into Chungy almost immediately, and we hugged. As we hugged, we sang “Come What May”. As we sang, a girl from my grade named Anita Carleo came down the hall, looked at us oddly, and walked on. I am unsure of what this means.
- One of my more orange-juice-through-the-nose amusing dreams, a recreation of “Come What May” using Carrot and Angua from Terry Pratchett’s “Discworld” series. This was most likely triggered by my “musical number” drawing, as I listened to a lot of Moulin Rouge while coloring it. I specifically remember this scene. Except instead of a bathrobe, Angua had the sheet from a certain scene in “Men at Arms”. ::snickers:: Poor Angua… XD Later that day, in History class, I envisioned an equivalent version of “Your Song” and nearly burst out laughing in the middle of Mrs. Johnson’s lecture on the Boston Massacre. We’re talking seriously amusing mental images here.
I’m sure there were others, but these are all I can remember at the moment. Now go on, go about your business.
I’ve got Aida stuck in my head.
::gapes:: Go worship Monica‘s new art. Would one of you mind picking my chin up off the floor?
ELFWOOD IS BACK! ::explodes::
Okay, these people are cool:
I’m annoyed. Blogger has been cyberpatroled by my evil school server, so I won’t be able to post from school. Drat. As if I ever have time to post from home! Schoolwork is piling up. My teachers are insane.
Lord North fumed that only “New England fanatics” could imagine themselves oppressed by inexpensive tea.
Sometimes I wonder if lines in my history textbook are deliberately this entertaining, or if I’m just really bored. Another classic:
By 1752 the Ohio Valley was the subject of competing claims by Virginia, Pennsylvania, France, and the Iroquois, as well as by the Indians who actually lived there.
Wow. That entry was longer than I thought it would be. Erm… humor me, will you?
Today is a date in binary. The day’s number is either 25 or 37, depending on whether you’re a silly American or not.