Don’t forget about the special on R2-D2 tonight! It comes on after The Phantom Menace, on Fox, which starts at 6 Central. ::chortles gleefully::

My new sketchbook cover! Hurrah!

I’m in love with So much line art to mutilate! It was going to be propaganda, but then I decided to do something else. ::sigh:: Crayons are such fun!

So what should I do with the background? Please comment; I need ideas!

I’m in the home stretch! I just started on the last band for my scarf. Muaha! Just 6 more inches, then fringe, then I’m done! ::grooves::

I just remembered another part of my dream! I was on a bus with Mr. Long (the niftiest teacher on earth. The poor guy is named Edward Miles Long. ::snickers::) and a bunch of other Hockaday students, and we were listening to showtunes. To my horror, the music to “Ankh-Morpork: It’s My Kind of Town” was identical to a song from “Brigadoon”.

I just saw a review of Neil Gaiman’s latest, “American Gods”, in the newspaper today. Is it just me, or does it sound a whole lot like Pratchett’s “Small Gods”? Still, it sounds highly amusing. I may have to read it. Have any of you loyal readers read it? Comment, m’dears!

::squeals:: Much love to Adeline, who made me an absolutely wun-der-bar birthday card! Hugs and smoochies go out to her in her infinite coolness. ::showers Adeline and Sannali with cookies::