This is the most amusing sig image I’ve seen in quite some time.
Funny. WIAN gets more hits than my blog. I wouldn’t have expected that. Actually, now that I think about it, I’m shocked that I’m surprised about that. It should be obvious. Silly me. ::trots off to work on a long-overdue WIAN update::
::smites Ballantine with a codfish:: You’d think that they would have written me back by now. I wrote them about publishing WIAN in mid-July. Grr.
Curious. I wonder what changed. In the past week, I’ve had three different people contact me about WIAN, submitting entries and compliments and suggestions and such. Fun fun! I should check my referrers…
How much is that commie in the window? Link stolen from Rebecca. I think I’ll adopt Joseph Stalin.
Rebecca’s recent entry reminds me of an amusing JETS pasttime. After reading about a bunch of bizarre superstitions, Chungy decided that whenever you rubbed someone’s belly, you stole their luck. We all ran around after each other, trying to steal each other’s luck and generally having a fun time with it. Then, Caroline arrived, and I make a beeline for her belly. “Ovary rape!” she shouted.
Since then, we’ve always made ovary jokes, as JETS consists entirely of females. We decided that Chungy stole Caroline’s ovaries and sold them on eBay to pay for her top secret mad scientist hideout. We considered putting posters up at school asking if anyone had seen Caroline’s ovaries. Then we played “ovary tag”. Percy knows what other people think of us.
I’m a Gryffindor! Take a really groovy sorting hat test here. Think about the questions seriously. It’s really nifty.
Stolen from Ann.
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If I was a work of art, I would be Salvador Dali’s Persistence of Memory. I am a surreal landscape composed of several disjointed and bizarre components. I like to keep an eye on the time, although the very concept is fluid for me. People are never sure what they are seeing when they look at me. Which work of art would you be? The Art Test |
That’s Ginger? Okay, I’m disappointed.
Abraham Lincoln: The Cookie Edition
I love you, Renata. XD