Wow! And I didn’t even have to fudge my answers to get him!

An aspiring film-maker, you’re rarely seen without your trusty

camera. Try living life for a while instead of just observing it.

Take the RENT personality quizlet here!

There are a bunch of top churchleaders meeting in Dallas this week. It sickens me that they can condemn those responsible for September 11th and homosexuality in the same sentence.

While starting on my new WIAN layout, I realized that I really am tired of my cow layout. Will be on the brainstorm for both.

Meanwhile, does anyone know the name of that nifty cursive-y font that looks like several layers of cursive-y stuff piled up spiffily? Britt uses it a lot in her groovalicious collages.

Off to work on WIAN! My goal is to update with a new layout and scads of new/updated entries before I leave for Parson’s. Wish me luck!