Congrats, Paul.
My pants smell like sulfur. Grr. As I may have mentioned, I’m assistant-teaching some kids’ summer camp classes over at Hockaday for the week. One is a model rocketry class and the other is a LEGO CAD thing. The kids built rocket cars today and I got to play ballast on our takeoff stand thing. As a result, fountains of sparks and reeking, sulfurous smoke rained onto my shoes and jean-encrusted lower legs a total of 18 times, twice per group. Ain’t life grand? Nasty stuff. My work in the CAD class consisted of fighting over the soldering iron with Ooshma, Megan, and Justin as we worked to assemble a rather complicated circuit board thing whose purpose I still don’t understand. Fun, though. The kids aren’t too aggravating. One Hermionesque, must-answer-all-the-questions-even-if-it-means-jumping-out-of-my-chair-every-thirty-seconds-and-making-OOOOH!!!-OOOOOHHHH!!!!-noises kid in the CAD class I have privately nicknamed Vincent, after the similarly behaved student in “Thief of Time”. Hey, it amused me, at least.
I watched a “100 Years of Romantic Movies” tribute this evening with my mom. Strange, as they had several clips from “Moulin Rouge” in the intro, but it was nowhere in their Top 100 list. Of course, they also had a snip from “Return of the Jedi”, so I’ll silence myself. I was happy to see “The Princess Bride” among the rankings. Tra la.
::is enlightened:: Heeeeey! I know where I could find a semi-official picture of Sibyl for my “Discworld Female” quiz! The “Guards! Guards!” graphic novel! ::huge, resounding “duh” sound:: Though I must admit, Sannali’s version rocks. Hmmm. Decisions, decisions…
As I’m going to be in NYC for a month for my courses at Parson’s School of Design (drawing and painting stuff, yo), I’ll be seeing a lot of shows. I intend to see Chicago and possibly Urinetown and Cabaret, but which shows can I absolutely not afford to miss? I may rush for RENT for the novelty of the thing, though RENT, Aida, The Lion King, and Forbidden Broadway are lower priorities. I wish Jekyll and Hyde and Batboy were still around. ::frowls:: I heart Batboy.
Faith has successfully managed to destroy my brain. I randomly feel like spontaneously shouting “I’ll get you next time, Vimes!” at inappropriate times. You are evil.
SUPER-GLEE!!! ::nods to Rebecca M::
Kell has read “Guards! Guards!”.
I suddenly got the urge to cackle gleefully and plot world domination. Excuse me for a moment.
Hurrah! Slight change of plans. I misheard my mom when she was telling me how long I was to stay in Fredricksburg, and it turns out that I’m coming home tomorrow! Yayfun! ::grooves:: I’m typing on Charlie’s (my teacher) computer at the moment. He thinks I’m checking my email, but because I forgot the new password, I can’t log on through Yahoo. Pah, the downsides of using Outlook rear their ugly head. I’ll try to leave a few messages in your various livejournals, but as I’ve already used 10 minutes, I don’t think I’ll be on much longer. I’m just waiting for some prints to dry, then I’ll be back to work. Growl. At least I haven’t had any more Tolkien experiences. Let it be said that “Reaper Man” is highly amusing and “The Cobra Event” is just awesome. I have officially reprised my love for medical thrillers. I start on “Dirk Gently’s Holistic Detective Agency” next. Good stuff. ::hearts Douglas Adams:: “Good Omens”, read aloud to my mom and sister, goes well. It’s so nifty to try to guess which author wrote which parts. Jolly good fun.
Whee! I’m gone.
Road Trip Checklist:
Auditory Amusement: cd player and cds
Book to read to self: Reaper Man (Pratchett), The Cobra Event (Preston)
Book to read aloud: Good Omens (Pratchett and Gaiman)
Mundane labor/hobby: knit red chenille scarf
Good stuff. Yay for 10 hour car rides! See you all in 10 days.