…and in the end, BlogBack wins. I like the format of DotComments more (as they’re locally hosted), but they were glitching somewhere, and I couldn’t be bothered to figure it out. Hail my supreme laziness.
Great. Just when Blogback starts working again… ::sigh::
Testing DotComments…
Re: Blogback
I looked at the Blogback website, and it was down. I assume they’re just having a hosting glitch, and all will be merrily sorted out soon.
Quote of the Day: (regarding Magsby’s Cedric and Percy drawing)
agent_starling_1999: uh oh… Mags… Percy´s right arm looks a bit short. Might be because there´s no shading, though
agent_starling_1999: but hum… who is looking at the arm anyway?
My schedule:
Odd Days:
8:00 – 9:20 — Topics in Advanced Mathematics, Mr. Dubsky (slightly eccentric teacher that tells us stories in class. I had him last year, and he’s nifty.)
9:30 – 9:45 — Advisory/Homeroom/Break
9:55 – 11:15 — English: Civility and Propriety, Dr. Moreland (I’ve never had her, and I don’t know much about her. This semester, though, we’re reading “Emma”, “A Room With A View”, “The Mill on the Floss”, and “The Age of Innocence”)
11:25 – 12:05 — Form Meeting/Conference Period
12:05 – 12:45 — Lunch
12:55 – 2:15 — PE (Why am I always scheduled for PE right after lunch? Whyyyyy?)
2:25 – 3:45 — Advanced Photography, Mrs. Yoshii-Buenger (a bit OCD, say my friends, but she churns phenomenal work out of her students)
Even Days:
8:00 – 9:20 — AP Physics B, Mr. Loh (yay! Mr. Loh is nifty.)
9:30 – 9:45 — Advisory/Homeroom/Break
9:55 – 11:15 — AP Studio Art, Mrs. McCullough (wonderful and British!)
11:25 – 12:05 — Form Meeting/Conference Period
12:05 – 12:45 — Lunch
12:55 – 2:15 — Y-Period
2:25 – 3:45 — AP Computer Science JAVA, Ms. Meek (never met her)
Tra la. Why are all my APs on the same day?
Someday I’ll meet someone whose heart joins with mine,
Aortas and arteries all entertwine.
They’ll beat so much stronger than they could apart,
With chambers of muscle to hustle the love in our heart.
Good gravy, I love that musical.
Woo! Go me! I just met with my art teacher for next year, Juliet McCullough, to decide which Studio Art class I should go in to. After seeing my portfolio from Parsons and my photography work (and a few CGs), she put me in AP Studio Art, meaning I placed out of Studio Art 1 and 2. Two years of art classes in one month! Go me! ::grooves:: She also said that I practically have half of my work cut out for me to begin with, as well, because my previous work would easily qualify for the “Breadth” requirement. I just have my “Concentration” to do now. Oh, I’m thrilled. Plus, this fits into my schedule perfectly. Topics in Advanced Mathematics (Honors level), AP Computer Science (Java), AP Physics B, whatever English courses I get in to (the registrar refused to tell me. I find out at book distribution tomorrow. Grr), AP Studio Art, and Advanced Photography. Gravy. Plus, AP Studio Art is considered a “solid”, so I won’t seem to colleges that I’m slacking off. Har! This school year is going to be fantastic.
Quote of the Day: I can’t type to save my life. However, I’m thinking the typing-to-save-my-life thing will probably never come up. –Jack Wingfield
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