Yayfun! I got to see Chungy, Marcelina, and Lizziebeth again finally! We all met at Sleeny’s house, where I gave her the book of Paul McCartney paintings I alluded to in NY. We went to “Read My Lips”, a French movie about a deaf girl who gets in a relationship with an ex-con. I saw that the theatre’s (The Magnolia, at the corner of Lennon and McCartney–actually Lemon and McKinney) midnight movie at the moment is “Amelie”, one of my favourite movies, so I’m excited. They’re also bringing back “The Producers”, “Ziggy Stardust”, and a bunch of other stuff. Har.

After the movie, we began a rather intricate series of vehicular choreography. We decided that it would be fun to watch “The Wizard of Oz” with Pink Floyd, so we first went to Blockbuster to rent Wizard. I impulsively bought the FotR DVD as well. Hurrah! Then, because I unconsciously left in the direction of my (and Elizabeth’s) house, rather than Marcelina’s house, we dropped off all our stuff. Then, we went to dinner at Zuzu’s, a Mexican restaurant, where we argued over who was the most corrupt. I argued that Marcelina and Elizabeth were the most corrupt, as a result of their summertime snogfests. Marcelina, Elizabeth, and Chungy declared that I was the most corrupt, as I had seen naked men in my figure drawing exploits at Parsons. I disagreed, saying that I had now been desentized against the male figure, and that if anyone ever tried to seduce me, I would pull out my sketchbook. We all made fun of Chungy for being embarrassed about the practically nonexistent nude scenes in “Read My Lips”. It was amusing.

Next, we went to Marcelina’s house, where Elizabeth, Chungy, and I watched movies about pie (doubleposted in Blogspotting) while Marcelina searched the house for her “Dark Side of the Moon” CD. Eventually, she gave up, and we had to settle for the LP. Fortunately, the record player is 5 feet away from the TV, so it all worked out. Elizabeth went back to her house to get some Ben&Jerry’s, at Chungy’s request, Chungy drove herself to my house to have her car handy, and Marcelina and I drove back in my car, as she’s been generally forbidden from operating motor vehicles due to her crash safety record. I got online to look up when you were supposed to start and flip the record and such, only to find that it doesn’t work with the LP due to the time required to flip. We decided to try anyway, as we had already rented the movie. Of course, the four of us were mystified as to how to operate my dad’s record player. There are so few knobs and switches — it’s crazy. We tried every switch on the player, to no avail. It had always been my dad operating it in the past; he never told me how to work it. We called my mom downstairs, who was equally stumped, and she called down my dad, whom I hadn’t realized was home. I didn’t see how he finally got it to work, but he did. Yay dad. We spent about 10 minutes trying to get the two in sync until we were satisfied.

The power of suggestion is a wonderful thing. We spent all of Side One pathetically marvelling at coincidences such as “It looks like Toto is laughing!” and “If that bell had been a second later, it would have corresponded with the appearance of the witch’s bicycle!”. We are all complete freaks. Of course, just as Dorothy was about to leave her house to enter the world of Technicolor, Side One ended. We stared. Marcelina flipped the record as I paused the film, but then none of us had the faintest idea how to get the turntable going again. We eventually gave up and watched FotR, resolving to find a CD copy of “Dark Side of the Moon” and try again later. Ah, well. It was fun while it lasted.

The entirety of LotR was spent in a state of MST3K, about 3/4 of the comments in reference to Cassie’s “Very Secret Diaries”. Pure genius, that. I lamented not getting to meet her in NYC. I showed Marcelina and Elizabeth (Chungy had left halfway through Wizard) my “Still the Prettiest” shirt and Megs’ scantily clad hobbit picture. They loved them. After it was over, we watched the Two Towers preview, which was absolute gravy. And Jo is right, I absolutely adore Pippin now. Too cute! ::hearts:: Afterwards, Elizabeth drove Marcelina home, and I went to sleep. Hurrah and yayfun!

Woo! My sister just got into SMU! She had a bad year at Scripps last semester, so she needed to transfer. Now she’s going to college 5 blocks from my house… gravy. But yay for her! We had to pull some major strings, as SMU already is bulging with students, but she’s in. Hurrah! ::does nifty college dance:: In other college news, I sent in the first part of my early decision application to Penn yesterday. Good stuff. ::crosses fingers:: Wish me luck?

Rebecca? Neil Gaiman.

Script, for Alicey:

Me: Now, if you could just say (on this recorder) “Lincoln is better than Wilson”?

Neil: I have to say “Lincoln is better than Wilson”?

Me: Yes.

Neil: Okay, I just said it.

(Natalie and I laugh)

Me: Thank you very much!

I love you all. Muah.

1. [Spell your name backwards] allicsirp (or eillecsirp, take your preference)

2. [Where do you live?]: Dallas

3. [Describe yourself in 4 words]: dear god not again

4. [Who/WHAT is your worst enemy?]: other drivers

5. [If you could have any animal for a pet, what would it be?]:

6. [What is the latest you’ve ever stayed up:] all night?

7. [Ever been to Belgium?]: Yes, actually. But I was 4 at the time.

8. [What’s your favorite coin?]: penny! Lincoln power! Ha, you don’t see Woodrow Wilson on any form of coinage!


9. [Wallet]: black, with a Paul Frank monkey head. It’s a nice monkey.

10. [Brush]: sea green

11. [Toothbrush]: purple

12. [Jewelry worn daily]: my watch (I’ve had it for three years and it’s getting a tad inaccurate, but no one cares), and either my senior ring or my heart ring (my sister and I both have them)

13. [Pillow cover]: I have several pillows. Most are festive and colorful.

14. [Blanket]: Festive and colorful, matching the pillows.

15. [Coffee cup]: I don’t drink coffee, but I take my hot chocolate in a coffee mug I made several years ago that has a very caffinated-looking sun and the words “Wake up and smell the coffee!”. It’s awesome. The background is blue, with perfect white polka dots. Go me.

16. [Sunglasses]: pretty blue polarized ones. Yay.

17. [Underwear]: huge and granny-sized

18. [Shoes]: size 42 Birkenstocks. Har.

19. [Handbag]: nonexistent

20. [Favorite top]: a blue baby doll shirt with the words “Percy is God and Boba Fett”, courtesy of Tanja.

21. [Favorite pants]: dark blue jeans

22. [Cologne/Perfume]: eau de Gaspode (I don’t use perfume)

23. [CD in stereo right now]: Urinetown, with Renata’s Tori mix CD and Dido and Aeneas up next.

24. [Tattoos]: yuck

25. [Piercings]: yuck again

26. [Wearing]: said Birkenstocks, said jeans, and a dark red shirt with “CUBA” in off-white letters.

27. [Hair]: in a ponytail, at the moment

28. [Makeup]: evil

WHAT/WHO (is/are)

29. [In my mouth]: teeth, tongue, saliva

30. [In my head]: a complex neural network

31. [Wishing]: my friends were on Y!M. Also that the evil burn mark on my forehead would heal.

32. [After this]: I shall get back to work on Britt’s birthday card

33. [Talking to]: no one… ::glares at Y!M window::

34. [Eating]: a tall Tazoberry, courtesy of Starbucks

35. [Do you like candles]: yes, but not burning in my room. That’s how my cousins lost their house a few months ago.

36. [Do you like hot wax]: yes, it’s fun to play with, if you don’t burn yourself.

37. [Do you like incense]: no

38. [Do you like the taste of blood]: zer drink zat’s in zer livink vein, Is not zer drink for me… ::clutches black ribbon on lapel::

40. [If you could get away with it and murder anyone, who and for what reason?] no one. I might say I could kill someone, but I’d drive myself insane with guilt.

41. [Person you wish you could be with right now]: Alicey. Or Tanja. or Chungy. or Sannali. or Renata. or anyone reading this.

42. [What/Who is next to you]: my cd player

43. [What do you want done with your body when you die]: exquisitely preserved and put on display in a public place to frighten small children. Actually, no.

44. [Do you believe in love]: I don’t know if I even am a true Bohemian revolutionary!

45. [Do you believe in soulmates]: if so, I have several

46. [Do you believe in love at first sight]: no

47. [Do you believe in Heaven]: I don’t think about it much

48. [Do you believe in forgiveness]: yes

49. [Do you believe in God]: a higher power, yes, but not the standard, Christian-accepted god.

50. [What’s something you wish you could understand better]: why it’s taking so bloody long for JK Rowling to finish book 5.

Alicey can testify to the fact that Britt’s (PDM, that is) belated b-day card is going fabulously. I’m thrilled at how well it’s going! Gah, I’m so happy I’m using digital media. If I had been using traditional media, I couldn’t bear to part with it!

My hobbits! My lovely hobbits! My scantily-clad, loincloth-wearing hobbits have arrived! Thank you, Megs! Muchas smoochies and schnoogleglomps abound!

It looks a hundred times better in person: I heart you, Megs!

Seej is going to burn me a copy of her Invader Zim collection as a “thank you” for the autographed Coraline I sent her! Hearts abound! I loff you! *mad schnoogles*

Whee! Finished reading all my LJ friends entries! Go me! And I finally ordered my copy of Sundowner, so all is merry.

Well, most things are merry. This morning, I had my senior yearbook photos taken, so I got all glammed up with a hairtrim (curly this time, rather than straight) and evil makeup of doom. Unfortunately, when Kurt (the hairdresser) was finishing up, he accidentally touched my forehead with the curling iron. I jerked back immediately, so the burn wasn’t too bad, but still, I have this odd, pallid, discolored splotch on my left temple. Not fun. Especially because my mom kept touching it. Ouch. Fortunately, the photographer said that he doubted it would show up in the pictures, so it’s all good. *nods and applies aloe to her forehead* Bah.

But Kurt is cool, so I forgive him. Hah, he’s actually the Bush girls’ hairdresser, too. Yet another amusing aspect of living in Dallas! My sister was in the twins’ class. Grandparents Day was always entertaining because of all Bush Sr.’s bodyguards. Har! Good times, good times.